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CPI Inflation 2015

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It seems the US Consumer Price Index is running less than 1% inflation although some stats will show it at 0% or negative inflation.

Now lets look at the price of eggs in 2015 (source US Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Year 2015

Jan:2.113 Feb:2.088 Mar:2.133 Apr:2.065 May:1.962

Jun:2.570 Jul:2.570 Aug:2.943 Sep:2.966

January eggs cost 2.113 / dozen

September eggs cost 2.966 / dozen

Sixth grade math: ((2.966/2.113) -1) * 100 = 40.37% increase over 9 months.

But, but, but - the government said there is No Inflation or just a little, bitsy bit.

I'm thinking we need to employ sixth grade students to run the Bureau of Labor Statistics. What do you think???

Of course, food and energy costs, the exact items that impact the lives of everyone except for the upper 5% of the population, and especially impact those at the lowest end, are conveniently massaged in the inflation numbers. Talk about an inconvenient truth. The truest measure of inflation was calculated by the US government 1980 and prior, revised to make it look better over the years since. Wow! Look at what they tossed out:


(source: The Market Oracle Mar 14, 2008 - US Manipulated CPI Inflation Statistics- Stagflation 1980 and Now

Now, that's a better massage job than you can get at a Sukhumvit massage shop, but the government gets the 'happy ending'.

Now the government has massaged it even more using an index called C-CPI-U (Chain-Weighted CPI-U) which further decreases inflation, until - ***Poof***, Magik: negative inflation. Why? It's use to calculate Social Security cost of living adjustments, which in 2016 is.....nada, nothing, 0%. Yes, eggs go up by 40%, but the government has to do it's job to kill off grandma and grandpa. Starve them off using inflation. Actually, can't afford housing, can't afford health-care, can't afford food, and hey, let's get rid of Social Security completely. We could wipe out the Baby Boomers in less than 10 years. Expose them to the elements; withhold or make health-care unaffordable; and starve them.
How could we put this in 1984 Double-Speak: Inflation is Deflation; Inflation is Prosperity; Inflation is Wealth.

post-87058-0-48279100-1445604825_thumb.p How about Poverty is Prosperity?

Well, my grandma used to eat canned dog food sandwiches during WWII. But heck, canned dog food will be out of the price range of fixed income pensioners in a few years. Well, like Henry Kissinger said, "The elderly are useless eaters."1 No better way to get rid of them better then staving them to death. And by the way Henry, at 92 years old, isn't it about time for you to check out? I'll put some Visine in my eyes and cry a few crocodile tears for ya when you depart this plane of existence to whatever hellish realm you end up in. You and all the other eugenicists.

Personally, I'm hoping for an X40 class solar flare, or even better, a direct 10km in diameter meteor hit like the Chicxulub event in the Cretaceous era that wiped out the dinosaurs. I'm pretty sure that both would level out the playing field for the 1% and 99% alike. I sort of like the meteor hit better; more efficient leveling effect. Misery loves company!

And like the dinosaur extinction event, the Earth would do just fine afterward. Next intelligent species walking the planet - cockroaches. Pretty much the same species as politicians, the 1%er elite, bankers, upper-level corporate executives, and bureaucrats at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Well, at least we would know what they would all reincarnate into. Lol.

1 The Final Days by H. Kissinger


US government only lie about the CPI?

News papers here (in AU) for lack of any real news print miss truths half lies half truths, TV news every night informs us of the stock market ups or downs...were all experts now and it wasn't so long a go quite a few aussie expert part time know all economists were walking around telling there mates we pay our selves to much...


yep. The metric they use today is ridiculous. My Medical is up 28 % every year and is now becoming close to unmanageable. The price of cars is up dramatically for anything above shoebox size. Clothes and furnishings can be kept under control (except for one of my ex GFs that was a shopping nut). Food is not so bad given Wal Mart cheap prices and the competition among so many big store chains


yep. The metric they use today is ridiculous. My Medical is up 28 % every year and is now becoming close to unmanageable. The price of cars is up dramatically for anything above shoebox size. Clothes and furnishings can be kept under control (except for one of my ex GFs that was a shopping nut). Food is not so bad given Wal Mart cheap prices and the competition among so many big store chains

I left the US for about 2 years and went back for a vacation. My family went out to buy food for a BBQ and I was like, OMG, what happened to the prices in the last two years?

That was about 7 years ago. Now I can only imagine. And yeah, Health Care. It's that one item that essentially stops me in my tracks from going back to the US. I'd be in poverty just trying to pay the premiums, and if I had to use it, the automatic $5000 deducible and co-pays would bankrupt me. And if I could actually get my wife a visa to live in the US (seems you need to be Hispanic or an Muslim 'refugee' to obtain a visa), the Health Care system would put us in abject poverty.

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