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Hospital raid video gives rare look at murky Israeli unit


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Linky, on 13 Nov 2015 - 08:42, said:

ezzra, on 13 Nov 2015 - 08:21, said:


You could have tried to answer instead of deflect. I will help you.

Yes the Palestinians have the same right.

Why is it that other people's suffering is less important than the Palestinians? is their blood not red?

do they not scream and cry when killed and shot? and why is it a deflection, you calling it

a deflection is a DEFLECTION on it's self...

and what answer do you want? there is no answer answer, if there was an

answer to all this madness we were not be discussing this here today....

I would observe that the Palestinian suffering is only of interest to some of our esteemed members if the blame can somehow be pinned on Israel. 2900 die in Syria, nada, zilch. Arab apartheid policy is applied to Palestinians who have lived their entire lives in Arab Countries, no concern there either.

Blame is not "somehow" pinned on Israel, it is squarely and fairly pinned on Israel.

Again, the "But others do it too, Israel is not the only one, so why just condemn Israel" angle is spurious and unfounded. Quit with it. It encourages off-topic posts and is in fact not a justification for Israel's crimes.

I personally have very publicly condemned daesh in Syria and Iraq, and terrorism wherever it occurs.

Note, that freedom fighting is a different case. Whether it be Viet Cong guerrillas fighting an invading foreign army, or French Resistance, the oppressed have to do what they have to do.

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Linky, on 13 Nov 2015 - 08:42, said:

You could have tried to answer instead of deflect. I will help you.

Yes the Palestinians have the same right.

Why is it that other people's suffering is less important than the Palestinians? is their blood not red?

do they not scream and cry when killed and shot? and why is it a deflection, you calling it

a deflection is a DEFLECTION on it's self...

and what answer do you want? there is no answer answer, if there was an

answer to all this madness we were not be discussing this here today....

I would observe that the Palestinian suffering is only of interest to some of our esteemed members if the blame can somehow be pinned on Israel. 2900 die in Syria, nada, zilch. Arab apartheid policy is applied to Palestinians who have lived their entire lives in Arab Countries, no concern there either.

Blame is not "somehow" pinned on Israel, it is squarely and fairly pinned on Israel.

Again, the "But others do it too, Israel is not the only one, so why just condemn Israel" angle is spurious and unfounded. Quit with it. It encourages off-topic posts and is in fact not a justification for Israel's crimes.

I personally have very publicly condemned daesh in Syria and Iraq, and terrorism wherever it occurs.

Note, that freedom fighting is a different case. Whether it be Viet Cong guerrillas fighting an invading foreign army, or French Resistance, the oppressed have to do what they have to do.


He seems ignorant that it was the ISIS that killed the Palestinians in Syria. The hypocrisy is telling among the Israeli propogandists. In another thread we have Ezzra actually supporting the ISIS bombings in Beirut because it supposedly killed Hezbollah 'terrorists' when it killed many innocent citizens in reality.

The more some reveal their hatred the more one sees the defenders of Israeli crimes aligning themselves with ISIS. The whole region has become a lawless mess and this type of state-sponsored terrorism in the Op is just a part of it.

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Linky, on 13 Nov 2015 - 08:42, said:

ezzra, on 13 Nov 2015 - 08:21, said:

Seastallion, on 13 Nov 2015 - 07:43, said:

Seastallion, on 13 Nov 2015 - 07:43, said:

Infiltrators can be summarily executed.

I hope the Palestinians catch a few of them.

You could have tried to answer instead of deflect. I will help you.

Yes the Palestinians have the same right.

Why is it that other people's suffering is less important than the Palestinians? is their blood not red?

do they not scream and cry when killed and shot? and why is it a deflection, you calling it

a deflection is a DEFLECTION on it's self...

and what answer do you want? there is no answer answer, if there was an

answer to all this madness we were not be discussing this here today....

I would observe that the Palestinian suffering is only of interest to some of our esteemed members if the blame can somehow be pinned on Israel. 2900 die in Syria, nada, zilch. Arab apartheid policy is applied to Palestinians who have lived their entire lives in Arab Countries, no concern there either.

