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Broke In Thailand Living On $300 Per Month


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Wearing a shirt & tie at a desk in a clean , air conditioned room helping to shape young minds as opposed to laying around a sh*t-hole fan room in your underwear playing on a computer.

Sitting at the computer in your underwear is better and it's not even remotely close.

It all going to suck balls unless you have income from abroad. That's why it's cheaper here, it sucks balls.
That's why you need to get your finances in order before you get here.

Have to agree with this one.

With no money, what is the sense?

You have to be crazy to think you can have a fulfilling life in Thailand for $300 a month.

It seems down right crazy some one would live live a caveman in this day and age just to have sex once in a while?

The options are no money here or no money back home (plus having to live with family).

I've got a perfectly fulfilling life. For a start I'm free, unlike some ESL hack who has to sign in at the office at 7:30am wearing his shirt and tie. Not having to answer to any higher authority goes a great deal towards improving your quality of life and simply cannot be measured in monetary terms.

Plenty of nice things you can do here that don't cost a lot. Go to the park, rent one of those mats for 20 baht for a day, then sit by the lake with the gf listening to music. On Wednesdays, there's half price tickets at the cinema - so only 100-120 baht each. Saturday nights, you can predrink in your room (you know, just like you'd do back home) then buy one drink at a nightclub.

More money would be great of course, but no way would I ever become a teacher slave to get it. I'd honestly rather go back to the UK than work a Monday-Friday job over here for $1,000 a month.

While I would not really want to be a teacher, I like wearing a coat and tie to work.

If you are able to win consistently, how is it you are not able to make more money at it? Seems a bit suspect to me.
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While I would not really want to be a teacher, I like wearing a coat and tie to work.

If you are able to win consistently, how is it you are not able to make more money at it? Seems a bit suspect to me.

Well the argument 'if you're so good', why are you not making more' can be applied to every profession from all walks of life unless you happen to be talking to Donald Trump or Bill Gates.

The answer is that I win consistently, but I only win consistently at lower stakes - and because of the small buyins, it takes a long time to make any reasonable cash. The people who are crushing it for $5k+ USD a month play higher stakes than I do.

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While I would not really want to be a teacher, I like wearing a coat and tie to work.

If you are able to win consistently, how is it you are not able to make more money at it? Seems a bit suspect to me.

Well the argument 'if you're so good', why are you not making more' can be applied to every profession from all walks of life unless you happen to be talking to Donald Trump or Bill Gates.

The answer is that I win consistently, but I only win consistently at lower stakes - and because of the small buyins, it takes a long time to make any reasonable cash. The people who are crushing it for $5k+ USD a month play higher stakes than I do.

what about playing poker is illegal In thailand, you don't pay tax and don't have a workpermit
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no money here or no money back home (plus having to live with family)

Broke at home (plus no family), practically homeless.

Came here with a grant in my pocket, currently living on $150 monthly..some guys here say it's bullshit..no one can live on that, well..this is the truth.

Now I have more than that, along with a great woman who doesnt give a damn about my income.

And I am almost 50.

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Wearing a shirt & tie at a desk in a clean , air conditioned room helping to shape young minds as opposed to laying around a sh*t-hole fan room in your underwear playing on a computer.

Sitting at the computer in your underwear is better and it's not even remotely close.

It all going to suck balls unless you have income from abroad. That's why it's cheaper here, it sucks balls.

That's why you need to get your finances in order before you get here.

Have to agree with this one.

With no money, what is the sense?

You have to be crazy to think you can have a fulfilling life in Thailand for $300 a month.

It seems down right crazy some one would live live a caveman in this day and age just to have sex once in a while?

The options are no money here or no money back home (plus having to live with family).

I've got a perfectly fulfilling life. For a start I'm free, unlike some ESL hack who has to sign in at the office at 7:30am wearing his shirt and tie. Not having to answer to any higher authority goes a great deal towards improving your quality of life and simply cannot be measured in monetary terms.

Plenty of nice things you can do here that don't cost a lot. Go to the park, rent one of those mats for 20 baht for a day, then sit by the lake with the gf listening to music. On Wednesdays, there's half price tickets at the cinema - so only 100-120 baht each. Saturday nights, you can predrink in your room (you know, just like you'd do back home) then buy one drink at a nightclub.

More money would be great of course, but no way would I ever become a teacher slave to get it. I'd honestly rather go back to the UK than work a Monday-Friday job over here for $1,000 a month.

difference is you gave up

options to pull yourself out of the hole exist in your home country. they dont exist here since decent jobs and income are more or less barred to foreigners

so theres nothing really admirable about existing on 300 a month. you gave up and the longer you stay the harder it will be to ever improve things

sooner or later youll get an accident or something will come up and with no safety net youll be out of options (unless your really lucky)

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While I would not really want to be a teacher, I like wearing a coat and tie to work.

