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Germany tightens asylum rules from today to cope with record migrant influx


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Germany tightens asylum rules from today to cope with record migrant influx


BERLIN: -- Germany is tightening asylum rules from Saturday – a week earlier than planned – to try to better manage the unprecedented influx of migrants and refugees.

The tighter regulations aim to speed up asylum and extradition procedures for migrants from southeastern Europe, in order to focus on refugees from war-torn countries such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

“We want to get better and faster this year at the deportation of rejected applicants who have no claim to remain here,” said Peter Altmaier, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s chief of staff.

Support for Merkel’s conservatives is falling due to concern over the refugee crisis, with many Germans feeling the country cannot cope.

Government figures show that while many arriving in Germany are fleeing war in the Middle East, at least a third are economic migrants from the Balkans who can have little hope of staying legally.

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said: “Those who must leave our country and have been given a deadline for doing so will have their benefits reduced to nothing, only receiving what is immediately necessary until they have left.”

Volunteer doctors and dentists treating newcomers are struggling to cope.

“We have to rely on donations for medicines and equipment,” said dentist Sabine Schweden, who cares for refugees staying in a sports hall in Berlin.

“These are disposable, for example,” she said, holding up one of her dental tools.

“We have to beg.”

With talk of a million or more asylum seekers arriving in Germany this year – by far the most in the EU – emergency shelters are filling up nationwide.

And with record numbers reaching Greece by boat in recent days, many more will be headed in Germany’s direction.

Several European leaders are due to meet on Sunday to tackle the migrant crisis in the western Balkans as thousands trying to reach Germany are trapped in deteriorating conditions with the approach of winter.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-24

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German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said: “Those who must leave our country and have been given a deadline for doing so will have their benefits reduced to nothing, only receiving what is immediately necessary until they have left.”

Just like I thought. They are NOT going to deport anyone. In fact, they will continue to give them what is "immediately necessary until they have left," which might be . . . never! And those that don't get enough free goodies to suit themselves? What will they do? I imagine an entire refugee crime syndicate will be born on German soil. How good does it feel now, dear Merkel and other Germans, after all that moral posturing you took a few weeks ago?

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Deutschland, Deutschland über alles was the manta song sung 70 years ago by the Germans, now it is sung by the refuges who sees Germany as their meal ticket to welfare life, I mean who wouldn't want to settle in Germany? but a poor family say, from Indonesia or Bolivia will be allowed to settle in Germany or any other EU country like these refugees gate crushers are allowed to do? you know the answer to than....

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German politics is doomed to success. If measures fail, there will be "alternatives" beyond the democratic spectrum and (almost) nobody in Germany wants that.

In 2014, when the world was more or less in order, from those who had no right to stay in Germany 21000 people left voluntarily, around 9000 were forced to leave. And people think Germany will not be able to increase these numbers massively?

What I do find surprising though: quite a few people seem to hope that Germany will collapse.

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Those from the Balkan states could actually come to Germany and stay legally for a while (and explore options) but many are choosing applying as a refugee, even though not one application has ever been granted due to economic hardship - it boggles the mind why people believe hearsay more than facts, even in the age of the all-knowing internet and smart phones.

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Keep sending the migrants through to Germany. The damage has been done with the open

arms proclamation of Mama Merkel. The real wave will arrive next year now that everyone

has received her welcome invitation and they will have had a chance to prepare. coffee1.gif

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"Support for Merkel’s conservatives is falling due to concern over the refugee crisis, with many Germans feeling the country cannot cope."

It never ceases to amaze me how intelligent? Politicians can get it so wrong,even an idiot would have known the people would not want this massive invasion of economic Migrants.

let us hope it costs Merkel her job! she deserves nothing less!

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"Support for Merkel’s conservatives is falling due to concern over the refugee crisis, with many Germans feeling the country cannot cope."

It never ceases to amaze me how intelligent? Politicians can get it so wrong,even an idiot would have known the people would not want this massive invasion of economic Migrants.

let us hope it costs Merkel her job! she deserves nothing less!

Merkel, a few other EU politicians and EU bureaucrats aren't interested in the views of the people.

They see "the bigger picture, their own vision", which of course has them at the top of the shit heap they created. The won't care that the European Christian heritage is replaced by some Moslem immigrant culture and that once nice clean, respectful countries, where families could live and prosper for generations is lost forever; turned into the crap heaps these people made of their own countries.

Once the freebies stop, someone expects them to work, and someone expects them to respect the laws of their new countries, watch the shit hit the fan.

Already we see wide spread organized sexual abuse and trafficking of non Moslem women and children in Britain. Organized gangs of Moslem men acting for years and covered by polices scared shittless someone will play the racist / islamaphope card.

The more you give these people the more they will take, the more they will demand and the more they will begin to rule their new countries. PC = Lunatics running the asylum.

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Deutschland, Deutschland über alles was the manta song sung 70 years ago by the Germans, now it is sung by the refuges who sees Germany as their meal ticket to welfare life, I mean who wouldn't want to settle in Germany? but a poor family say, from Indonesia or Bolivia will be allowed to settle in Germany or any other EU country like these refugees gate crushers are allowed to do? you know the answer to than....

Bolivia ? They have Muslims too?

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So Germany will force Islamic migrants who do not qualify for refugee status to leave?

I forsee a lot of resistance from them including, perhaps, many IEDs. I hope that the German people don't have to suffer for their good-hearted policy.

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So Germany will force Islamic migrants who do not qualify for refugee status to leave?

I forsee a lot of resistance from them including, perhaps, many IEDs. I hope that the German people don't have to suffer for their good-hearted policy.

Don't worry about that. The minority German taxpayers will be very happy to fund the many thousands of long drawn out court cases invoking European human rights and every other legal loophole to circumvent the immigration rules.

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Sometimes you just need a little nudge from the audience to get your feet back on the ground and have a go. (Oct 17, 2015)

White Nationalism is happening all over the world now.

Bring on the bad attacks, but that is exactly what is bringing this about.

You see... you got too greedy and now the chickens are comeing home to roost, or as they say... the giant is waking up.

Numbers do matter when numbers are factual and accurate, yes?

"Did you ever walk into your hotel room in a Mexican city and turn on the lights and watch the cockroaches flee for every crack and crevice and hiding place there was to be had?"

Edited by Income4meandU
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