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Thaksin Resigns As Thai Rak Thai Leader

Jai Dee

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He never stops posturing does he. Ordinarily his resignation from the TRT would be viewed as a good thing by his detractors, but now it looks like he is just trying to beat the 5 year ban. Why would this be important to him?

Thaksin has always been good at PR. Right now he puts himself back into the moral high ground in the eyes of his supporters.

He knows that nothing stays forever here in Thailand, and present enemies might turn into friends again a few years down the line. By being renitent he would close the door of one day making a comeback. He knows that time is on his side - he still is comparably young.

The next elected government will very possibly be a very unstable coalition government again. Just wait and see...

why do you say that//// he has been a mover and shaker his day is over :o

Unless his northern & peasant voter base vanishes by October next year, you can't count him (or his influence) out. But for now, all I can say is: "Well, you don't have Nixon Thaksin to kick around anymore".

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Unless his northern & peasant voter base vanishes by October next year, you can't count him (or his influence) out. But for now, all I can say is: "Well, you don't have Nixon Thaksin to kick around anymore".

The only way how his voter base would disappear, or change their mind would be if the present government would concentrate their efforts on solving their problems - poverty, land right issues and the need to migrate in order to get work. They have to start listening to those people, and not just order them around.

In addition to that, the political parties now left over have to stop their tradition of ignoring the upcountry poor, have to come up very fast with a policy and manage to sell this policy to these people.

Whatever the corruption issues, Thaksin was the first PM who has delivered to the poor what he promised them. That has created an expectation that the present powers will have huge difficulties to meet. If they even care to...

Edited by ColPyat
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Lets see

A mostly symbolic gesture, following a defacto

de-effectualization within the party.

But it officially frees the troops to float

on the top of the pond again.

The last 2 days really had the look of "rats deserting a sinking ship".

If he was head when TrT did wrong,

resigning now doesn't erase the wrong doing at that time.

Same goes for any of the top tarnished brass.

If they were there in charge, then it's on their watch.

Resigning doesn't stop their past culpability.

No dodged bullit. 5 years banished from the land of milk and honey..

Oh, how I am crying for them! :o

So far T hasn't been convicted of wrong doing.

But now that his jiggering of the checks and balances,

that for a long time had been patently preventing his

being properly investigated, and then brought to trial,

has been rendered ineffectual,

there is a real possibility he will be tried and convicted.

Sure there is a following up north,

of the mostly uninformed, locally gerry-mandered,

and easily manipulated.

Well information will now be forthcoming,

His patronage sysyem is being significantly curtailed,

and the kamnans and others doing the local level control,

are no doubt now desparately looking for new coattails to ride on.

It is a brave new world, and there is presently no one who is

"Wonderfully Pneumatic", for them to idolize and feel good about.

Edited by animatic
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Deputy Thai Rak Thai spokesman Jatuporn Phrompan said the exodus of Thai Rak Thai's leading members had worsened the crisis his party was facing. "First the coup and then the mass resignations. It's like we are facing two typhoons at the same time."

- The Nation

Doesn't look like TRT is going to be solving anyone's problems soon, but then again, they never did before, so nothing new.

If TRT crumble is complete and it withers and blows away, then I suppose there technically isn't an opposition... unless it's opposition to dust.

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So much for all that vaunted TRT loyalty. If the ex-MP's don't feel any loyalty to TRT, why on Earth would voters?????????

Ex-TRT MPs flee to Chat Thai and others

Members of major factions in the Thai Rak Thai Party have flocked to join the Chat Thai Party following ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's announcement that he will step down as the party leader, a source said yesterday.

Chat Thai Party leader Banharn Silapa-archa assigned a close aide to lobby the Phya Nak Faction led by Pinij Charusombat and Preecha Laopongchana, which has about 40 members to join the party, the source said.

Chat Thai Party deputy leader Weerasak Khosurat said the party welcomed new members but it also depended on their conditions. Secretary-general Prapat Photasuthon said there have been negotiations with factions from Thai Rak Thai Party but they are not yet clear.

