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Concerns over deadly heat wave that could strike Thailand next year

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So did man cause the last ice age!!!! No its just easier to say man's fault anyway sorry here but I won't be around to see its natural conclusion and before I get the what about your kids and grandkids ect ect they will adapt to a changing world as we are now. Just because someone with letters after there name says something doesn't mean it's true does it .

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It seems as though folks think it's easier to dismiss these events as being of natural origin rather than to account for the anomalies, it's always been this way they tell us, even though there are no records to confirm such and they really don't care any way since they wont be here for the fallout, how selfish and arrogant is all of that!


Worrying about tomorrow never mind what may happen next year is like paying interest on a debt you may never owe. Live for today. Wasted energy. Mai pen ria.


It seems as though folks think it's easier to dismiss these events as being of natural origin rather than to account for the anomalies, it's always been this way they tell us, even though there are no records to confirm such and they really don't care any way since they wont be here for the fallout, how selfish and arrogant is all of that!

I do belive you are the arrogant and selfish one expecting everyone to agree with you as for future generations if the wars carry on as they are global warming won't matter much. I do not agree with you I am not selfish or arrogant. Have a great day


I bought a motorhome in new zealand this year. Thats where i will be spending march and april from now on and possibly more. Stuff the heat.


It could be a big problem what happens if they overload the grid , with AC use we will be doomed.

I have managed with just an aircon in the bedroom ..and sometimes no aircon at all...for 20 years.

There are ways of keeping cool. Our 4 bedroom home has marble floors and a huge upstairs area. All the heat goes up...and the flloors keep the lower house cool, with just a fan. Even up to 33 degrees outside is fine. We keep a garden and trees for shade, and most of the house is protected from direct sunlight.

I would not want to be without an aircon if the temp went to 35 or higher...but I could manage. 40 degrees and I would be gone...as I do not want to be indoor a whole season.


In July, here in Switzerland it got to 39 degrees for days on end. Today it was 20 degrees. Which is not normal for mid-November.

The skiers are going mental!!


So there's no negative impact on the planet from burning fossil fuels, depletion of the ozone layer and melting polar ice and they are not linked in any way and in no way man made?

negative and positive are man made, there is no negative or positive


It seems as though folks think it's easier to dismiss these events as being of natural origin rather than to account for the anomalies, it's always been this way they tell us, even though there are no records to confirm such and they really don't care any way since they wont be here for the fallout, how selfish and arrogant is all of that!

I do belive you are the arrogant and selfish one expecting everyone to agree with you as for future generations if the wars carry on as they are global warming won't matter much. I do not agree with you I am not selfish or arrogant. Have a great day

I am not asking anyone to agree with anything, I'm simply asking questions that remain unanswered. And since you are the one who posted a view that we are in a natural cycle I thought perhaps that you had thought it all through and could answer those questions, it seems you haven't and you can't. And since you don't care what happens in the future because you will be dead, I can only presume that you have no children, you are not an uncle and are indeed yourself very young, that being the case I do understand that you haven't fully thought it all through and are perhaps grasping at easy, palatable but indefensible answers that help you sleep better at night.

As an old timer who certainly wont be affected by what ever is happening, I am concerned for the sake of the younger generations. I'm concerned that the days are becoming far hotter than anything I've ever known before and that the effects of El Nino and El Nina are becoming much stronger (along with all that entails). I am also extremely worried about the massive increase in the burning of fossil fuels and their effect on the environment, my biggest concern however is that we don't seem to have agreement as to the cause of these issues nor a game plan to halt or circumvent them. Much of the reason why we don't have agreement or a plan has to do I suspect with economic self interest and politics, the defense of which throws up alternate unlikely answers such as, we're in a natural cycle! I for one would dearly love to be convinced that we are in fact in a natural cycle and that the things that are happening now do happen regularly throughout our history, I have yet to see however that theory proven even a little bit and your posts on this subject have done absolutely zero to clarify them - do tell me that you're not simply reciting something you've heard in a parrot like fashion, tell me that you have thought it all through, please!

BTW the term "my boy" is a term of endearment and is not intended to be derogatory in any way.