Instead of complaining why dont you start a thread on the other things.

This thread is yet another on Israel and its despicable acts against a people it suppresses. So thats why we post about Israel.

Posts on what others do is off topic.

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Israeli apologists on this forum often boast that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Well I have news for you...modern civilized democracies simply do not behave in this way.

Can you imagine the uproar if the army or police of a European country, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand...even ones fighting inependence movements...sent soldiers or armed police into a hospital threatening staff in order to kidnap an alleged attacker. It beggars belief.

Hospitals are usually places where lives are saved. What would the IDF have done if an innocent nurse or doctor had professionally objected to the kidnapping of a sick patient...kill them too?

Whoever authorized this raid should be sacked after his appearance before the ICC for this heinous crime, least of all because it was such a dopey thing to do that has brought a pile of bad PR, embarrassment and headache for Israel, when there are far less dangerous ways of making an arrest to interview a suspect. How many more forums and social media are ablaze with this story making more viewers aware of Israel's monstrous illegal behavior.

"Amnesty International called for an investigation into the raid.

"The fact that Abdullah Shalaldeh was shot in the head and upper body suggests this was an extrajudicial execution," said Philip Luther, the director of Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa programme.

Luther added that the killing came amid "a disturbing pattern of similar recent incidents by Israeli forces in the West Bank which warrant urgent investigation""

Edited by dexterm
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See the Israelis cry when it happened to them, they are arrogant and have learned nothing in the last 70 years. You reap what you sow

All I see is that the French have learned noting

The world must fellow Israel and stop licking theA@@ of Muslims Terrorist

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car720, on 13 Nov 2015 - 08:59, said:

My opinion is that the Israelis are at fault here.

Whatever the legal implications are, if there is a safer way it should be used.

These people were within a hospital precinct. It should have been a simple task for an outfit like this to have besieged the hospital covertly until they tried to leave. This way no innocents would be put at risk.

This smells of shoot first and justify later.

Total sophistry.

Bull crap, Terrorist have been hiding in schools, hospitals and private homes for long time now

ant it is well documented, Palestinians terrorist have been using the general population for a shield

for long time now, hiding rockets and ammunitions under peoples homes as well as in UN installations,

enough with comments from people who knows shit all about this conflict and venture a comment

that is without merits....

The problem is that there are good guys and bad guys. Which ones are you?

The good guys do what is right and the bad guys do what is wrong.

How does the old adage go? Two wrongs don't make a right.

If you truly feel aggrieved and want people to champion your cause then you have to start showing them that you are the good guys.

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Israeli apologists on this forum often boast that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Well I have news for you...modern civilized democracies simply do not behave in this way.

Can you imagine the uproar if the army or police of a European country, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand...even ones fighting inependence movements...sent soldiers or armed police into a hospital threatening staff in order to kidnap an alleged attacker. It beggars belief.

Hospitals are usually places where lives are saved. What would the IDF have done if an innocent nurse or doctor had professionally objected to the kidnapping of a sick patient...kill them too?

Whoever authorized this raid should be sacked after his appearance before the ICC for this heinous crime, least of all because it was such a dopey thing to do that has brought a pile of bad PR, embarrassment and headache for Israel, when there are far less dangerous ways of making an arrest to interview a suspect. How many more forums and social media are ablaze with this story making more viewers aware of Israel's monstrous illegal behavior.

"Amnesty International called for an investigation into the raid.

"The fact that Abdullah Shalaldeh was shot in the head and upper body suggests this was an extrajudicial execution," said Philip Luther, the director of Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa programme.

Luther added that the killing came amid "a disturbing pattern of similar recent incidents by Israeli forces in the West Bank which warrant urgent investigation""


"Modern democracies don't behave in this way". Really? What do you think the French security forces should do if they hear one of the terrorists who killed so many people in Paris last night was in a hospital? Sit around the ambulances full of dead to wait until he is well enough to walk out? Oh of course not, only the Israeli's must be forced to be the subject of continuous terrorism without retrebution on the perpetrators. AM will no doubt be out protesting that the French had the temerity to shoot one of these c...s before he had time to blow himself up.

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