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Carter says Russia, China potentially threaten global order


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Obviously this moron Carter has been sent out to instigate WWIII. Like the rest of us, hopefully your sorry ass won't make it back to the underground bunkers before the blasts. Misery loves company.

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Ash Carter has got this totally the wrong way round. The threat to world peace is, and has been since WW2 ended, the US. Perpetual war with a brief hiatus after the unmanning in Viet-Nam which eroded the US public support for never ending war. I think WW2 convinced Americans that war was extremely profitable and so the laughably called 'defense industry', carries on lobbying for more and more wars.

Truman created the CIA, NSA in 1947. And, the rest is History:

1949 Greece

1952 Cuba

1953 Iran British Guyana

1954 Guatemala

1955 South Vietnam

1957 Haiti

1958 Laos

1960 South Korea Laos Ecuador

1963 Dominican Republic South Vietnam Honduras Guatemala Ecuador.

1964 Brazil Bolivia

1965 Zaire

1966 Ghana

1967 Greece

1970 Cambodia Bolivia

1972 El Salvador

1973 Chile

1975 Australia

1979 South Korea

1980 Liberia

1982 Chad

1983 Grenada

1987 Fiji

2002 Venezuela.

2004 Haiti

2009 Honduras

2013 Egypt


Now, smart people, give me the Russian Coup list.

The list means nothing without some even brief impartial description of each event. Each event and date was consciously and carefully selected to create the particular list for specific and narrow reasons and purposes.

For instance, the list omits rather conveniently Kuwait in January-February 1991. In another instance, one intervention in Haiti was to restore the elected president who'd been deposed by generals. Ukraine is self-explanatory as Putin is stuck there in his frozen tracks.

The list is biased as it is presented while simultaneously being meaningless for the same reason. Absent any even brief descriptions or accounts, the list is vacuous.

Truman didn't mean much. You needed to add the Dulles brothers in to round out the score card. And it was nothing by smooth sailing after Jack Kennedy lost half his head.

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It's amusing in a sad way to have the US talk about respect for national sovereignty. I guess it's respect for national sovereignty (of countries that support US economic interests).

If your trapped in a Fox news vortex like I am you hear the term US economic interests at least 10 times a day.

What's Fox News??? Oh, wait a minute....I vaguely remember them.

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Obviously this moron Carter has been sent out to instigate WWIII. Like the rest of us, hopefully your sorry ass won't make it back to the underground bunkers before the blasts. Misery loves company.

The right hasn't seen how misery loves company and won't until the day after the next election when the right will be suicidal.

Ashton Carter has served with or formally advised 11 secretaries of defense. Had Carter been appointed SecDef as of January 2009 Putin long ago would have been consigned to a room with padded walls, the ayatollahs would have signed on the dotted line years ago, and the CCP Boyz in Beijing would be more like boy scouts than they could ever have imagined themselves capable of doing.

Carter knowns in his bones thoze guyz respond to vinegar only with a good dose of horseradish for an overdue gagging. Honey or sugar they gulp down and laugh. The only way to handle Putin, the CCP and the ayatollahs is to swift kick 'em where it hurts. Only then do they begin to get the message and the point.

You want WW III give those thugs plenty of sugar and hugs.

Over here I've got my broker buying up plenty of vinegar stocks cause they're looking stronger all the time. Ash Carter is anyway setting the table for January 2017 and everyone in Washington knows it.

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Speaking of a global order that was very suitable to Russia, we have the following from history past and present. Vlad is trying to reestablish a Russian Empire in the style of the tsars and the Soviet Commisars Vlad misses so very dearly.

The Russian Empire


The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia, and the predecessor of the Soviet Union. It was the second largest contiguous empire in world history, surpassed only by the Mongol Empire, and the third largest empire behind the British Empire and the Mongol Empire. At one point in 1866, it stretched from eastern Europe, across Asia, and into North America.

The tanks of the Soviet Russian Army were unwelcome in several of the conquered and devoured nations of the USSR on many occasions, such as in Hungary in 1956 during the quashed uprising, Prague in 1968 and on many other dastartly occasions ordered by the bosses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Shall we discuss the Middle Kingdom of the Chinese emperors and their dynasties, to include the present very young and nervous dynasty in business suits, the Chinese Communist Party.

