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My wife is "saveing" worksheets for teaching English from the internet.

She can open some of them with Word and print them no problem.

Some of them are JPG and can't be opened with Word.

So I downloaded "JPG to Word Converter" which was fine if the

worksheet was all English.

If the worksheet has Thai lettters or a picture it converts as nonsence

Does any one have any sugestions on how to convert an image (with Thai

alphabet and picture) to a file type that can be opened with Microsoft Word.


In the online Adobe DC, which seems to be supplanting Acrobat XI, you can convert between different types of files. I think that I am paying Adobe about $10 per month for document origination, conversion and on-site storage. You can convert almost anything to a word or PDF document. Word 2016 itself has the ability to convert between formats. I haven't been as pleased with Excel 2016 since it seems to have some bugs.


If you want the EDIT what you see in an IMAGE (.gif, .jpg, .png) then you'll either need to run though an Optical Character Recognition routine, retype it, ...or treat is as a graphic image and edit it in a graphic editor.

While the original image can be included in a WORD or PDF file, it will still be an image.

If you really must us an OCR routine, I've had success using a graphic editor to 'white out' the conflicting language/objects and then running the result image though OCR for analysis/recognition. Easier to retype, unless your talking about pages upon pages of info (which is why I've used graphic editors as filters to aid OCR).


Import the jpg into word by

Insert picture

Then save the word doc


Thanks "maprao"

Works beautifully........

You're welcome

Glad it worked for you

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best:D


Editing it in a grafic editor sounds like the simplest thing

for me to teach my wife how to do.

Can you name a program that can do this.

An image viewer in which you can type and print.


My wife is "saveing" worksheets for teaching English from the internet.

She can open some of them with Word and print them no problem.

Some of them are JPG and can't be opened with Word.

So I downloaded "JPG to Word Converter" which was fine if the

worksheet was all English.

If the worksheet has Thai lettters or a picture it converts as nonsence

Does any one have any sugestions on how to convert an image (with Thai

alphabet and picture) to a file type that can be opened with Microsoft Word

As already suggested, use your "insert image option" when using MS Office Word. But you could also show her various websites where you can download PDF files, then convert them into MS Office Word. Problem solved. Usually, you can save various worksheets as an image, or a PDF file.

Here's one: https://www.superteacherworksheets.com/spelling-lists/spelling-e3.html

MS Office 2013 is pretty cool inserting images using Bing. She'll find thousands of templates to insert.


A couple of other programes you could try in the MS Office is using paint or if you have it publisher .


Sounds like it didn't get inserted at full resolution.

What happens if you right-click it? Does the image show any display properties/preferences?


I'm a photoshop guy, but most all of the higher-end consumer programs have all mostly gone 'cloud-based' (that I don't like) so I can't recommend any quick/dirty image editors.


Her Word is in Thai and she can't find the "insert image"option.

Can you say where it is to make it easier to find.

Please see attached image. I'm using MS office 2013, but it's similar to older versions. The left is file then to the right "home" and then " insert".

P.S. I've already clicked on "insert" when you look at the image.




I've got the image incerted.

But I have to increase the pixals in Irfanview first

or else it blurs when I zoom.

I can also "set new size" in Irfanview.

The size now is With 1018,Hight 1440,

Does anybody know how to set it for A4 paper


Creating a PDF file from image is easy ( and for free ) with C# library ( DLL ) PDFSharp. Website Code Project contains an example of how to accomplish this.

Probably easier to use a Print to PDF option. Windows has one built-in.

Though, the who query of the OP is to EDIT the .jpg


Creating a PDF file from image is easy ( and for free ) with C# library ( DLL ) PDFSharp. Website Code Project contains an example of how to accomplish this.

Probably easier to use a Print to PDF option. Windows has one built-in.

Though, the who query of the OP is to EDIT the .jpg

You're absolutely right. That I did not think of using CutePDF.

Btw. the link I was referring to includes a demo ( a renamed .exe ) which is quite easy to use ( capable of handling different input formats ) and performs automatic scaling ( but only after a reported fix has been applied ). Without this fix that .exe program is pretty useless. Sorry about that.

Proper PDF content can go gigantic. JPG cannot.

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