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Confirmed: Alcohol ban near Thai schools, universities starts TODAY


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Tawandaeng German Brewery, on the corner of Narathiwas and Rama 3 roads, is located IMMEDIATELY next to a school, if I'm not mistaken. Let's see them close THAT one. Then there's the Tesco a stone's throw away. And 7-11 opposite the school. Might as well just completely shut down alcohol sales in Thailand. What brainless nitwits are running this country.

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Congratulations to a Responsible, sane Government for introducing this law to rid us of the drunken oafs who have no idea of self control.

May the drunken louts and those idiots who support them, use this opportunity to sober-up...they may live longer and at the same time cause less carnage on our roads.

Apparently those who drink only buy near schools.

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A bad law is worse than no law at all and this one's a disgrace leaving ' near ' not defined and interpretation in the hands of people who don't enjoy the public's trust.

I can imagine the BIB will be very busy visiting various establishments to advise they've been deemed ' near ' a school / university and now then what we do next ?

Let the financial games begin.

Just another vague law left to interpretation and judgement when and when not to apply by individual officers.

All who pay or have the right connections won't be inconvenienced.

A ThB 7 million "reward" is peanuts compared to this "interesting" law. Let the games begin indeed!

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It's not their fault, they are unaware how funny they are. Having experienced the same comedy from previous governments, I must now conclude that it is a involuntary reflex from the burden of governing the country. It's not by design, it just happens, albeit a lot, here...

Again, don't blame, they are, mmmh, 'special people' with 'special needs' who are coping as best they can in their imaginary world.

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Wow! talk about stupid. It would be easier to think of schools that are not near to a place that sells booze. But again that depends on what you would term near. So restaurants, hotels, 7/11's, wholesale outlets, Macro, and a host of other companies including your favourite watering holes are going to be under scrutiny and subject to closure or at the very least will be as some have said open to being pressured to pay to play from the BIB.

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Tawandaeng German Brewery, on the corner of Narathiwas and Rama 3 roads, is located IMMEDIATELY next to a school, if I'm not mistaken. Let's see them close THAT one. Then there's the Tesco a stone's throw away. And 7-11 opposite the school. Might as well just completely shut down alcohol sales in Thailand. What brainless nitwits are running this country.

I'm sure that 7/11 won't be affected, they are owned by one of the "untouchable families". I suspect that the same will be true of Tesco and the brewery.

This will screw the little people. As everyone else (just about) has already said, "tea money" extortion nothing more nothing less.

The military have little love for the police, but there are rather a lot of them (coppers), and I suppose that they have to keep them sweet. Unless of course the military are to take a lead in enforcing this one - it may well be deemed to be a matter of national security...

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Aren't all the schools on holidays at the moment anyway ?Also

Also, the last time they went through this whole alcohol on sale near the schools thing we were informed that a new law comes into force 30 days after it's published in the gazette.

Edited by ukrules
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Just a few "places of interest"

1) Silom Road, Patpong 1 & 2, within 150 meters of "Christian University"

2) Khaosan Road, western end within 350m of "The Military News School", and eastern end within 250m of "King Mongkut University"

3) Nana Plaza, no obvious school within 500m

4) Soi Cowboy, no obvious school within 500m

5) Sukhumvit Soi 7 to Soi 13, within 300m of Wannawit School

6) My favorite mom & pop restaurant in Khon Kaen, serving Leo with ice, within 300 m of Voc. Tech School.

Break out the dictionaries, the definition of "near" (in Thai) will be hotly debated.

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Congratulations to a Responsible, sane Government for introducing this law to rid us of the drunken oafs who have no idea of self control.

May the drunken louts and those idiots who support them, use this opportunity to sober-up...they may live longer and at the same time cause less carnage on our roads.


"One day at a time" Bill (angry that he can't partake anymore, boo hoo)

Alcoholic Zealots Anonymous

(caveat: I don't drink either, but I don't give a tinker's da*m what other people choose to do. That's their lives and their business, not mine.)

Next up - No food stalls on any streets. May the over-weight, obese idiots (like alcoholics who have given up the drink and turned to food) use this opportunity to get skinney...they may live longer and at the same time cause less clog-ups in the sewer systems.

Edited by connda
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I'm assuming that all the Hi-so and military watering holes are well outside the 300m limit. Or will this be a case of 'close', like horse-shoes and hand-granades. "Well, Club Hi-so isn't that close." I wonder how many schools on military bases are within the 300 meter range of an Officer's Club. Or perhaps they don't have schools on base. But if they did, I'm assuming they'd have to tear down the school. Maybe?

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We had the people who are policing this around to our bar. They had a hi-tech piece of kit and that showed that were were precisely 310 metres awy from the school. Will be expecting another visit in the near future.

The Midnight closing is another scam, enforced here because we are on the main road, the places around the corner can stay open and off the main road can stay open, nonsensical!

Pray that no 'slip-fault' earthquakes take you 10.25 meters closer. Lol

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This is pure genius. Studies demonstrate that no Thai person can walk more than 300 meters outside of a mall.

My own plan is to rent an empty space in Sukhumvit and extract Tea money from local bars not to turn it into a school for young impressionable Thai students. tongue.png

Are you accepting Venture Capital. Like your idea! clap2.gif

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But I came to Thailand to drink my life away!!!!!

I live in 2000 baht guesthouse, only 299 meters from school, and i have beers all over my place.......should i report myself?

i sell beer to myself, then buy it back cheap.........

this is not paradise anymore!!!!!!

Edited by puukao
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Where are all the junta apologists now?

Well I'm not a Junta apologist but I can reply like one for this thread.

To my mind it's a lot more sensible to have this vague definition rather than a fixed (potentially inflexible) xxx meters.

To my mind it's fine to not want the kids coming in and out of a school entrance passing a bunch of guys sat around drinking. "When you're older and have finished school, you will be sat around drinking too because there's no work for you" - It's not a great role model for them.

But a bar/cafe on a street behind a school with no visibility or access could easily be caught by an xxx meter rule when in reality it's no more significant than a cafe 1 mile away.

The flexibility in law gives it the potential to be used sensibly (lol, lol, etc).

Of course, TIT, and it could also be used "creatively" by those motivated to do so. But there already have an abundance of ammunition in this area anyway, so it doesn't really change anything in that respect.

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