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True Adsl Smtp?


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Anyone having a problem with using external {to Thailand} SMTP? Have a site hosted by GoDaddy and have been using their SMTP service for yonks, but in the last two days I've been unable to access it getting a 10060 error.

Has True shutdown this 'facility'? or is it just a time out issue, given the speed :o of the net presently.

If I do have to use the local, anyone have the settings, ports etc.? Damned if I can find the docs now.


/edit typo//

Edited by A_Traveller
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To follow up, found the True SMTP data so that option works using their 'service', assuming it stays up :o but anyone have information about why the external SMTP provision just stopped?

GoDaddy advised by email {in about 10 minutes} to set to ISP settings, so I wonder if they have had similar questions recently.


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