Before we might do that however let's take a look at decrepit Russia.

1 Armenian SSR

2 Azerbaijan SSR

3 Byelorussian SSR

4 Estonian SSR

5 Georgian SSR

6 Kazakh SSR

7 Kirghiz SSR

8 Latvian SSR

9 Lithuanian SSR

10 Moldavian SSR

11 Russian SFSR

12 Tajik SSR

13 Turkmen SSR

14 Ukrainian SSR

We could bitch and moan about the 1917 revolution too, but that's not current events, nor is this clap trap you posted. Try intelligently talking about current world event within the last 2 to 5 years. Would you like me to do the same unintelligible world history of the United States? It's irrelevant. What is relevant is what has been transpiring globally since the turn of the century, and more specific, over the last 5 years. The US can't contain China or Russia, and they are desperately scrambling for a foreign policy foothold. Unfortunately, the currently foreign policy of, "Don't Do Stupid Stuff", isn't really working for them. That's what you get when you elect an unknown, unvetted, freshman senator into the Oval Office with a staff made up of Goldman-Sach executives. The sheep got what they wanted, so now it's time to shut up and accept it. "Don't Do Stupid Stuff". Both Putin and Xi Jinping must still be laughing at that. It makes the US look like a poorly written comic book.

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Speaking of a global order that was very suitable to Russia, we have the following from history past and present. Vlad is trying to reestablish a Russian Empire in the style of the tsars and the Soviet Commisars Vlad misses so very dearly.

The Russian Empire


The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia, and the predecessor of the Soviet Union. It was the second largest contiguous empire in world history, surpassed only by the Mongol Empire, and the third largest empire behind the British Empire and the Mongol Empire. At one point in 1866, it stretched from eastern Europe, across Asia, and into North America.

The tanks of the Soviet Russian Army were unwelcome in several of the conquered and devoured nations of the USSR on many occasions, such as in Hungary in 1956 during the quashed uprising, Prague in 1968 and on many other dastartly occasions ordered by the bosses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Shall we discuss the Middle Kingdom of the Chinese emperors and their dynasties, to include the present very young and nervous dynasty in business suits, the Chinese Communist Party.

Before we might do that however let's take a look at decrepit Russia.

1 Armenian SSR

2 Azerbaijan SSR

3 Byelorussian SSR

4 Estonian SSR

5 Georgian SSR

6 Kazakh SSR

7 Kirghiz SSR

8 Latvian SSR

9 Lithuanian SSR

10 Moldavian SSR

11 Russian SFSR

12 Tajik SSR

13 Turkmen SSR

14 Ukrainian SSR

Nice Curriculum vitae you got there. So you really are a member of the NWO Troll Farm. Keep up the good work.

cum laude this; suma cum laude that; blah, blah, blah.

I should post mine, but I don't have that level of ego to massage. Suffice to say I graduated at the top of my class in University. Computer science major. Not physics, math, or chemistry. That would have been an accomplishment. But number 1 out of over 4000+ grads, not too bad. There are a lot smarter people out there smarter than me, but on graduation day, I nailed it with a hell of a lot of hard work and dedication. Oh, and I'm a hell of a lot smarter than most people. Just not Stephen Hawking, Robert Oppenheimer, or General Jack D. Ripper.

And I don't post my Curriculum vitae on freakin Thai Visa whistling.gif

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Speaking of a global order that was very suitable to Russia, we have the following from history past and present. Vlad is trying to reestablish a Russian Empire in the style of the tsars and the Soviet Commisars Vlad misses so very dearly.

The Russian Empire


The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia, and the predecessor of the Soviet Union. It was the second largest contiguous empire in world history, surpassed only by the Mongol Empire, and the third largest empire behind the British Empire and the Mongol Empire. At one point in 1866, it stretched from eastern Europe, across Asia, and into North America.

