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breakup, aggressive guy in family


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Contact the police... arm yourself but do not use your weapons unless your in fear of you or your family`s life litterally.... dont bother with knifes/bats as they can be turned on you easily. Pepper spray, knuckle dusters and guns if need be, kept close to hand but in a safe place. If he is a true nutcase he will have a shooter so be very carefull.

She should also arm herself with spray/gun and be alert until this is sorted.

Get your place kitted out with some good security sensor camaras, security lights etc. I would also slip the police a bit of tea money as they may act quicker if you need them.

Another thing to consider would be to get some big dogs, only if you like dogs and are willing to care for them.

Initially I would go on a few weeks away whilst you make a plan as he could either be bluffing you, or he could be a nutter... if he is a drinker you just do not know and it is not worth the risk plus you probably could do with the chill out time whilst all this blows over, good on you anyway for looking out for her and good luck.

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Just get the wife to talk to the local police, They will/should talk to him, Don't get into any confrontation, with him he may be on drugs, Drunk or just be a psycho. If he comes on your property and starts a fight , fight back , becasue the Thai Police would prosecute him not you.

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He is simply a bad drunk who cannot handle his alcohol.

Saying that I do think he is a potential danger.

Firstly block his number on your phones and do not take calls from him.

Make a report to your local police that he is harassing you and see if something akin to a restraining order can be achieved, this could cover your ass in the future.

Be on your guard and let us hope he realises his wife isn't there and leaves you alone.

Sadly,as you do sound capable, if he harasses you or your wife I do think you need to get physical with him, he sounds like a drunken bully and usually can be taught a lesson. BUT, be on your guard.

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Deal with it like a man, by fronting him up face to face, if that's not your style then call the Thai police to make him back off. Thai police are not as bad as morons on here make out.

In my experience, people who drag things out are desperate, if this clown was going to do anything he would have struck by now.

My advice, ignore the idiot, eventually he will get bored and find something else to occupy his time.

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Maybe I've been watching too many videos involving machetes and knife fights on Liveleak recently but my advice would be to take your partner on holiday for a month to somewhere nice. Thailand has lots of great holiday destinations and all of them except for the place you are currently at don't have a drunk in law who may hack you to death for someone else's drama.

Is this really what you are in Thailand for? Go and enjoy your time instead of being in a Thai soap series simulator.

Edited by KunMatt
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OP, don't ever keep someone's wife in your home for a couple of days. That man is threatening you because you kept his wife in your home without his concern. If you had to keep her in your home, the right thing that you would have done was to contact the man and find out what the problem was that his wife left to your home. You didn't do this and kept her in your home for a couple of days, dragging yourself into her problem with her husband. Tomorrow the man will accuse you of giving his wife bad doctrine to leave him. If not, why were you keeping her in your home when she is not your wife? Her sister is you girlfriend but that does not allow you to house her when she has problems with her husband. Your life is in eminent danger. You heard the story from her and took it for the gospel truth which according to me is wrong. The man is this, the man is that, let her do the right thing by contacting the Police, her parents, her in laws, social welfare, etc to look for a solution. If a divorce then good and fine. Not coming to stay in your home and hiding. She doesn't want the man, let her use the right channel to divorce him. Between a man and a woman, keep your mouth shut and keep your distance. Tomorrow that woman will go back to that man and will be the first person to tell him that you were encouraging her not to go back to him again. Now that your life is in danger, will you go into hiding too? You look for this problem yourself by keeping someone's wife in your home without contacting the man to find out what was wrong. Now contact the Police to protect yourself.

You nailed it.

I agree - that is how the guy will reason in this situation.

You are easy bait. A drunk / crazy guy doesnt want to hurt his wife or her sister, but if you are involved you will be easily blamed and attacked for any number of reason.

If says he wants to kill someone, he should be taken seriously.

I would not insert myself in this situation.

I see your point, but it's too late now ...

She came here from BKK, 110 km to Sriracha, 22:00 what should I do? Tell her go away ...

