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A video on why NOT to move to Thailand


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I like this guy; he's smart enough, and I think a few of his points may resonate with some members. I know he will get bashed by many, but that's fine. I'm not him. You can bash me for posting this, no worries. I've studied the language for about a year, tried to read newspapers, and always asked about the "red versus the yellow" when I first came to Thailand. I did a 3-month stint, and a 6-month stint, and I was definitely one of those "scumbags" for a good month of my time. I like to hear this, wakes you up and makes you think.

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I think the narrator, as hard as he tries to deny it, is still looking at the Thais as a Westerner. He seems to imply that a falang, working for instance as an English teacher would gain significantly more respect from the indigenous population than, for instance, a retiree.

Falangs, (North American servicemen) arrived in Thailand, stationed at air bases, eighteen months or so before the Vietnam invasion and we, now, it could be argued, are the legacy from their arrival. Does the narrator think that the 'girls' who flocked to help the troops with their R&R cared whether these men were or weren't interested in the political, social and economic state of Thailand and that they did or didn't speak Thai!?

Further more, the narrator, if he had any experience of letting go of his Western obsession with not being a 'scumbag' would soon realise that although one might start out planning to be one, it invariably becomes impossible to maintain; in the end one has to engage in something that occupies one's mind even if it's writing a book or learning a new skill.

Does he really think that Thais aren't aware that under the laws of Thailand, foreigners must, by the mere fact that they are here, be contributing to the economy even though they don't speak the language or to give two *ucks about the economy or the political situation!?

Edited by piersbeckett
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So all the Candadians that flock to Florida in the U.S. to retire, should now be considered "Scumbags". I always thought that they were just ready to retire in a warm climate. Have worked all their lives so that they can retire where they like and enjoy the rest of their lives. I guess I will have to re think my image of them. After all, it was a Canadian that brought this to my attention.

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He seems to imply that a falang, working for instance as an English teacher would gain significantly more respect from the indigenous population than, for instance, a retiree.

I think he's a Kairk actually.

If you gotta use racist descriptions, at least make the effort to correctly identify the race.

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He seems to imply that a falang, working for instance as an English teacher would gain significantly more respect from the indigenous population than, for instance, a retiree.

I think he's a Kairk actually.

If you gotta use racist descriptions, at least make the effort to correctly identify the race.

I was taught to read it and pronounce it as I saw it, kaek?

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A good and interesting Post i think. At the outset he does suggest that he is talking about persons of working age. I confess as a retiree (albeit relatively young to retire) have come here for a life of cheap luxury, easy pleasures and self indulgence though. I am not going to argue whether or not that is right or wrong, i do it because i can afford toI do so. I am not sure i will ever really know whether Thais will think i am a scumbag or not though.

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Once again, anything that gets us to think, "What are we doing with our lives?" is good. Sometimes you need some strong criticism.

I'm at work right now and have worked 1-hour over the last three. Wasting my life for a small paycheck, but my thoughts are productive. I think. I'll go exercise in a few hours and hopefully do something productive later. Boss isn't coming back....hmmm...


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If i did not need to work and if i felt that working was neither significantly beneficial to myself or to others then i would not continue to do so however that may be considered by others.

Bu*@er the others ..... life is about me and benefits to me!

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