A Chat Thai source said a faction led by Sonthaya Kunplome, comprising 10 people, and another group led by Suchart Tancharoen, contacted Chat Thai in April last year, when the Thai Rak Thai Party was experiencing internal fighting. However, they did not defect because of the 90-day party membership rule. The source said it was certain the two groups would run in the next election under Chat Thai's banner.

The Wadah faction led by Wan Muhamad Noor Matha, also wants to join Chat Thai but Banharn is thinking hard because this group had quarrelled with Chat Thai's Kuheng Yaworhasan.

Democrat Party secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban said some former Thai Rak Thai Party MPs wanted to join his party but he refused to name them. "They have to go through the process of our party. Party defection is a normal scenario in politics,'' he said.

Mahachon Party deputy leader Akapol Sorasuchart said the party had not contacted any former MPs to join it because it has a policy of bringing in new generation candidates. But if any former MPs wanted to join, it would consider them on a case-by-case basis.

Thai Ground Party deputy leader Sarit Santimethanidol said many former Thai Rai Thai Party MPs wanted to join the party but he refused to elaborate.

- The Nation

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Sure there is a following up north,

of the mostly uninformed, locally gerry-mandered,

and easily manipulated.

Statements such as these are symptomatic for Thailand's severe problems between the classes/regions.

In fact TRT has?/had? about 14 million members.

Treating those people simply as easily manipulated/bought off/uninformed, and whatever else might be comfortable to reconfirm ones own position of (self?)righteousness, but it ignores Thailand's problems. And it is exactly the reason Thaksin was able to get such a huge voter base in the first place.

Thaksin adressed those people, and, he did deliver what he promised them.

If people here don't want Thaksin, or somebody similar ever to come back, then it is high time that these people upcountry are treated as full members of the population, for a change. As another poster has pointed out - there is a small, diminishing window to change, to introduce necessary changes. If this opportunity is not taken - then i fear that those sectors are lost for democracy.

The present old style defections of whole fractions to different parties we see now are a very uncomfortable sign that things are going back into the old closed door power games, to non-functioning weak coalition governments, to where things were pre-Thaksin. And, to the conditions that have led to Thaksin's rise (i sometimes wonder how many posters here that presently gloat have been following Thai politics before the '97 crises, can remember the political mess of those days).

And maybe then, a few years down the line, when the succession crises has hit Thailand (which one day it will definately) we all here might not be as lucky as we were now, so far.

If these sectors of society that are so readily belittled, whose needs are so easily ignored, are not rapidly given real solutions to their dire problems, we will be in serious trouble.

Democracy can only can come from the bottom, and only if certain parameters of social justice, independent institutions and equal opportunities for all are set by the ones on top. When will that happen?

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Channel 7 reported Tuesday that ousted prime minister Shinawatra sent his hand-written letter from London to state his wish to resign as Thai Rak Thai Party leader.

The resignation prompted deputy leader Sudarat Keyuraphan to become acting ACTING Fool In Charge [de camp]

Thaksin said in the letter that he wanted to take responsibility for the BILLONS OF BAHT TO HELP Him find suitabe Accomodations [ie descently, respectably old castle--to start. BUT NO CENTER BOX SEATS @ THE OPERA 'Russian's got most avaiable' THANK YOU['ALL] JENDEE. [quess no one one read/or cared , re: my predictions 2- 2&1/2 weeks ago. Dangerous new'vo'\/' chest players.

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TRT had 14 million members? Voters maybe but members? I remember someone mentioning that members of fitness clubs had been made TRT members withouth them being informed of it. How many other Thais had their personal information illegally used and were made TRT members without their consent?

Other parties should not bother accepting ex-TRT members as they'll only have to fille the gaps when they are all banned and many jailed later on.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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Politics is a dirty & dangerous game,even more so in Thailand.

I dont go much on politicians,always makes me wonder what the hidden agenda is (normally personal gain) add the ego's & normally the truth comes out in the end.I'm no expert on Thai politics & I'm wondering is he safe to return to Thailand,...{snip}....there are loads of unanswered questions which will be answered over time.