The tanks of the Soviet Russian Army were unwelcome in several of the conquered and devoured nations of the USSR on many occasions, such as in Hungary in 1956 during the quashed uprising, Prague in 1968 and on many other dastartly occasions ordered by the bosses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Shall we discuss the Middle Kingdom of the Chinese emperors and their dynasties, to include the present very young and nervous dynasty in business suits, the Chinese Communist Party.

Before we might do that however let's take a look at decrepit Russia.

Socialist Republic of RomaniaPeople's Republic of Albania

(to 1961)

1 Armenian SSR

2 Azerbaijan SSR

3 Byelorussian SSR

4 Estonian SSR

5 Georgian SSR

6 Kazakh SSR

7 Kirghiz SSR

8 Latvian SSR

9 Lithuanian SSR

10 Moldavian SSR

11 Russian SFSR

12 Tajik SSR

13 Turkmen SSR

14 Ukrainian SSR

Nice Curriculum vitae you got there. So you really are a member of the NWO Troll Farm. Keep up the good work.

cum laude this; suma cum laude that; blah, blah, blah.

I should post mine, but I don't have that level of ego to massage. Suffice to say I graduated at the top of my class in University. Computer science major. Not physics, math, or chemistry. That would have been an accomplishment. But number 1 out of over 4000+ grads, not too bad. There are a lot smarter people out there smarter than me, but on graduation day, I nailed it with a hell of a lot of hard work and dedication. Oh, and I'm a hell of a lot smarter than most people. Just not Stephen Hawking, Robert Oppenheimer, or General Jack D. Ripper.

And I don't post my Curriculum vitae on freakin Thai Visa whistling.gif

you drugs much?
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Obviously this moron Carter has been sent out to instigate WWIII. Like the rest of us, hopefully your sorry ass won't make it back to the underground bunkers before the blasts. Misery loves company.

The right hasn't seen how misery loves company and won't until the day after the next election when the right will be suicidal.

Ashton Carter has served with or formally advised 11 secretaries of defense. Had Carter been appointed SecDef as of January 2009 Putin long ago would have been consigned to a room with padded walls, the ayatollahs would have signed on the dotted line years ago, and the CCP Boyz in Beijing would be more like boy scouts than they could ever have imagined themselves capable of doing.

Carter knowns in his bones thoze guyz respond to vinegar only with a good dose of horseradish for an overdue gagging. Honey or sugar they gulp down and laugh. The only way to handle Putin, the CCP and the ayatollahs is to swift kick 'em where it hurts. Only then do they begin to get the message and the point.

You want WW III give those thugs plenty of sugar and hugs.

Over here I've got my broker buying up plenty of vinegar stocks cause they're looking stronger all the time. Ash Carter is anyway setting the table for January 2017 and everyone in Washington knows it.

I'm not even remotely impressed - Left? Right? Who cares? Also, after looking at your Curriculum Vitae again, how do you manage to write so poorly. Well, not like this is a formal forum. Heck, I can't proof-read my own writing so who am I to criticize, 'eh?

But Magna Cum Laude in Sociology. And an MA in Public Affairs Jounalism. Hot stuff. <whistle>

Local International Watchdog Against The Far Right. What's that mean? The Left - Right paradigm is for fools and chumps. You're an ex-Zero. Didn't you take a binding oath to the United States, something to the effect of:

"I...do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."

I don't see anything about left of right in there. Do you still support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic? Now there's something that transcends the right-left paradigm.

Good night. I'll leave you alone with your agenda. Watchdog against the far right? <head-shake>

Edited by connda
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Speaking of a global order that was very suitable to Russia, we have the following from history past and present. Vlad is trying to reestablish a Russian Empire in the style of the tsars and the Soviet Commisars Vlad misses so very dearly.

The Russian Empire


The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia, and the predecessor of the Soviet Union. It was the second largest contiguous empire in world history, surpassed only by the Mongol Empire, and the third largest empire behind the British Empire and the Mongol Empire. At one point in 1866, it stretched from eastern Europe, across Asia, and into North America.