Again assumptions from yourself I am old enough to know what I belive in and wise enough to know you really belive the dross you spew out. I have for your records 5 children 18 grandchildren and am an Uncle many times over but quite what that has to do with it eludes me. It is easy for scientist to say oh it's down to man and burning carbon resources, but as there are no records held from the last ice age and how it came to pass one has to assume that it is was a natural phenomenom unless of course you belive in the alien theory. That given the case who is to say that IF we are entering a new climate age that this one is indeed a natural phenomenon. We come onto this earth for a short time I belive in living for today as do many others. Lots belive like you we should stop living and enjoying ourself so generations to come can live and enjoy themselves, who has the right idea no one knows but to call people selfish and arrogant because they hold diffrent views really!!!!!!. I put forward a war theory as that is as real a threat if not more so we can destroy the earth in minutes with nuclear bombs and as seems very Likely to me that will occur long before any natural climate change. Where by the way are the records the scientist are working from to prove it's man made climate change theory???? Could it be records the said and former scientists have written themselves to justify there theory. Just a thought. And I sleep very well at night thank you for your concerns.

BTW my boy where I hail from is a term meant to try and put people down. Which is why I explained I'm my dad's boy only.


I'm not sure which part of what I wrote you consider to be rubbish but if you spell it out I''ll be pleased to support whatever I've written.

With so many children and young relatives I would have thought you would be concerned about this issue more than most, for their sake. But you have written that you don't care because you will be dead, perhaps a person has to care in order to want to find an answer or perhaps it's simply not a requirement to love your children and relatives, who knows!

But you say also that there are no records from the last ice age so it's difficult to prove if this is all down to the burning of fossil fuels or not, therefore we must assume it's a natural cycle. Assumptions can be dangerous and I see no reason why "natural" should be the default assumption unless there is reason to rule out the other likely contributory factors, which there aren't - do I detect a whiff of denial!

Finally, I have not even hinted that, "we should stop living and enjoying ourself so generations to come can live and enjoy themselves" and I don't know what you are thinking of here so I can't really respond.

Finally finally: you seem to not trust science or scientists, is there another group we should trust or at least listen to instead and if so, who and why? It strikes me this may be a little like preferring to listen to the advice of herbal remedists rather than doctors but I'll go there anyway.

EDIT to add definition: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=my+boy




Looks like I will be relaxing in the kids paddling pool topped up with ice in my speedos.

Is the ice in the pool or in the speedos?

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


And finally it's goodbye from me and it's goodbye from mother earth please stop assuming again wrongly I love my children/grandchildren but I can't wrap them in cotton wool, you seem or should I say it comes across as you are a sad lonley man but you have your dictionaries for company oh one last thought did you fly to Thailand or walk so as not to pollute.


And finally it's goodbye from me and it's goodbye from mother earth please stop assuming again wrongly I love my children/grandchildren but I can't wrap them in cotton wool, you seem or should I say it comes across as you are a sad lonley man but you have your dictionaries for company oh one last thought did you fly to Thailand or walk so as not to pollute.

I'm absolutely OK if you can't or don't want to discuss these things, hopefully though you've had a prompt here to help you better define what you believe and why, hopefully.

And the dictionary quotes were solely for your benefit, to help you better understand.

As for travel: in truth I sailed here, from Hong Kong although it wasn't planned as such, but that's another story.



I would tend to believe in global warming more if

1/ the THames never used to freeze over in the 18th centuary

2/ grapes were not grown in Britain hundreds of years ago

3/ Britain and different times in history has been under ice and under water

4/there were freezing conditions in the middle ages in Britain

of course the global warming brigade will find excuses or Like Al Gore just tell half truths and lies ,then jet off in his private jet.


Unfortunately the fossil fuels issue has only been in focus since around 1950, so that kinda makes irrelevant all your points that refer to Middle Ages, 18th century, ice age and 100 years ago.


I would tend to believe in global warming more if

1/ the THames never used to freeze over in the 18th centuary

2/ grapes were not grown in Britain hundreds of years ago

3/ Britain and different times in history has been under ice and under water

4/there were freezing conditions in the middle ages in Britain

of course the global warming brigade will find excuses or Like Al Gore just tell half truths and lies ,then jet off in his private jet.

I find it useful to just ignore and avoid evangelists of any religion, including the AGW one.


Hand on heart, I've never ever expressed a view on this subject before, not anywhere, to be honest I've always taken a back seat on it all and in fact haven't thought much about it at all.

But if the responses in his thread are anything to go by, I might just start because it seems that folks either don't know anything about it or, can't be bothered to understand it, I seriously hope both those perceptions are wrong but the evidence doesn't look great thus far!


Hand on heart, I've never ever expressed a view on this subject before, not anywhere, to be honest I've always taken a back seat on it all and in fact haven't thought much about it at all.