I have mixed feelings towards Taksin he's a ex police man a failed buisness man,you maybe thinking how did I come to the conclusion that he is a failure,well obviously he's not a failure but he was'nt very successful until he fell upon the mobile telecom's which I'm led to believe was an American who introduced the equipment & expertise to Thailand & was then later kicked out of Thailand 'persona non grata' by his pal Taksin.And lets be fair he did have the monopoly for several years,ok the average Isaan samlor driver/rider might have made a mess of it but I'm sure anybody with a little bit of nouse would have made a few bucks! I'm sorry if there are any Isaan samlor operaters reading this post! Please prove me a wrong,I would love to see the next Asian tycoon to ride out of Buri lam or Udon Thani on his tuk tuk entering the G8-G9 summit representing Thailand & not coming from Chinese descent.Joking aside,I think I've hit on a valid point,it would be good for Thailand if a prime minister was to come from Isaan even better if that person was female & not from a Chinese buisness background.Its about time somebody done something constructive for the majority of Thailands population which is dirt poor.I know I've got more chance of Taksin coming round my house tonight for a cup of tea but I live in hope.

Some of my freinds think he has done a good job,trying to clean up the country & its image an uneviable task if ever there were one.Other freinds thinks is a complete bad guy & you can all draw your own conclusions on the negative side of the man.

I leave on this note,he has just sold his company to singaporean company for two billion dollars,which seems a trifle hippocritical when he seems so anti foreigner & he calls his party Thai Rak Thai,& what does he give the Thai people for this transaction? A handsome charity donation'no' he wont even pay the tax!!!!!!!!!!!.

And dont even get me started on GWB.

Edited by Admin2

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The game is over for Toxin while a certain VIP is still around. Tricksin has now fully acknowledged this. Whether he will have the opportunity to return in the future remains to be seen, but the establishment will put in place very high walls to prevent this.

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:o Dear all,

Just a night before the coup did happen I have discussed with my Thai friends here in Australia the necessity for Thailand to change their political and economic directions. You can imagine how we were surprised a day later about the development that took place. We all follow the news very intersted. I must make my compliments to the military coup which was peaceful and without any violence. The current resignation of Mr. Taksin was expected and another bullet point to indicate that the new formed goverment (even interim) is heading towards the right path. I look forward to the months to come with interest. I wish the new goverment never forgets what the Thais are proud for.

Cheers - Aussi Dan

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an exerpt from this mornings Sydney Morning Herald.....

"As the party leader I have to show my responsibility by resigning from the position of party leader and deeply apologise to supporters who do not want me to resign."

Mr Thaksin assigned the deputy party leader, Sudarat Keyuraphan, to serve as acting head of Thai Rak Thai, but the move was largely seen as ceremonial since the party is unable to function under the martial law imposed by coup leaders who ousted Mr Thaksin.

Another party leader, Pongpol Adireksan, said the departures were the end of Thai Rak Thai, which means "Thais love Thais".

"The legacy of the Thai Rak Thai party is over," Mr Pongpol said. "The Thai Rak Thai has died along with Thaksin Shinawatra." what a shame this is not really true :o

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If he was head when TrT did wrong,

resigning now doesn't erase the wrong doing at that time.

Same goes for any of the top tarnished brass.

If they were there in charge, then it's on their watch.

Resigning doesn't stop their past culpability.

No dodged bullit. 5 years banished from the land of milk and honey..

Oh, how I am crying for them! :o

While morally that is how it should be, no decision on this has been made yet. It is up to the Constitutional Tribunal, which is still in formation.

Also, don't forget that the Democratic Party may be dissolved as well. If the 5 year ban is put in place for former party members and the Demo Party is dissolved, that would leave Khun Barnhan and his Chart Patana Party without any experienced competition to counter it. This would be an even worse scenario than allowing former TRT party members the right to remain in politics.

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While morally that is how it should be, no decision on this has been made yet. It is up to the Constitutional Tribunal, which is still in formation.

Also, don't forget that the Democratic Party may be dissolved as well. If the 5 year ban is put in place for former party members and the Demo Party is dissolved, that would leave Khun Barnhan and his Chart Patana Party without any experienced competition to counter it. This would be an even worse scenario than allowing former TRT party members the right to remain in politics.