If you are able to win consistently, how is it you are not able to make more money at it? Seems a bit suspect to me.

Well the argument 'if you're so good', why are you not making more' can be applied to every profession from all walks of life unless you happen to be talking to Donald Trump or Bill Gates.

The answer is that I win consistently, but I only win consistently at lower stakes - and because of the small buyins, it takes a long time to make any reasonable cash. The people who are crushing it for $5k+ USD a month play higher stakes than I do.

So you only win at lower stakes because the competition is less formidable or because you are not staked such that you can bet more?

To be clear, in most professions, people that are good generally do earn more than people that are not good.

Edited by mogandave
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He can only beat the lowest of the low stakes, it's so poor down there that nobody with half a brain wastes their time there as the best you can hope for is 6$ an hour. He's not even close to being good for his limit either. There's a good chance that he needs to see a psychiatrist

Edited by bearpolar
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While I would not really want to be a teacher, I like wearing a coat and tie to work.

If you are able to win consistently, how is it you are not able to make more money at it? Seems a bit suspect to me.

Well the argument 'if you're so good', why are you not making more' can be applied to every profession from all walks of life unless you happen to be talking to Donald Trump or Bill Gates.

The answer is that I win consistently, but I only win consistently at lower stakes - and because of the small buyins, it takes a long time to make any reasonable cash. The people who are crushing it for $5k+ USD a month play higher stakes than I do.

So you only win at lower stakes because the competition is less formidable or because you are not staked such that you can bet more?

To be clear, in most professions, people that are good generally do earn more than people that are not good.

online gaming is not regulated, so you could get teased in with lower bet wins and find yourself wiped out when you get more confident, much worse then a casino situation where there is some oversight

other players can be plants, or just some guy sitting in his garage. reviews and chats can also be fake

Edited by fey
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While I would not really want to be a teacher, I like wearing a coat and tie to work.

If you are able to win consistently, how is it you are not able to make more money at it? Seems a bit suspect to me.

Well the argument 'if you're so good', why are you not making more' can be applied to every profession from all walks of life unless you happen to be talking to Donald Trump or Bill Gates.

The answer is that I win consistently, but I only win consistently at lower stakes - and because of the small buyins, it takes a long time to make any reasonable cash. The people who are crushing it for $5k+ USD a month play higher stakes than I do.

what about playing poker is illegal In thailand, you don't pay tax and don't have a workpermit

Wrong , a digital nomad can work online as long as he receives his salary abroad, pay his taxes there and do not live in Thailand on a permanent basis, and has a normal valid visa , like a tourist visa .

An online poker player is a digital nomad. In Thailand right now , around 2000 online poker players lives her at least half of the year . Just from my native country Norway I know of at least 10 players who makes a living of it .

It's not a Thai gambling site , its a foreign poker site , like Pokerstars .

Edited by balo
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While I would not really want to be a teacher, I like wearing a coat and tie to work.

If you are able to win consistently, how is it you are not able to make more money at it? Seems a bit suspect to me.

Well the argument 'if you're so good', why are you not making more' can be applied to every profession from all walks of life unless you happen to be talking to Donald Trump or Bill Gates.

The answer is that I win consistently, but I only win consistently at lower stakes - and because of the small buyins, it takes a long time to make any reasonable cash. The people who are crushing it for $5k+ USD a month play higher stakes than I do.

what about playing poker is illegal In thailand, you don't pay tax and don't have a workpermit

Wrong , a digital nomad can work online as long as he receives his salary abroad, pay his taxes there and do not live in Thailand on a permanent basis, and has a normal valid visa , like a tourist visa .

An online poker player is a digital nomad. In Thailand right now , around 2000 online poker players lives her at least half of the year . Just from my native country Norway I know of at least 10 players who makes a living of it .

It's not a Thai gambling site , its a foreign poker site , like Pokerstars .

Utter BS.
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Wrong , a digital nomad can work online as long as he receives his salary abroad, pay his taxes there and do not live in Thailand on a permanent basis, and has a normal valid visa , like a tourist visa .

An online poker player is a digital nomad. In Thailand right now , around 2000 online poker players lives her at least half of the year . Just from my native country Norway I know of at least 10 players who makes a living of it .

It's not a Thai gambling site , its a foreign poker site , like Pokerstars .

Utter BS.

yes its bs as theres way more than 2000

though most of them are living on 200-500$ a month so i wouldnt call them real poker players. Lots of them also turn to scamming/stealing/selling drugs because they are so horrible at the game and mentally unstable just like OP

There's also hundreds of players playing live games in bangkok and other cities in thai poker clubs.

Edited by bearpolar
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Wrong , a digital nomad can work online as long as he receives his salary abroad, pay his taxes there and do not live in Thailand on a permanent basis, and has a normal valid visa , like a tourist visa .