But if the responses in his thread are anything to go by, I might just start because it seems that folks either don't know anything about it or, can't be bothered to understand it, I seriously hope both those perceptions are wrong but the evidence doesn't look great thus far!

Really don't know what your after if it's a fish to bite your hooks useless get over it you'll be long dead I can but have no wish to debate a subject that is of no real interest to me now if you want to debate football or even at a push cricket I will accommodate you. If you just end your posts without the little side swipes that would be fine. Please respect others views as I respect yours thank you


I'm always happy to respect other peoples views, as long as it's clear that it has been thought through and can stand up to scrutiny. As for what I'm after: not a lot really, I responded to test a poster on his opinion of why he thought that global warming was a natural event, part of repeated cycle and I couldn't get an answer as to why he thought that. Another poster described why he suggests that global warming might not be real because of a series of events that took place over the past few hundred years, none of them having taken place during the past seventy five years when fossil fuel burning came into focus.

So I'm now kinda curious to see hat people really think on this subject and importantly, why. I've read what NASA has to say and they seem pretty convincing plus I've read what various government science bodies have to say and they seem to agree. I've also read what some of the detractors have to say and honestly, it's hard to give too much credence to Joe Nobody's opinion of why NASA or similar might be wrong. I therefore hope that somebody else might come along and say hey, this is the reason why and here's the proof, perhaps that's too much to ask, dunno.


NOTHING drastic is going to happen in my lifetime.

If it does, there is NOTHING I can do about it, as its on a "natures" scale.

The best you can do, IF you believe such things, is to prepare for it based on available information when it becomes imminent.

One thing is for sure "talking about it" will achieve nothing and have zero impact on any eventualities/outcome globally.

Worry about the things you can change/influence, not the things that all you can realistically do is try to cope with and live with.



NOTHING drastic is going to happen in my lifetime.

If it does, there is NOTHING I can do about it, as its on a "natures" scale.

The best you can do, IF you believe such things, is to prepare for it based on available information when it becomes imminent.

One thing is for sure "talking about it" will achieve nothing and have zero impact on any eventualities/outcome globally.

Worry about the things you can change/influence, not the things that all you can realistically do is try to cope with and live with.


"the things you can change/influence"

You may be right Roland but I'm not sure, take a (maybe notsomuch) hypothetical scenario:

You read all the reports and you listen to all the evidence, for and against and you conclude that the worlds scientists, NASA and global governments are actually right, the problem is being caused by our consumption of fossil fuels. As a result you change your lifestyle just a little and you persuade your family and a couple of friends to do the same, as a result the problems are mitigated.

The alternative is to say I can do nothing and it's all out of my control, that way you absolve yourself of responsibility and you become a fatalist, what will be will be.

Yet another alternative is to say it's a natural event, this has a similar outcome to the previous approach but in order for it to work you need to prove to yourself and other that it is indeed part of a natural cycle.

I like options one and three, option two is a non-starter for me, so those options require some fact finding and some research and perhaps listening to people who understand these things technically and I think that's pretty much where I am at the moment on all of this. Just food for thought.


NOTHING drastic is going to happen in my lifetime.

If it does, there is NOTHING I can do about it, as its on a "natures" scale.

The best you can do, IF you believe such things, is to prepare for it based on available information when it becomes imminent.

One thing is for sure "talking about it" will achieve nothing and have zero impact on any eventualities/outcome globally.

Worry about the things you can change/influence, not the things that all you can realistically do is try to cope with and live with.


"the things you can change/influence"

You may be right Roland but I'm not sure, take a (maybe notsomuch) hypothetical scenario:

You read all the reports and you listen to all the evidence, for and against and you conclude that the worlds scientists, NASA and global governments are actually right, the problem is being caused by our consumption of fossil fuels. As a result you change your lifestyle just a little and you persuade your family and a couple of friends to do the same, as a result the problems are mitigated.

The alternative is to say I can do nothing and it's all out of my control, that way you absolve yourself of responsibility and you become a fatalist, what will be will be.

Yet another alternative is to say it's a natural event, this has a similar outcome to the previous approach but in order for it to work you need to prove to yourself and other that it is indeed part of a natural cycle.

I like options one and three, option two is a non-starter for me, so those options require some fact finding and some research and perhaps listening to people who understand these things technically and I think that's pretty much where I am at the moment on all of this. Just food for thought.

or you do like the rest of Asia India and dont give a flying f00000k

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