Funny is that many times I help this guy lend him some money, pay buffet and now what?

Everything is forgotten.

Lending money to a poor guy isnt helping............hahaha. Poor boy will lose face when others find out he cannot pay you back. Only solution in his mind is kill you silly azz.

Edited by Nomyai
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Just get the wife to talk to the local police, They will/should talk to him, Don't get into any confrontation, with him he may be on drugs, Drunk or just be a psycho. If he comes on your property and starts a fight , fight back , becasue the Thai Police would prosecute him not you.

My wife went to the police when her ex said he was going to have me killed. They told her "Don't worry he doesn't want to go to prison."

So far they were right but that is the help you can expect from them.

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Go to the Police and tell the Policeman you want this to be sorted and you dont want that guy to come to your house anymore.

Ask if the policeman can help you and HOW MUCH TO help you.

Forget about corruption etc... just see it as hiring someone powerful to solve your problem. The man you pay will go and talk to your drunken troublemaker.

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A big brave man would involve the Police.

Presumably the SMS "death threat" evidence has been preserved and the sister , girl friend and you are all willing to lay a complaint and provide statements?

Never, ever involve the police here. Always remember. They are NOT a law enforcement agency. Only a revenue collection agency. If it were me, I would insist on moving, change the number and not give it to the sister. She will probably go back to this fool, if her self esteem is low enough. He sounds like a complete fool.

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Violence will only escalate the problem, remember this guy is an idiot.go on a holiday

A drunk Idiot is the most dangerous person you can encounter......in a country were almost everybody has a gun....

Regards, Off Road Pat

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My advise - do not post garbage like this in your opening post -

""I mean, I've been in all kind of scum in this trash country,""

He is only reflecting the kind of company he keeps?

Birds of feather ...

Unfortunately that can happen to "good" people too. The first thing I would do is inform the police and lodge a complain against the violent relative. Like this if the guy show up and unfortunately slips on the carpet ... you can expect a much more sympathetic ear from the police if they want to interview you.

Yeah,...The best reply !!......anticipating the problems. I'm happy some people use there brains instead of letting there testosterone do the job.

Best regards.

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I would take this threat seriously.

Over the years I have seen and heard of exactly what some jilted Thai guy's are capable of.

I do not think this guy is going to stop with you and your GF until he gets what he wants.

He could well be on the gear which could explain his violent threats and anger.

Like others have said

Take your SMS evidence to the police and have a report filed ASAP.

It may even be wise to stay elsewhere for a week or so and have neighbors monitor any visits by him.

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OP, don't ever keep someone's wife in your home for a couple of days. That man is threatening you because you kept his wife in your home without his concern. If you had to keep her in your home, the right thing that you would have done was to contact the man and find out what the problem was that his wife left to your home. You didn't do this and kept her in your home for a couple of days, dragging yourself into her problem with her husband. Tomorrow the man will accuse you of giving his wife bad doctrine to leave him. If not, why were you keeping her in your home when she is not your wife? You didn't only keep the wife but you kept his son too. So you took his family hostage. What if something happened to them while in your house? Her sister is you girlfriend but that does not allow you to house her when she has problems with her husband. Your life is in eminent danger. You heard the story from her and took it for the gospel truth which according to me is wrong. The man is this, the man is that, let her do the right thing by contacting the Police, her parents, her in laws, social welfare, etc to look for a solution. If a divorce then good and fine. Not coming to stay in your home and hiding. She doesn't want the man, let her use the right channel to divorce him. Between a man and a woman, keep your mouth shut and keep your distance. Tomorrow that woman will go back to that man and will be the first person to tell him that you were encouraging her not to go back to him again. Now that your life is in danger, will you go into hiding too? You look for this problem yourself by keeping someone's wife in your home without contacting the man to find out what was wrong. Now contact the Police to protect yourself.