An online poker player is a digital nomad. In Thailand right now , around 2000 online poker players lives her at least half of the year . Just from my native country Norway I know of at least 10 players who makes a living of it .

It's not a Thai gambling site , its a foreign poker site , like Pokerstars .

Utter BS.

yes its bs as theres way more than 2000

though most of them are living on 200-500$ a month so i wouldnt call them real poker players. Lots of them also turn to scamming/stealing/selling drugs because they are so horrible at the game and mentally unstable just like OP

There's also hundreds of players playing live games in bangkok and other cities in thai poker clubs.

...I..., why are you so mad at the world? Keep taking the tablets buddy. Consider increasing the dose.

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So you only win at lower stakes because the competition is less formidable or because you are not staked such that you can bet more?

The first of course - obviously if I had the ability I'd prefer to be crushing the high stakes and raking in $10k a month.

There's also bankroll requirements (i.e. even if I had the ability, I couldn't grind high stakes now because my bankroll isn't high enough - though I 100% do not have the ability to beat the high stakes).

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what about playing poker is illegal In thailand, you don't pay tax and don't have a workpermit

What about it? Laws that aren't enforced aren't actually laws - see for example, prostitution being illegal in Thailand too.

Prostitution isn't illegal in Thailand. But acting in a lewd manner in public is illegal.

(can you understand the difference?)

Gambling is illegal and rigorously enforced by the police.

I've seen a whole room of people arrested and loaded into a police truck, for playing dominoes at 10bht a game.

Held overnight in police cells and fined by a judge in court the next morning.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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what about playing poker is illegal In thailand, you don't pay tax and don't have a workpermit

What about it? Laws that aren't enforced aren't actually laws - see for example, prostitution being illegal in Thailand too.

Prostitution isn't illegal in Thailand. But acting in a lewd manner in public is illegal.

(can you understand the difference?)

Gambling is illegal and rigorously enforced by the police.

I've seen a whole room of people arrested and loaded into a police truck, for playing dominoes at 10bht a game.

Held overnight in police cells and fined by a judge in court the next morning.

I think the chance of the Thai police monitoring my internet connection to see what I'm getting up to is remote to say the least. I probably have more chance of winning the national lottery than having some cops burst into my room because I was playing poker. Let's get real here.

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what about playing poker is illegal In thailand, you don't pay tax and don't have a workpermit

What about it? Laws that aren't enforced aren't actually laws - see for example, prostitution being illegal in Thailand too.

Prostitution isn't illegal in Thailand. But acting in a lewd manner in public is illegal.

(can you understand the difference?)

Gambling is illegal and rigorously enforced by the police.

I've seen a whole room of people arrested and loaded into a police truck, for playing dominoes at 10bht a game.

Held overnight in police cells and fined by a judge in court the next morning.

I think the chance of the Thai police monitoring my internet connection to see what I'm getting up to is remote to say the least. I probably have more chance of winning the national lottery than having some cops burst into my room because I was playing poker. Let's get real here.

They get tipped off by members of your household or friends.

If you live alone.... safe.

If you have a gf or boast ..... not safe.

The raid I witnessed was initiated by a cleaner.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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While I would not really want to be a teacher, I like wearing a coat and tie to work.

If you are able to win consistently, how is it you are not able to make more money at it? Seems a bit suspect to me.

Well the argument 'if you're so good', why are you not making more' can be applied to every profession from all walks of life unless you happen to be talking to Donald Trump or Bill Gates.

The answer is that I win consistently, but I only win consistently at lower stakes - and because of the small buyins, it takes a long time to make any reasonable cash. The people who are crushing it for $5k+ USD a month play higher stakes than I do.

what about playing poker is illegal In thailand, you don't pay tax and don't have a workpermit

Wrong , a digital nomad can work online as long as he receives his salary abroad, pay his taxes there and do not live in Thailand on a permanent basis, and has a normal valid visa , like a tourist visa .

An online poker player is a digital nomad. In Thailand right now , around 2000 online poker players lives her at least half of the year . Just from my native country Norway I know of at least 10 players who makes a living of it .

It's not a Thai gambling site , its a foreign poker site , like Pokerstars .

Utter BS.

Just facts , I have friends that earn way more than OP playing poker from Thailand.

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While I would not really want to be a teacher, I like wearing a coat and tie to work.

If you are able to win consistently, how is it you are not able to make more money at it? Seems a bit suspect to me.

Well the argument 'if you're so good', why are you not making more' can be applied to every profession from all walks of life unless you happen to be talking to Donald Trump or Bill Gates.

The answer is that I win consistently, but I only win consistently at lower stakes - and because of the small buyins, it takes a long time to make any reasonable cash. The people who are crushing it for $5k+ USD a month play higher stakes than I do.

what about playing poker is illegal In thailand, you don't pay tax and don't have a workpermit

Wrong , a digital nomad can work online as long as he receives his salary abroad, pay his taxes there and do not live in Thailand on a permanent basis, and has a normal valid visa , like a tourist visa .

