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'Naked Nana Girl' charged with obscenity


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The drunken lady leapt onto the motocy stark naked. Somchai, the taxi driver made no attempt to drive off.

"What's wrong with you Luv, haven't you ever seen a naked woman before?"

"I'll not be staring at you lady, I am telling you, that would not be proper, where I am coming from..."

"Well, if you're not bloody staring at me Luvie, what are you doing then?"

"Well, I am looking and looking, and I am thinking and thinking to myself, where is this lady keeping the money to be paying me with?!"

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Why on earth would someone with immigration problems draw so much attention to themselves? Not very bright on her part. Hope she enjoys her stay at IDC.

Nice to see there is a hooters coming to Bangkok.

There already is, Suk, soi 15, and 1 going into "golden" soi 4, AND 1 going into Suk soi 22..

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What's the problem with nudity? How can being in a natural state be obscene?

The police should have only acted if there was a complaint. Were there any? If the overwhelming majority of witnesses were not against such a harmless act then the police should have diverted their time and energy to fighting / solving serious crime.

When will authorities realize that things that are natural should not be against the law?

Edited by hyperdimension
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I have seen that picture of her...and she is dead ugly! Literally, nothing to see here!

Isn't there a rule where you are obligated to post pictures of yourself, your current and all former GF's, and your daughter(s) before you can call someone ugly?

There should be...

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Same happened in Hamburg, Germany last summer. The lady was not arrested, but interviewed. Nothing in the law to forbid her doing that.

Obscenity comes into the game if she starts acting in a sexual provokative way, which she did not.

Different cultures, different views and laws on the subject of obscenity. I hope they let her go with a stern warning or get her some help if she

is mentally unfit to understand her actions.coffee1.gif

The question is what would be happen with her in her own country. Wiped or stoned to dead!!???

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I have just seen some pics showing her stripping and standing naked on what looks like soi 3 in front of the Grace hotel (not much to look at though she is pretty rough looking). So much for devout Muslims not being able to see a naked woman hehehe. She must have been on some strong drugs.

This OP has nothing to do with faith or orthodoxy, islam or religions. Please do not malign an entire religion because some white chick is naked. There is zero connection to muslims, other than what you connect. Totally off base.

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Obscene ... ah, that word, and how often it pops up in correlation with religion, one way or another ...

We are born naked, so I guess it means that we are born obscene ? But ... for those who believe in God, how could that possibly be ? Would God create obscene creatures ? Unthinkable. And no matter how hard you look around, you don't see clothes trees, so God must have forgotten to create clothes, then. But how could God forget something, especially if it's so important ?

Are we born hypocrites too ? because hypocrisy is definitely obscene, certainly more obscene than a naked lady on a motorbike (incidentally, imagine the driver's surprise when he saw this client coming to him ... crazy.gif "OMG OMG, he thaught, my lucky day !!!" ... and off he went to buy a lottery ticket ending in 69)

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arrested 'as she had no passport' So there you go, you must carry your passport at all times. biggrin.png

There is a difference between not having a passport and not carrying your passport.

Learn to read.

Right after you get a sense of humor.

You only wish you were joking. I have no time for humor when it comes to serious and misinforming posts.

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