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Tourist single entry tourist visa in Ho Chi Minh

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I browsed the forum for information but can't find anything recent.

Being under 50, I've been spending Winters in Thailand on tourist visas and living on disability pension I get from French government. Never worked in Thailand, just came to enjoy heat & sea and spend my 900E monthly pension. As my funds are not satisfactory to Thai Immigration anymore, I'm going to have to hope for the best and travel around every two months as do not fit requirements for new METV.

Has anyone applied for single entry in Ho Chi Minh City lately? How many days does it take? Do you have to go to Consulate yourself or can you get a travel agent to take care of it for you?

Thank you very much in advance for your feedback.

You all have a nice day/evening, depending on where you are..

Edited by Jabuka Manzana
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At Paris Royal Thai Embassy, for new Thai multiple entry tourist visa available from Nov. 13th, I was told on the phone that they will require 6 consecutive months worth of certified, stamped and signed monthly bank statements showing a balance of at least 7000E. I don't have that kind of money... Even for single entry tourist visa they ask for certified bank statement with at least 1000E on your account (as well as flight ticket out of Thailand within 90 days and disability pension statement). Money has everything to do with tourist visas here!

Also, last time I applied for a tourist visa in January 2015 in Savannakhet (Lao), I was also asked for a bank statement so I've learn to always have one ready.

I will have to go Penang to apply for yet another single entry tourist visa in mid-March which should take me to mid-May when I fly back to Paris.

As Vietnam doesn't require a visa when you stay under 15 days, I'm thinking Ho Chi Minh would be a nice change of scenery in mid-january. Also, it's a lot easier to fly there from Krabi than to Laos or Mukdahan. After that, the plan is to move to Cambodia where visa laws are not so harsh (for the moment at least!).

Edited by Jabuka Manzana
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At Paris Royal Thai Embassy, for new Thai multiple entry tourist visa available from Nov. 13th, I was told on the phone that they will require 6 consecutive months worth of certified, stamped and signed monthly bank statements showing a balance of at least 7000E. I don't have that kind of money... Even for single entry tourist visa they ask for certified bank statement with at least 1000E on your account. Money has everything to do with tourist visas here!

Also, last time I applied for a tourist visa in January 2015 in Savannakhet (Lao), I was also asked for a bank statement so I've learn to always have one ready.

I will have to go Penang to apply for yet another single entry tourist visa in mid-March which should take me to mid-May when I fly back to Paris.

As Vietnam doesn't require a visa when you stay under 15 days, I'm thinking Ho Chi Minh would be a nice change of scenery in mid-january. Also, it's a lot easier to fly there from Krabi than to Laos or Mukdahan. After that, the plan is to move to Cambodia where visa laws are not so harsh (for the moment at least!).


Now I understand!

The famously unfriendly Thai Embassy in Paris! smile.png

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Ho Chi Minh city is fine for a single entry tourist visa.

They prefer to see flight confirmations both inbound and outbound from Thailand. I believe, as an alternative to flight tickets, they will accept documentation of cash in bank of at least $700 (not cash in hand; they need paper ocumentation to support the application). I know the above to be accurate as of about a month ago.

I do not think you can use an agent. The consulate is quiet, and it does not take long. Apply in the morning, visa available following day in the afternoon. I think the visa fee was $40, but my recollection on this is hazy.

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If you do need a single entry visa it can be applied for at the airport. Very lengthy process (1 hour approx) or you can use online services. I have used Vietnamvisa on a few occasions and have found their service good. The immigration at the airport in Saigon should improve as the just got rated very badly in a poll of tourists world wide. Unlike Thailand, the Vietnam goverment will do something about it. I am sure the immigration have had good kicks in the ass already and will streamline the process if not done already. In the poll they talked of corruption in visa applications but that will have stopped by now. Their government do not mess around. Consequently a forward going country. Unlike other places ie ?????. The visa is $50 US and must be paid in US dollars only so ensure you have US dollars with you.

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The consulate in Saigon is a breeze. You need flight INTO Thailand only , hard copy.

You attend in person. Drop off I'm morning pick up next day. No queues. Oh French passport holders do indeed have visa exempt entry to vietnam 15 days. Cheap flights. Great alternative to boarder run

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A friend got a single tourist visa at the Thai consulate in HCM two weeks ago, yes it's $40 and quiet, need to apply in the morning only, collected next day but officially it's two days. Needed a letter of invitation with signature but not an original. The visa was valid for 90 days to enter Thailand from date of issue.

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The consulate in Saigon is a breeze. You need flight INTO Thailand only , hard copy.

You attend in person. Drop off I'm morning pick up next day. No queues. Oh French passport holders do indeed have visa exempt entry to vietnam 15 days. Cheap flights. Great alternative to boarder run

isn't it weird though that that the Saigon consulate only want copies of the of the flight tickets into Thailand whereas the consulate in Bali Indonesia are only interested in flights out?blink.png Vongbali who is an officer at the consulate and who occasionally contributes to this forum actually said he doesn't care how you enter Thailand as long as he can see when and how you are leaving.

