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2 children to apply to join wife already settled documents folder

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Hi all,

Quick question, i am soon applying for my wifes two children to join us in the UK on her spouse visa.

When i did my wifes visa, i did a folder with all the documents supporting, and an additional copies folder.

No i need to do the same process for each child, like a folder and copy folder each?

Some of my documents i have just the one main copy (such as bills and payslips etc), how do i combat that if i submit two separate applications?

Confused, as i seem to remember that if i brought my wifes children with her at the same time i could have done it all together in the one folder.

Thanks for any advice!

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Be aware that there may be difficulties if there has been a significant period of separation between mother settling and now. This has been pretty much done to death in other threads but worth a quick reminder at least!

May not apply to your situation but:


Edited by bobrussell
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Hi Bob,

Yes indeed i understand its a potential nightmare, but to be honest we have to go for it as we have no other choice!

When my wife came over last year the kids were going to a boarding type school where the aunt was looking after them (also was teacher at the school). I wasn't on the right salary anyway, and we thought it best to leave the kids there until they finished school first (documented this).

Things have now changed and the aunt no longer cares to look after them, so my wifes cousin took them on a temporary basis to live with her (from chiang mai to isaan). She can only look after them temporarily, so we have no idea what to do with them if they were not able to join us!

The cousin documents all the money we send and what she spends it on and sends back to us, also sends over all the permission slips from the school for my wife to sign. Daily contact and all the rest of it so not sure what else can be done. Father has been a no show for the last 10 years and no contact there whatsoever.

Both myself and my wife want to move to Thailand in about 5 years anyway, but i have no degree so wont be able to get a job there to support us all! I have started a part time degree, and once thats done we would like to move to Thailand...but until that point we have no other choice but to make a move for the kids to come over!

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May not apply to your situation but:


With respect, Bob, that topic is over 8 years old; things have changed a bit since then!

What hasn't changed is the sole responsibility issue

husseinfatal, your wife will need to show that:

  • the children have been in the care of a member or members of her family during the separation;
  • their father has had no involvement at all during this period, neither has any member of his family;
  • she, or you, has been contributing towards the financial support of the children;
  • she has been taking all the important decisions regarding their life.
  • she has been in regular contact with both them and their carer(s).

Although sole custody is not specifically mentioned in the rules, the ECO will need to be sure that their moving to the UK does not breach any custody order or agreement. Also, the assumption is that whichever parent has legal custody also has responsibility for the children. So you wife should show that she has this; either via an ampur or the courts.

In addition, I strongly advise explaining why they did not come to the UK with their mother and why you and your wife want/need them to come now; as you have above.

As TVE says, it is very likely that the children and/or their carer will be telephoned by the ECO (don't worry, it will be a Thai speaking member of staff) and questioned. So ensure that what they say matches what you and your wife said in the application

I know that if everyone tells the truth this should happen; but children can easily become confused.

Tell them that if they are confused or unsure; say so!

Tell them that if they don't know the answer to a question; say so!

(My wife applied for settlement in the days when all settlement applicants were interviewed face to face at the embassy. She was asked for the names of my parents. She replied "I don't know; he calls them Mum and Dad!" She got the visa.)

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Hi 7by7,

Yes some great advice here, we have no reason to lie at all or even to be fair exaggerate the story...it is what it is and both my wife and myself are desperate to ensure the children are in a stable environment with correct care. They had this before ok, but now certainly not going forward into the new year.

My wife has the por khor 14, we were not thinking this actually proves the responsibility side..but will certainly include it.

In terms of the correct application form, can you point me in the direction of it? I have the appendix 2 ones, but not sure what i need for the children themselves.

Ahh actually whilst on this point, my wife filled out her own form last year, but for the kids as they are so young they cant fill out for themselves..will my wife be ok to fill it out on their behalf?



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Sorry if you got the impression I thought you or your wife might lie or exaggerate; that was not my intention. I simply wanted to point out the possibility of a child getting confused when questioned.

They fill in the same form as your wife; but it is now done online; starting here. One each, remember.

Anyone can complete the form on behalf of the applicant, and once completed and submitted a hard copy is printed out and signed by the applicant or their parent/guardian if too young to sign themselves.

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No i didnt get that impression at all, it was a good point to be made and well received.

It was online last year also, and i do have a note of the login my wife created at the time.

So i guess my plan of action will be to use old login (update her details for UK though first), then fill them out and sign them before sending over hard copy with the application.

On the online 'select visa type', am i right in saying its the below?

Reason for visit - settlement

Visa type - settlement

Visa sub type - child or other dependent of settled person.

In terms of the appendix 2 financial document, i seem to remember this being fill out manually and not online, and sent with the application. This sound right to you?

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