An online poker player is a digital nomad. In Thailand right now , around 2000 online poker players lives her at least half of the year . Just from my native country Norway I know of at least 10 players who makes a living of it .

It's not a Thai gambling site , its a foreign poker site , like Pokerstars .

Utter BS.

Just facts , I have friends that earn way more than OP playing poker from Thailand.

no facts, nonsense spread by digital nomads
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They get tipped off by members of your household or friends.

If you live alone.... safe.

If you have a gf or boast ..... not safe.

The raid I witnessed was initiated by a cleaner.

I've got serious doubts most Thais would actually understand what the heck was going on if they saw the computer screen.

Anyway you can find a doom and gloom story for every activity possible on Earth. We both know in reality the chance of getting busted here is extremely slim, almost non-existent. Rather like that other guy who was whining about health insurance in case of a motorbike accident, you're all talking about events that are unlikely - highly unlikely.

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They get tipped off by members of your household or friends.

If you live alone.... safe.

If you have a gf or boast ..... not safe.

The raid I witnessed was initiated by a cleaner.

I've got serious doubts most Thais would actually understand what the heck was going on if they saw the computer screen.

Anyway you can find a doom and gloom story for every activity possible on Earth. We both know in reality the chance of getting busted here is extremely slim, almost non-existent. Rather like that other guy who was whining about health insurance in case of a motorbike accident, you're all talking about events that are unlikely - highly unlikely.

I am that guy and your off your flapping rocker if you think you cannot get hurt here and I am not whining; in all honesty now, if you got hit by a truck or fell off your girl friends Motorbike (or are you too poor to afford fuel; no wait a minute, your just using a baht bus most likely) it would make no difference to me and your Embassy would not give a shit as well. Your the silent minority I want seen gone from Thailand. Your just using people (like your girlfriend) as you life is so shit back in your home country.

Your sailing close to the wind mate - just not only on working illegally but with a whole host of other stuff.

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They get tipped off by members of your household or friends.

If you live alone.... safe.

If you have a gf or boast ..... not safe.

The raid I witnessed was initiated by a cleaner.

I've got serious doubts most Thais would actually understand what the heck was going on if they saw the computer screen.

Anyway you can find a doom and gloom story for every activity possible on Earth. We both know in reality the chance of getting busted here is extremely slim, almost non-existent. Rather like that other guy who was whining about health insurance in case of a motorbike accident, you're all talking about events that are unlikely - highly unlikely.

While would agree your chance of getting busted playing penny-ante poker online are remote, being involved in a motorcycle accident (assuming you ride one here) is not.

That said, insurance if for suckers, the state will take care of you.

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They get tipped off by members of your household or friends.

If you live alone.... safe.

If you have a gf or boast ..... not safe.

The raid I witnessed was initiated by a cleaner.

I've got serious doubts most Thais would actually understand what the heck was going on if they saw the computer screen.

Anyway you can find a doom and gloom story for every activity possible on Earth. We both know in reality the chance of getting busted here is extremely slim, almost non-existent. Rather like that other guy who was whining about health insurance in case of a motorbike accident, you're all talking about events that are unlikely - highly unlikely.

We will wait for a begging post from your parents when it does happen
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They get tipped off by members of your household or friends.

If you live alone.... safe.

If you have a gf or boast ..... not safe.

The raid I witnessed was initiated by a cleaner.

I've got serious doubts most Thais would actually understand what the heck was going on if they saw the computer screen.

Anyway you can find a doom and gloom story for every activity possible on Earth. We both know in reality the chance of getting busted here is extremely slim, almost non-existent. Rather like that other guy who was whining about health insurance in case of a motorbike accident, you're all talking about events that are unlikely - highly unlikely.

While would agree your chance of getting busted playing penny-ante poker online are remote, being involved in a motorcycle accident (assuming you ride one here) is not.

That said, insurance if for suckers, the state will take care of you.

not in thailand
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While would agree your chance of getting busted playing penny-ante poker online are remote, being involved in a motorcycle accident (assuming you ride one here) is not.

That said, insurance if for suckers, the state will take care of you.

Well I obviously don't own a motorbike. Occasionally take a motorbike to big C, but that's about it. The chances are fairly slim. Not impossible, but not worth worrying about really.

Regarding getting busted for playing poker, I honestly think there's more chance of being struck by lightning on a sunny day.

We will wait for a begging post from your parents when it does happen

Because of course, anything bad that can theoretically happen, will happen, right?

Pretty sure my family wouldn't leave me to die in the streets though I'm sure someone will come up with some about how that's 'irresponsible' and 'using people' too.

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