Banharn leads Chart Thai.

But yes, this is one of the very frightening scenarios that could come out of the coup. In order to steer this mess back into the right direction the powers have to interpret laws very liberally and unequal, and this will definately alienate people and fractions even further.

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While morally that is how it should be, no decision on this has been made yet. It is up to the Constitutional Tribunal, which is still in formation.

Also, don't forget that the Democratic Party may be dissolved as well. If the 5 year ban is put in place for former party members and the Demo Party is dissolved, that would leave Khun Barnhan and his Chart Patana Party without any experienced competition to counter it. This would be an even worse scenario than allowing former TRT party members the right to remain in politics.

Banharn leads Chart Thai.

But yes, this is one of the very frightening scenarios that could come out of the coup. In order to steer this mess back into the right direction the powers have to interpret laws very liberally and unequal, and this will definately alienate people and fractions even further.

I sent you a response to this, but seems to have flown to the twilight zone.

As has been stated in local newspapers many times, General Sonthi has been endorsed by HM the King. In addition, he is supported by the Privy Counselors, one of them being General Surayud, who resigned to take the PM role. Given this, I don't see how people will be alienated.

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I sent you a response to this, but seems to have flown to the twilight zone.

As has been stated in local newspapers many times, General Sonthi has been endorsed by HM the King. In addition, he is supported by the Privy Counselors, one of them being General Surayud, who resigned to take the PM role. Given this, I don't see how people will be alienated.

My response to your disappeared post i deleted then, but i answered that this is a point i can hardly discuss here, in the open. :o

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If he was head when TrT did wrong,

resigning now doesn't erase the wrong doing at that time.

Same goes for any of the top tarnished brass.

If they were there in charge, then it's on their watch.

Resigning doesn't stop their past culpability.

No dodged bullit. 5 years banished from the land of milk and honey..

Oh, how I am crying for them! :o

While morally that is how it should be, no decision on this has been made yet. It is up to the Constitutional Tribunal, which is still in formation.

Also, don't forget that the Democratic Party may be dissolved as well. If the 5 year ban is put in place for former party members and the Demo Party is dissolved, that would leave Khun Barnhan and his Chart Patana Party without any experienced competition to counter it. This would be an even worse scenario than allowing former TRT party members the right to remain in politics.

Chart Thai Party.

And interstingly which party will all those who deserted TRT run to? Mr. Banharn could come out smiling even if the Democrats are left intact, which seems very likely.

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If he was head when TrT did wrong,

resigning now doesn't erase the wrong doing at that time.

Same goes for any of the top tarnished brass.

If they were there in charge, then it's on their watch.

Resigning doesn't stop their past culpability.

No dodged bullit. 5 years banished from the land of milk and honey..

Oh, how I am crying for them! :o

While morally that is how it should be, no decision on this has been made yet. It is up to the Constitutional Tribunal, which is still in formation.

Also, don't forget that the Democratic Party may be dissolved as well. If the 5 year ban is put in place for former party members and the Demo Party is dissolved, that would leave Khun Barnhan and his Chart Patana Party without any experienced competition to counter it. This would be an even worse scenario than allowing former TRT party members the right to remain in politics.

Chart Thai Party.

And interstingly which party will all those who deserted TRT run to? Mr. Banharn could come out smiling even if the Democrats are left intact, which seems very likely.

The Chart Thai Party error had already been corrected.

Given the conversations pre-coup between Khun Banharn and Dr. Thaksin, there is no doubt where the TRT former MP's would go. I just hope the Demo's remain, or we will be back to a virtual one party country with the smaller ones having a difficult time in getting accepted.

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The charges brought upon the Dems were nothing but a ridiculous fabrication of the TRT when they saw their stupid scheme uncovered, trying to bring the Dems down along for the ride.

The Democrat Party will come out of it intact.

No, it was a decision by the same prosecution that decided to bring up charges against TRT to bring up those charges. What and how whoever might come out of whatever is still impossible to say.

