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Thalang Police bust Phuket man with less than a gram of crystal meth, charge him with possession, in

Jonathan Fairfield

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Thalang Police bust Phuket man with less than a gram of crystal meth, charge him with possession, intent to sell


PHUKET: Police officers who arrested a Thalang man with 800 milligrams of crystal meth last night said they would not be able expand the investigation further due to insufficient information.

Given the blessings of Phuket Police Commander, Gen Patchara Boonyasit, a Phuket Drug Suppression unit, led by Pol Maj Littichai Chumchuai, last night arrestsed a 31-year-old small-time drug dealer at his home in Si Sunthon's Moo 2.

The suspect, named as Mr Atsanai "Bob" Jumnien was detained after a search of his home uncovered a bag of crystal meth, weighing 0.8 grams – 800 mg.

In the raid police also seized a "ice smoking device" (Ice is slang for crystal meth), B5,500 in cash, 20 plastic bags and an accountant book thought to be used to record drug deals.

Maj Littichai said that his team were tipped off yesterday that the suspect was dealing crystal meth and meth pills (Ya Ba).

-- Phuket News 2015-10-25

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I do not know much about Ya Ba but that seems like a very small amount.

How much would one hit weigh and how long would that last?

He was charged with possession with intent to sell, based on the 20 empty bags, that were not going to stay empty for long, the cash, and the account / customer book, setting out previous drug deals.

He did not have any scales for weighing, which means he is just a street level dealer.

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Despite the fact that I dislike drug dealers in general, I can't help but feel for this guy who is probably at the bottom end of the drug dealing chain yet he's going to prison for a long time while those further up the drug dealing food chain are protected.

Life just isn't fair.. but he was stupid to keep the paraphernalia in his home along with a book.

I really hope he doesn't get too long. He deserves to do some time to teach him a lesson, but I just hope it's not so long that it messes up his life.

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The empty bags were the connection to dealing, unless they were scattered around and previously had meth in them. Since he's got a pipe he seems like a user who possibly got his for free for selling to friends

I think he should get treatment instead of jail, like they do to alcoholics.

But a Winnie the Pooh book to record your crack sales in?? Really?

Personally, I'd never use a drug named after part of your ass.

Edited by Guitar God
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A friend of mine (Thai Woman) was caught with .2 grams of Ice and accussed of being a dealer.

She had been dobbed in by someone else as the BiB apprehended her coming out of a 7/11.

When I went to find out what was going to happen to my friend,

I was told that she was a dealer

(Which carries a much harsher sentence).

I queried how did the police know that ???

The police translator said when she came outside of 7/11 she received a phone call and the BiB could hear the person on the other end order a deal.

Absolute rubbish.

I have been here a long time and my Thai mates told me that a Thai motorcycle taxi driver put her in after refusing to have sex with him.

He was hunted by many but quickly dissappeared.

When I spoke of this to the translator they were visibly shockef that I knew of this.

The translator then went on to say that to keep her out of jail 50,000baht needed to be paid to the big boss to start negotiations then approx... 350,000 baht will clear everything.

I refused so they started to try scare tactics such as threatening to keep her locked up for 5 years.

I said that my friend is not a dealer and it is a trumped up charge to extort more money.

If they wanted proof of this we can go to an ATM and I will show them she has only 10.51 baht there, doesnt own a m/bike and I look after them(child) for their room.

The translator then went on to say "look, we know what we are doing is Illegal, but big boss wants the money under the table".

I walked out to their dismay.

They hurriedly asked why and I said I am not paying that ridiculous amount, she can do time, to which she is doing now as we speak, 2.5 years.

I did all this necause I love the child.

No other reason.

The translator then offered me to be able to have her released for two days if I pay 1,000baht,but a good Thai friend warned me against it as the BiB want her to run and then I will take her place.

I have found out through all of this that they target the Thai families with members that have similar offences against them the same amounts as foreigners.

This is a Multi Billion Baht industry on a daily basis nation wide.

What she did was stupid and wrong !! But in the same breath of wind I think a suspended sentence would be the answer combined with a blood test once week every week for the length of the sentence.

Failure to meet clean blood samples or arrive for testing would mean immediate jail time rather clogging the system up causing unecessary cost to the state.

That will never happen as there is too much money to be made.

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