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If you're stressing about your food, you're doing it wrong. Stress is a killer. Just go have regular checkups and enjoy whatever you're stuffing in your mouth.

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It's like saying, "is it OK to smoke 2 cigarettes a day?"

You can find people of 95 years old who have been smoking 2 packs a day.

That still does not mean its good for you.


It's like saying, "is it OK to smoke 2 cigarettes a day?"

You can find people of 95 years old who have been smoking 2 packs a day.

That still does not mean its good for you.

It's not like saying that at all.

It's more like saying it's okay to drink a glass of whole milk a day.

Any number of things, in fact most things are (or can be) bad for you. Everything is a trade off.


I too like eggs, unfortunately eggs do not like me.

I have high cholesterol and take medication for it. The cholesterol is not a function of my diet, as much as it is my physiology, my body naturally produces cholesterol. Even when I watched my cholesterol intake, to the point of consuming zero cholesterol containing foods I had high cholesterol.

on the other hand, my ex-wife would eat pizza every day and have perfect cholesterol.sad.png Grrrrrrr

So difficult to say, compounding the difficulty are the number of contradicting studies on the subject.

So my point is. How is your cholesterol? your blood pressure? your weight? if everything is good......

Don't worry, cholestrol in food is broken down in your stomach.

Think about it in a logical way, our stomach brakes down down food to become nutrition for our body, as it doesn't absorb fat, cholestrol, carbohydrates directly it has to "suck" up different nutritions in different parts of the Intestines system.

Not once are food, i.e. pork fat, chicken egg, directly absorbed in our body, but will be converted for our body to process and use for energy, mineral and vitamin uptake. Fat and carbs are used as energy, protein to build muscles. If your metabolism is functioning normally, you don't get any side effects by most food, but if you are overweight, as I, many hormones are activated or inactivated and they in turn trigger the liver and other glands with an over or under production.

Depending on otherwise what you eat and your physique, eggs doesn't trigger, to my knowledge, increased production of the bad (LDL) cholesterol. If you are worried about high LDL, exercise is the best way to decrease it.


Moderation is key.Maybe don't eat them more than 2 days A week.3 the most.You can try Oatmeal,cream of wheat.Maybe cold ce rial.Maybe every now and then pancakes or French toast.

I too like eggs and have often wondered if I eat too many. My favorite breakfast is pork sausage gravy, with onion fried potatoes, sunny-side up eggs, bacon and buttermilk biscuits--scones to some--gin bloody Mary, and black coffee. I eat it or something similar maybe once a week.

This morning was it; I had a three-egg, bacon, onion, tomato, and cheese omelet with biscuits, black coffee, and tomato juice.

Once a week I eat fruits, crepes, waffles, pancakes, cereal, porridge, milk or yogurt, muffins or toast, jellies and jams, and coffee or tea in any combination is a great breakfast too.

Once or twice a week, I like garlic fried rice with bacon, or rice porridge with fish, or noodle soup with dimsum.

About twice a week I enjoy papaya with lime--or pamelo, mango, pineapple, bananas--whole wheat muffins or toast and strong black coffee.

Another two or three days a week, I won't awake until afternoon, so I have lunch. Had meatloaf, cauliflower, and salad yesterday.

Sorry guys, got carried away; the wife is making spicy chicken fingers, chips, and carrot sticks with gorgonzola dip--one of my favorite lunches.

Mais oui Monsieur Creosote....just one more teeny after dinner mint?

mais non, mon cher crabe de boue; apres diner, un grand part de cheesecake mangue--got to have a good dessert


My blood pressure and cholesterol levels are normal. for some months I eat Fish oil and coconut oil caps and curcuma caps.

I do not believe the story about the bad cholesterol. I saw a report with a high competent expert for internal medicine. He said nobody should ever be afraid if his cholesterol is under 300. everything else is fearmongering. I just found out that eggs contains high phosphorus. phosphorus inhibits calcium intake.

I should take some calcium supplement. I will not change to much in my eating habits and will eat my eggs as usual.

Add kale to your diet, has more C- vitamin than oranges/weight and more calcium than milk.


I make all my own meals and enjoy ham and eggs for breakfast every morning, but fear I will have to change because I find I am getting sick from eating bad eggs. I was buying them in the market, but they are stored outside in the heat and tend to go bad very fast. Sadly, you can not tell when they are bad, unless they are REALLY bad. I started buying them at Makro, 30 at a time but I got sick from those twice in the last two weeks.

Now it is down to paying an outrageous amount for 10 eggs that are date stamped for 60 baht, ...hopefully this will be the end of my puking sessions from bad eggs in Thailand


ONE egg can go a long way.licklips.gif

I made something new for breakfast today.

A special hard boiled egg sandwich.

Two thin slices of whole wheat bread, with red onion, tomato, celery, deli mustard, avocado, fresh jalapeno pepper, and ONE sliced hard boiled egg.

So delicious!

With the avocado, mayo wasn't needed.


ONE egg can go a long way.licklips.gif

I made something new for breakfast today.

A special hard boiled egg sandwich.

Two thin slices of whole wheat bread, with red onion, tomato, celery, deli mustard, avocado, fresh jalapeno pepper, and ONE sliced hard boiled egg.

So delicious!

With the avocado, mayo wasn't needed.

I make egg salad with avocado (when I can get them), fresh chili & onion and eat on crackers or toasted French rolls.

I like chopping an egg up in tuna salad as well. Think I'll have a couple tuna stuffed tomatoes for dinner.,,


Don't forget Cool Hand Luke...

That goes with out sayingtongue.png

any time I post in this forum or any other , I think of Cool Hand Luke

Blessed be his name!

Yes agree - he lived into his eighties, and died from Lung cancer, 30 years after he quit smoking - so damned if you do and damned if you don't. thumbsup.gif


Nothing wrong with eggs. I eat at least 3 per day (breakfast) and often more later in the day. Nooooo problems with cholesterol whatsoever! But I cook my own eggs when I can: boiled, poached or fried with very little fat on Teflon non sticky pan. Some restaurants (not Thai) can prepare poached eggs and I try avoiding as hard as I can Thai style fried eggs - they don't fry them, they deep fry them in oil!

I agree with what was said earlier in the topic, it's not the eggs that are bad, it's often the way they're cooked.


Recent scientific research has suggested that eggs do not need to be demonized. But I think in your case, you may well be eating too many. Two a day plus there is the issue of the type of fat they are being cooked in when not boiled. If I were you, I would strongly consider cutting back the amount to a more reasonable level.

If you do decide to not cut down, it may well be the fat used to cook the eggs is an even bigger health issue.

You can find thousands of links, but here is one:


This research doesnt give the green light to daily three-egg omelets. While a 2008 report from the ongoing Physicians Health Study supports the idea that eating an egg a day is generally safe for the heart, it also suggests that going much beyond that could increase the risk for heart failure later in life. (3) You also need to pay attention to the trimmings that come with your eggs. To your cardiovascular system, scrambled eggs, salsa, and a whole wheat English muffin are a far different meal than scrambled eggs with cheese, sausages, home fries, and white toast.

To repeat, I DO think you are probably eating TOO MANY eggs.

Personally, I love to eat eggs but when I have eggs for breakfast (2 - 3 times a week) I make a point of not eating another meal that day that has eggs. If nothing else, for variety's sake. When I fry them I use low heat olive oil but at restaurants in Thailand I suppose they're usually using palm oil, and LOTS of it as well.


Careful, Jing, your Ancel Keys tattoo is showing :)...

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