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The charges brought upon the Dems were nothing but a ridiculous fabrication of the TRT when they saw their stupid scheme uncovered, trying to bring the Dems down along for the ride.

The Democrat Party will come out of it intact.

Yes that is almost inevitable. The Demos would never have been charged with anything without government interference with the election commision who of course ended up in disgrace. I think the fact that Demos are not leaving the party in droves even after hearing the execs could be banned for 5-years says a lot.

What will be more interesting than worrying about the Demos is what will the tribunal do to TRT and its now rapidly diminishing executive if they are disolved.

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The charges brought upon the Dems were nothing but a ridiculous fabrication of the TRT when they saw their stupid scheme uncovered, trying to bring the Dems down along for the ride.

The Democrat Party will come out of it intact.

No, it was a decision by the same prosecution that decided to bring up charges against TRT to bring up those charges. What and how whoever might come out of whatever is still impossible to say.

Just where is the substance to get the Democratic party disbanded ?

This WAS fabricated beyond something trivial for TRT convenience as stated and that,s all it is.

Just like all those summonses that Toxin would lodge to try and silence his critics, yet another tactical diversion.

The truth is it was a typical counter accusation to deflect the front page news against the TRT, the truth and their serious misuse of power ect. in an attempt to trivialise it.

A daily occurence along with days of silence / i won,t talk to anyone for x amount of time.

I mean what a statement for a ruling premier to make when challenged about policies ect. that possibly had a pertinent negative effect on Thailand ,s future and it,s citizens.


Or translated " until you ask only the questions i want to respond to. " and i can think up / give you an honest reply or otherwise that doesn,t incriminate me for being unethical and pursuing self interest.

Regarding being left with one party is not a reason to ignore the wrongdoers and letting them off lightly to prevent this is not good enough.

Whoever is guilty should suffer the consequences in full if they are proven, without exception.

Thrown out of politics for the alloted time laid down and a stiff sentence in the B.Hilton to boot for criminal misuse of the constitution and it,s laws,

Perhaps we are not giving credit to all the professionals, academics, and all law abiding Thai,s who are more than capable of forming a new party to challenge the C.T.P.

Indeed there are hopefuly moves underway to create / form a new party that will truly live up to and uphold the " Thais Love Thais " not only in words but in deeds.

Not all the politicians are bad apples and the good and great can do for Thailand what they originally chose to do and still stand for, these people are still here doing their best for democracy.

marshbags :o:D:D

Only a cynic could believe otherwise in my humble opinion.

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I'm still waiting for the day when someone will shed more light on how exactly he was able to get his hands on a Ph.D. :o

Yeah that's easy ! Khao San Road job, John. Look for the geezer with the silk kipper tie, chewing a matchstick. :D

Edited by Hermano Lobo
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It is interesting to see so many people here, even when Thaksin fell, they even poke him further to humilation in the forum. This is just so evil. When the coup declare not to publish anything that cause division, doesn't publishing any bad opinion about Thaksin is causing that as well to pro thaksin people?

Thai politics is for thai. However, I am at a age where I still remember how democrats left a financially broke country in 1997 to Thaksin and he did well to bring it up. Without him, most of you all might already fighting for a simple bread in your own country.

Don't take me as Pro Thaksin because I am not. And I am not Pro Democrats either and I see them more evil than TRT. They too will be banned as their executives admitted that he tried to stop small party from taking over, but says that he was acting on his own, remember? Where is the idea of TRT fabricating the accuse comes from?

From what I see, the TRT exec resigns because they do not trust the finding and some decision will be made to fabricate some evidence to ban TRT. The whole coup is politically motivated as you can see the cabinet is formed from those who has been sacked by TRT.

My opinion to non Thai.... stop meddling with Thai politics. It doesn't worth it. There are almost none one trust worthty politician here ... or make it in the whole world.

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However, I am at a age where I still remember how democrats left a financially broke country in 1997 to Thaksin

Don't make a full out of yourself. Democrats TOOK financially broke country in 1997 from Chavalit, Thaksin served as Deputy Premier then.

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