The tanks of the Soviet Russian Army were unwelcome in several of the conquered and devoured nations of the USSR on many occasions, such as in Hungary in 1956 during the quashed uprising, Prague in 1968 and on many other dastartly occasions ordered by the bosses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Shall we discuss the Middle Kingdom of the Chinese emperors and their dynasties, to include the present very young and nervous dynasty in business suits, the Chinese Communist Party.

Before we might do that however let's take a look at decrepit Russia.

1 Armenian SSR

2 Azerbaijan SSR

3 Byelorussian SSR

4 Estonian SSR

5 Georgian SSR

6 Kazakh SSR

7 Kirghiz SSR

8 Latvian SSR

9 Lithuanian SSR

10 Moldavian SSR

11 Russian SFSR

12 Tajik SSR

13 Turkmen SSR

14 Ukrainian SSR

Nice Curriculum vitae you got there. So you really are a member of the NWO Troll Farm. Keep up the good work.

cum laude this; suma cum laude that; blah, blah, blah.

I should post mine, but I don't have that level of ego to massage. Suffice to say I graduated at the top of my class in University. Computer science major. Not physics, math, or chemistry. That would have been an accomplishment. But number 1 out of over 4000+ grads, not too bad. There are a lot smarter people out there smarter than me, but on graduation day, I nailed it with a hell of a lot of hard work and dedication. Oh, and I'm a hell of a lot smarter than most people. Just not Stephen Hawking, Robert Oppenheimer, or General Jack D. Ripper.

And I don't post my Curriculum vitae on freakin Thai Visa whistling.gif

Get a grip there Number 1.

Not much purpose till you do.

Just a suggestion that the off the handle rant would be more suitable in a PM, ne c'est pas.

The website invites self-profiles and it has a PM function, yes? You are anyway the one calling attention to personal profiles and stuff.

Clarity has come to US defense and foreign policy since Ashton Carter took over at the Pentagon. The US now has ended 15 years of ambiguity as to which government is the greater threat to the United States, Russia or the CCP Dictators.

United States stated definitively several months ago Russia is behind door number one and the CCP Dictators are behind door number two. (You'll find Iran behind door number three).

Ash Carter has the clarity and sophistication of analysis to make these calls. Russia is the much greater military force than are either the CCP or Iran. Russia puts the USA behind its door number one but it also puts China behind its door number two, and Russian elites know what they're doing in this respect and why. CCP claims almost all of the western half of Mother Russia but the Boyz play it down in the current post-Soviet atmosphere.

Chinese continue to look to Russia for technology as they have since Peter the Great, however, the CCP Boyz remain convinced their people are far superior to anything born in Russia and that Russians are in fact born to be slaves slavs. Each of 'em know the intentions of the other so the present chummy relations are temporary, inherently unsustainable; that the two are on a definite collision course.

Neither Russia nor Iran want the CCP's grandiose new silk road to Europe plan and the same is true of India. Which also means Asean is keeping its head down and its arse even lower while the present nonsense takes the next several years to play itself out. India is already irreversibly alienated from China as is Japan. Carter is putting the wedge in place between China and Russia. Bringing down the sledge hammer to drive it through and separate 'em again is a matter of time and events, circumstance.

If you're wondering why you have no clue, its entirely because you haven't any clue.

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Speaking of a global order that was very suitable to Russia, we have the following from history past and present. Vlad is trying to reestablish a Russian Empire in the style of the tsars and the Soviet Commisars Vlad misses so very dearly.

The Russian Empire


The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia, and the predecessor of the Soviet Union. It was the second largest contiguous empire in world history, surpassed only by the Mongol Empire, and the third largest empire behind the British Empire and the Mongol Empire. At one point in 1866, it stretched from eastern Europe, across Asia, and into North America.

The tanks of the Soviet Russian Army were unwelcome in several of the conquered and devoured nations of the USSR on many occasions, such as in Hungary in 1956 during the quashed uprising, Prague in 1968 and on many other dastartly occasions ordered by the bosses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Shall we discuss the Middle Kingdom of the Chinese emperors and their dynasties, to include the present very young and nervous dynasty in business suits, the Chinese Communist Party.

Before we might do that however let's take a look at decrepit Russia.