Do you still wear Pampers? wink.png Possibly you should, saves you often time. tongue.png

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OP, don't ever keep someone's wife in your home for a couple of days. That man is threatening you because you kept his wife in your home without his concern. If you had to keep her in your home, the right thing that you would have done was to contact the man and find out what the problem was that his wife left to your home. You didn't do this and kept her in your home for a couple of days, dragging yourself into her problem with her husband. Tomorrow the man will accuse you of giving his wife bad doctrine to leave him. If not, why were you keeping her in your home when she is not your wife? Her sister is you girlfriend but that does not allow you to house her when she has problems with her husband. Your life is in eminent danger. You heard the story from her and took it for the gospel truth which according to me is wrong. The man is this, the man is that, let her do the right thing by contacting the Police, her parents, her in laws, social welfare, etc to look for a solution. If a divorce then good and fine. Not coming to stay in your home and hiding. She doesn't want the man, let her use the right channel to divorce him. Between a man and a woman, keep your mouth shut and keep your distance. Tomorrow that woman will go back to that man and will be the first person to tell him that you were encouraging her not to go back to him again. Now that your life is in danger, will you go into hiding too? You look for this problem yourself by keeping someone's wife in your home without contacting the man to find out what was wrong. Now contact the Police to protect yourself.

You nailed it.

I agree - that is how the guy will reason in this situation.

You are easy bait. A drunk / crazy guy doesnt want to hurt his wife or her sister, but if you are involved you will be easily blamed and attacked for any number of reason.

If says he wants to kill someone, he should be taken seriously.

I would not insert myself in this situation.

I see your point, but it's too late now ...

She came here from BKK, 110 km to Sriracha, 22:00 what should I do? Tell her go away ...

Funny is that many times I help this guy lend him some money, pay buffet and now what?

Everything is forgotten.

Lending money to a poor guy isnt helping............hahaha. Poor boy will lose face when others find out he cannot pay you back. Only solution in his mind is kill you silly azz.

I'm 25 years old, live 10 000 km from home and 50 years old guy ask money from me. What a shame?

And when you ask why don't you borrow from your family, he say they want back 20% more. What kind of family is that?

At least he doesn't owe me anything ...

Some people don't even hesitate to use their children as shield ... emotional blackmail all day

I lost quite sone money to cancer scum few years ago ... for my defense I was naive fella back then

Since that I'm extremely careful ... apparently still not enough.

So, guys always be ready, exit strategy AKA running shoes always needs to be prepared in your backyard.

You never know what will happen in trash-hooker land tomorrow.

Thanks for all the comments.

I really appreciate it.

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If these kind of issues are common place you might want to reconsider your GF situation. Is this what you want for your immediate/medium term future?

Don't call the police or do anything. Whatever needs to be done needs to come from your GF, not you. Don't instigate anything, let it all happen.

I assume even for a drunk there are periods in the day when he's sober and thinks he's being an angry tit. If he's SMS'ing threats chances are he won't carry them out, what kind of thugs lazily SMS' his threats??

Pretend you're not there ... what would your GF ordinarily do? Probably shout at him a bit and ignore him a bit. If it's doing your head in tell the GF you're off to the beach somewhere for a couple of weeks as you don't need this shit ... then think about whether you do need this shit and if this is the best situation for you to be in

Life's too short for me to be deaing with this rubbish, man

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How does he know for sure that you know where your gf's sister is? Did you tell him you know, but you wont tell him? Or does he only presume you would know, but does not know for sure and you are not a good liar? If you dont think you can convincingly say you really dont know where she is, why dont you give some false information, like last you knew, she was in such and such city, (givng a totally wrong place) but that you dont know if she stayed there or moved on, and after that you dont know where she is, as you have not heard from her.. And tell him you try to stay out of this business and dont want to talk to sister-in-law or him, as it is not your business.

See some other bad advice here. If you love your GF, stay with her and dont abandon her when things get a little rough. If you dont love her or care about her, then different discussion and you should be asking yourself why you are with her anyway. And to assume this guy wont do anything may indeed turn out to be true, but why take the chance. Stay on guard, and be ready to protect yourself and gf and dont assume he wont do anything. Minimize any contact with him. Try to have your GF's family solve this.

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