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Another victim bites the dust ! When will they ever learn.


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All you proved is that they wanted a second date with you. What's so bad about that. If you represented yourself accurately on your profile and were nice on the dates then this isn't really strange at all.

I agree with a lot of what you say. My point is that this simply would not have happened in the Western world, indeed despite so called liberation most Western women would still expect you to be chasing them for a second date, not the other way around. To me it suggests very strongly that their prime aim is not to find the 'right man '. I believe they are primarily looking for financial support (either direct or indirect) in much the same way as a girl you may meet at a massage or a bar. I totally agree with you that it is a great and easy way to meet girls and i also agree that are very polite and friendly but so are many girls you can find in bars / massage ! As a word of caution to those new to Thailand these Online girls almost all have some connection with the Western world either in the form of the tourist industry, past (maybe current) prostitution of even simply a close female friend or relative who has gained financial security from co-habiting with a Western man. I would also suggest that it is not necessarily a cost effective option either especially when travel costs and meals out are involved.

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We all hear stories, everyone thinks it wont happen to them, and yet the reality is so different. So, here's the story, lets not have the usual I told you so etc as we all know that line.

Guy from the UK, meets girl in Pattaya, after a romance of several months, him back and forth when he has time off from work. Then she gets him up to the home village back in the sticks, parades him around like a trophy. He meets the family, introduced to some locals etc. Some time passes, and yes he buys an area of land, in her name. More time passes, the Mcmansion is now under way. A huge 4 bedroom 2 storey detached in 3 rai of ground. Next comes the parties, then the Wedding, many of his friends and relatives fly in for the ceremony and wish the happy couple well etc.

He continues to work in another country, sending her regular monthly payments of 50-60k returning for a few weeks at a time when he can.She has no job and is paid to stay home and look after the home etc.

Time passes, next comes the NEW Toyota Fortuner, and she is parading around the area with what appears to be an entourage, and she is wearing all the gold necklaces etc and giving money to friends etc. The husband, oblivious, is still working away.

Then he returns and is met at the airport by his wife and "her cousin" who is driving the Fortuner, he's staying with her at the New house as its a little outside village and she is scared to be alone in the big house. So, she has "employed" him to drive her around and look after the house and garden etc. (I think you all know where this is going).

More time passes, now 4 years since the original meeting. She wants a divorce, she tells him, she doesnt love him and never did, just wants him to go away and leave her alone.

The guy is distraught, upset, says he still loves her and wants to make it work, he planned to retire and share his life with her, she says "dont care, go away, I got what I wanted , why do I need you?"

Now here the back story, the land he purchased, he didnt know it, but it was purchased at twice the going rate from her parents !!

It was actually built by her Uncle, paying way over the rate again.

The driver, is actually her Thai husband.

He (the ferang) is the 3rd in a succession of her victims.

Right now, she is back in Pattaya searching for the next victim !!

What really gets me, and the one aspect to all this I cannot understand for the life of me, is this "woman" early-mid thirties, is not the slightest bit attractive, is overweight and really nothing special in anyway. If she was a "stunner" I could understand how guys would get sucked in (pardon the pun), so what she has eludes me, but she does have a cold heart and a ruthless plan.

So, it does happen, its not all rumour and urban myth. And for those that are wondering how I know, well, I live in the same village and you know how people love to talk in small communities.

I actually met the guy too, all be it briefly some time ago when he was fresh of the plane so to speak.

BEWARE they are real, and YOU could be next.

He did manage to negotiate the sale of the Fortuner to get some money back, but thats all he ended up with.

there's a similar story unfolding near where I live now. The girl is a uni educated teacher and my friend said he met her online but I've seen enough photos on her Facebook page to suggest she's been to Pattaya many times. They bought the land. He paid double what it really cost. Soon starting the build. His father in law is "managing" the build. She openly bad mouths him. Her parents tell all in the village he's kie neow and as soon as she gets citizen ship in Denmark get rid of him. What I can't work out is she's just had his baby? Poor bugger. I envy the blokes who have found the right girl here but I just don't know how anyone can take the leap of faith and gamble their life savings. These girls can put on an act for years with the husband in the background for years. She gets a guy that really loves and cares about her and she sticks by some deadbeat Thai pimp probably treats her like dirt. It does happen and I will never understand it
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All the old hands know the stories. Sometimes you can't save people from themselves. Stupid farangs.

Don't get in a relationship till after you've been here...a year. So many women to choose from and most of them are wonderful.

Shy away from the ones that were ever in the game. Don't meet your wife in Patts.


I know an "old hand" and a normally street smart bloke just took a bath. Not huge money but it can happen to anyone
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Dating websites are also a sign of desperation for westerners.

You've really got a problem with dating sites.


Respectfully, though, I won't ask you to show a photo of your wife. I have no desire to see you humiliated.

my mate is on TF and plays the game as do the girls. His latest turned up. Body looking nothing like her photos in fact she had quite a large tummy. "Eat too much breakfast solly". Back in the hotel playing with her breasts and milk leaking out. She was 6 months pregnant haha. She told him she cudnt tell him the truth or he wudnt of met her haha. Lieland at its best :-)
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All you proved is that they wanted a second date with you. What's so bad about that. If you represented yourself accurately on your profile and were nice on the dates then this isn't really strange at all.