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The consulate in Saigon is a breeze. You need flight INTO Thailand only , hard copy.

You attend in person. Drop off I'm morning pick up next day. No queues. Oh French passport holders do indeed have visa exempt entry to vietnam 15 days. Cheap flights. Great alternative to boarder run

isn't it weird though that that the Saigon consulate only want copies of the of the flight tickets into Thailand whereas the consulate in Bali Indonesia are only interested in flights out?blink.png Vongbali who is an officer at the consulate and who occasionally contributes to this forum actually said he doesn't care how you enter Thailand as long as he can see when and how you are leaving.

jacksam is fixated on the need for flight tickets into Thailand but not out.

I have never seen or read any substantiated evidence for this assertion being true.

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"As Vietnam doesn't require a visa when you stay under 15 days, I'm thinking Ho Chi Minh would be a nice change of scenery in mid-january."


If you want to stay longer in Vietnam HCMC - The good news it will soon be cheaper to buy a Visa to stay longer in Vietnam

Proposed - Starting November 23, 2015

  • The single-entry visa will cost US$25 instead of the current $45, Allows you to enter Vietnam once and stay for up to 30 days from first entry
  • The fee for multiple-entry visas will $50.instead of the current $95.- Allows you up to 90 days from first entry and allows you to enter and exit multiple times

Also - You could start with the Visa free - And then convert the visa-free entry into a multiple entry visa while you are in Vietnam - Or if you do not then you would need to leave before 15th day and wait 30 days before you can actually return through any methods i.e either with a visa or visa free.


Note: There are only two locations where you can get this Vietnamese visa in Thailand:

Vietnam Embassy in Thailand: Bangkok or

Vietnam General Consulate in Thailand: Khon Kaen.

Procedure: Go to the Vietnam Embassy or Consulate in Thailand (details above) to apply the visa. Original passport is required and others on the forums suggests its takes around 4-5 working days for processing. I have never done this and hence I am using other peoples data on the process.

Also can use agency / online - Apply Vietnam Visa on Arrival

– Valid for those travelling by air only
– This type of visa is more convenient if you stay far away from Vietnam embassy/consulates in Thailand and/or do not wish to send passport off.
– Procedure:
Apply online by submitting the online application form, making payment and wait for 2 working days (normal service) or 1 working day (urgent service) to get your Visa Letter via email and print it out. Upon Vietnam airport, you will show the letter - Charges are extra for this service.

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Get over yourself ONCERUGGE. The OP posted about his intention to perhaps his intention to visit Vietnam for single entry tv.

My post contributed to the OP. Yours did what exactly. Your first directed to the OP was useless and one directed to me is straight out indicating serial boring. Still to the OP and try and be constructive

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OP you mention perhaps Cambodia in future. I'm in sihanoukville typing this mixing with xpats living there. 12 month visa a breeze. Also much cheaper than los. I mean living expenses. Esp if drink

Thank you jacksam. Yep, Cambodia is definititely the plan for Winter of 2016. Will be sending all my stuff (acumulated over 7 years of Thai Winters) to a friend's in Phnom Penh and then try to settle down in Kampot. Poor health so don't drink much but always liked Cambodia and tired of feeling nervous everytime I cross Thai borders even though I always have a proper tourist visa. I have a feeling the Khmers will be quite happy to take my monthly pension now that it's not good enough for Thailand.

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Jubuka. Without going into details I seemed to run into what seemed unusual amount of expats living in cambodia that had physical difficulties. Seemed also they were surrounded by friends and just a nice relaxed community. I'm sure the same exists in Thailand. Just one big difference..

The cost of living way less. I know this is away from the OP re Vietnam, but sounds like both countries good for you. Just my thoughts

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The consulate in Saigon is a breeze. You need flight INTO Thailand only , hard copy.

You attend in person. Drop off I'm morning pick up next day. No queues. Oh French passport holders do indeed have visa exempt entry to vietnam 15 days. Cheap flights. Great alternative to boarder run

As of a month ago, they definitely wanted to see a ticket OUT OF Thailand as well as INTO Thailand (unless providing financial proof as an alternative). How recent is your experience of this being unnecessary?

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whistling.gif There have been recent changes to visas for certain nationalities to enter Vietnam.

You need tor realize also that both Ho Chi Minh and especially Hanoi can be cooler in January than Thailand.

I personally enjoy the cooler weather, but Vietnam in January is not "sunning yourself on a warm beach" weather for most people.

Take a look on the weather channel on the internet at average temperature in Vietnam in January before you leave.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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whistling.gif There have been recent changes to visas for certain nationalities to enter Vietnam.

You need tor realize also that both Ho Chi Minh and especially Hanoi can be cooler in January than Thailand.

I personally enjoy the cooler weather, but Vietnam in January is not "sunning yourself on a warm beach" weather for most people.

Take a look on the weather channel on the internet at average temperature in Vietnam in January before you leave.

Hanoi, for sure, has a much more pronounced cool season than Bangkok, but so do parts of Northern Thailand. Ho Chi Minh City seems similar to Bangkok (perhaps, a couple of degrees cooler on average, but warmer iin January than Chiang Mai).

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