1 Armenian SSR

2 Azerbaijan SSR

3 Byelorussian SSR

4 Estonian SSR

5 Georgian SSR

6 Kazakh SSR

7 Kirghiz SSR

8 Latvian SSR

9 Lithuanian SSR

10 Moldavian SSR

11 Russian SFSR

12 Tajik SSR

13 Turkmen SSR

14 Ukrainian SSR

Nice Curriculum vitae you got there. So you really are a member of the NWO Troll Farm. Keep up the good work.

cum laude this; suma cum laude that; blah, blah, blah.

I should post mine, but I don't have that level of ego to massage. Suffice to say I graduated at the top of my class in University. Computer science major. Not physics, math, or chemistry. That would have been an accomplishment. But number 1 out of over 4000+ grads, not too bad. There are a lot smarter people out there smarter than me, but on graduation day, I nailed it with a hell of a lot of hard work and dedication. Oh, and I'm a hell of a lot smarter than most people. Just not Stephen Hawking, Robert Oppenheimer, or General Jack D. Ripper.

And I don't post my Curriculum vitae on freakin Thai Visa whistling.gif

Get a grip there Number 1.

Not much purpose till you do.

Just a suggestion that the off the handle rant would be more suitable in a PM, ne c'est pas.

The website invites self-profiles and it has a PM function, yes? You are anyway the one calling attention to personal profiles and stuff.

Clarity has come to US defense and foreign policy since Ashton Carter took over at the Pentagon. The US now has ended 15 years of ambiguity as to which government is the greater threat to the United States, Russia or the CCP Dictators.

United States stated definitively several months ago Russia is behind door number one and the CCP Dictators are behind door number two. (You'll find Iran behind door number three).

Ash Carter has the clarity and sophistication of analysis to make these calls. Russia is the much greater military force than are either the CCP or Iran. Russia puts the USA behind its door number one but it also puts China behind its door number two, and Russian elites know what they're doing in this respect and why. CCP claims almost all of the western half of Mother Russia but the Boyz play it down in the current post-Soviet atmosphere.

Chinese continue to look to Russia for technology as they have since Peter the Great, however, the CCP Boyz remain convinced their people are far superior to anything born in Russia and that Russians are in fact born to be slaves slavs. Each of 'em know the intentions of the other so the present chummy relations are temporary, inherently unsustainable; that the two are on a definite collision course.

Neither Russia nor Iran want the CCP's grandiose new silk road to Europe plan and the same is true of India. Which also means Asean is keeping its head down and its arse even lower while the present nonsense takes the next several years to play itself out. India is already irreversibly alienated from China as is Japan. Carter is putting the wedge in place between China and Russia. Bringing down the sledge hammer to drive it through and separate 'em again is a matter of time and events, circumstance.

If you're wondering why you have no clue, its entirely because you haven't any clue.

I don't need to say a word. Your rambling says it all...in spades. biggrin.png

Edited by connda
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SecDef Ashton Carter has made it clear to the CCP Dictators in Beijing the United States has vital national security stakes in the Western Pacific, the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean strategic region overall.

CCP Dictators and their PLA are convinced the United States is in decline (since 2008), even as the CCP's economy and financial systems crumble around them, or crash, or collapse, all three of which apply in different institutions and circumstances. Exports for instance fell by another 8% during October which continues their downward line since 2012.

The CCP Boyz however have not responded at all to the USS Lassen or to the B-52s. The Boyz had not responded in April to the Poseidon A-8 recon plane flying over with a CNN crew onboard recording everything to include the PLA Navy guys on the radio shouting (vacuously) to get out and to get away from their "Chinese waters" and air space. Not even a Chinese fishing boat with a water hose has come forward as a CCP' defense of its artificial islands on reefs and of the territorial waters the Boyz (excessively) claim.

The Boyz are hog tied unless and until they figure something out, which is that the US will keep the SCS and the skies above it open and absent of threats. What has the Boyz bamboozled is how to make a response without it being an escalation. This they cannot figure out because they know that any military response by Beijing will cause Ash Carter to escalate, and to escalate without hesitation. The Boyz can't deal with that.

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