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Silpakorn teacher electrocuted to death while cycling through flood


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If you value your life never ride a bike in Thailand...On dry road or flooded road...

It might be the last thing you ever do...

So might slipping on the tiles in the bathroom.

Read the statistics on that one. I prefer to live

my life without worrying about what might happen.

Oh yeah, I've been riding my bikes in Thailand

for the past 20+ years. tongue.png

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If you value your life never ride a bike in Thailand...On dry road or flooded road...

It might be the last thing you ever do...

Sorry, I did want to say condolences to the riders family

and friends. RIP to a much loved teacher.

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I Stayed in Pattaya with the missus while I had a few hospital appointments this weekend , scan ect at BKK-Pat hospital. The state of the pavement where they are burying cables is a disgrace , they are laying the block paving back on Mud, should be laid on lean mix of sand and cement and bushed in after with Kiln dried sand . Of course not a hope of any of that , uneven, dirty block paving being chucked back in with no pointing. They should be ashamed of their non investment in their top money maker. Oh and how Third world , man dying because they can't wire or know how to turn of electricity in a downpour. incompetent and unaware of any safety standards , Cant wait for the high speed with the Kitchens

Please God Forgive them they don't know what they are doing,,,My Trucking Ass they don't,They don't give a shit.

thats pretty much it really. im always pissing my g/f off with questions like 'but what if this happened after you did that?' and time after time it simply boils down to 'its not my problem'. if it wasnt raining when they twisted the wires together then so what? its not their problem if they become live later when it rains.........

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I Stayed in Pattaya with the missus while I had a few hospital appointments this weekend , scan ect at BKK-Pat hospital. The state of the pavement where they are burying cables is a disgrace , they are laying the block paving back on Mud, should be laid on lean mix of sand and cement and bushed in after with Kiln dried sand . Of course not a hope of any of that , uneven, dirty block paving being chucked back in with no pointing. They should be ashamed of their non investment in their top money maker. Oh and how Third world , man dying because they can't wire or know how to turn of electricity in a downpour. incompetent and unaware of any safety standards , Cant wait for the high speed with the Kitchens

Please God Forgive them they don't know what they are doing,,,My Trucking Ass they don't,They don't give a shit.

thats pretty much it really. im always pissing my g/f off with questions like 'but what if this happened after you did that?' and time after time it simply boils down to 'its not my problem'. if it wasnt raining when they twisted the wires together then so what? its not their problem if they become live later when it rains.........

I am not sure if it's the lack of education or what, the number of times I say to my GF about babies on scooters, no child seats in cars, people not wearing seat belts etc it's always 'what's the problem ?' The other night she left the window wide open in the bedroom, we are on the 20th storey, the baby was in bed. I said never ever leave the window open quoting the Eric Clapton incident, blank stare ! Obviously Building Regulations here are non existent, who in their right mind would design and install windows which open fully ?

Yes we go over the top with H&S in the UK but the death toll is no where near what it is in Thailand.

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A faulty mains RCBO very rare but it does happen should have been picked up during its last test, sad indeed for the family but this type of thing should not be possible to happen in this day and age, even in third world countries like Thailand.

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