I agree with a lot of what you say. My point is that this simply would not have happened in the Western world, indeed despite so called liberation most Western women would still expect you to be chasing them for a second date, not the other way around. To me it suggests very strongly that their prime aim is not to find the 'right man '. I believe they are primarily looking for financial support (either direct or indirect) in much the same way as a girl you may meet at a massage or a bar. I totally agree with you that it is a great and easy way to meet girls and i also agree that are very polite and friendly but so are many girls you can find in bars / massage ! As a word of caution to those new to Thailand these Online girls almost all have some connection with the Western world either in the form of the tourist industry, past (maybe current) prostitution of even simply a close female friend or relative who has gained financial security from co-habiting with a Western man. I would also suggest that it is not necessarily a cost effective option either especially when travel costs and meals out are involved.

you make some good points as well and it's nice to have a discussion with someone who doesn't see the world so black and white. I found on thaifriendly that I got very little interest from girls there because I was too young and they thought I had no money (my assumption). Many of the girls there are bar girls or prostitutes.

On Thai Cupid I found a lot of pretty decent girls. Whether or not they wanted financial security i don't know, and I never offered that to them. But overall my ability to get decent girls here to spend time with is 100 times easier than in USA. I am definetly not looking forward to moving back to California next month after spending 2 years here.

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All you proved is that they wanted a second date with you. What's so bad about that. If you represented yourself accurately on your profile and were nice on the dates then this isn't really strange at all.

I agree with a lot of what you say. My point is that this simply would not have happened in the Western world, indeed despite so called liberation most Western women would still expect you to be chasing them for a second date, not the other way around. To me it suggests very strongly that their prime aim is not to find the 'right man '. I believe they are primarily looking for financial support (either direct or indirect) in much the same way as a girl you may meet at a massage or a bar. I totally agree with you that it is a great and easy way to meet girls and i also agree that are very polite and friendly but so are many girls you can find in bars / massage ! As a word of caution to those new to Thailand these Online girls almost all have some connection with the Western world either in the form of the tourist industry, past (maybe current) prostitution of even simply a close female friend or relative who has gained financial security from co-habiting with a Western man. I would also suggest that it is not necessarily a cost effective option either especially when travel costs and meals out are involved.

you make some good points as well and it's nice to have a discussion with someone who doesn't see the world so black and white. I found on thaifriendly that I got very little interest from girls there because I was too young and they thought I had no money (my assumption). Many of the girls there are bar girls or prostitutes.

On Thai Cupid I found a lot of pretty decent girls. Whether or not they wanted financial security i don't know, and I never offered that to them. But overall my ability to get decent girls here to spend time with is 100 times easier than in USA. I am definetly not looking forward to moving back to California next month after spending 2 years here.

Asian / Thai culture does dictate she look for financial security first and foremost. One would hope some type of affection (love?) and respect would follow closely. If I was looking again my target would be a girl with a job, education and decent family. They do exist here. I have a reasonable cash reserve (would seem a fortune to a thai) but it has to support me for a long time as I have retired young. Thus I only ever plan to live on around 30k thb a month. If she wasn't happy with that too bad. It shudnt be forgotten with the better educated middle class Thais just having a farang boyfriend / husband does carry status. With the right woman could start a business, family etc. Could borrow money for a nice home. The debt and the house would be in her name. I'll make the payments, at least while I'm around. That's the only way I could see a way forward with a girl here
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All you proved is that they wanted a second date with you. What's so bad about that. If you represented yourself accurately on your profile and were nice on the dates then this isn't really strange at all.

I agree with a lot of what you say. My point is that this simply would not have happened in the Western world, indeed despite so called liberation most Western women would still expect you to be chasing them for a second date, not the other way around. To me it suggests very strongly that their prime aim is not to find the 'right man '. I believe they are primarily looking for financial support (either direct or indirect) in much the same way as a girl you may meet at a massage or a bar. I totally agree with you that it is a great and easy way to meet girls and i also agree that are very polite and friendly but so are many girls you can find in bars / massage ! As a word of caution to those new to Thailand these Online girls almost all have some connection with the Western world either in the form of the tourist industry, past (maybe current) prostitution of even simply a close female friend or relative who has gained financial security from co-habiting with a Western man. I would also suggest that it is not necessarily a cost effective option either especially when travel costs and meals out are involved.

you make some good points as well and it's nice to have a discussion with someone who doesn't see the world so black and white. I found on thaifriendly that I got very little interest from girls there because I was too young and they thought I had no money (my assumption). Many of the girls there are bar girls or prostitutes.

On Thai Cupid I found a lot of pretty decent girls. Whether or not they wanted financial security i don't know, and I never offered that to them. But overall my ability to get decent girls here to spend time with is 100 times easier than in USA. I am definetly not looking forward to moving back to California next month after spending 2 years here.

Asian / Thai culture does dictate she look for financial security first and foremost. One would hope some type of affection (love?) and respect would follow closely. If I was looking again my target would be a girl with a job, education and decent family. They do exist here. I have a reasonable cash reserve (would seem a fortune to a thai) but it has to support me for a long time as I have retired young. Thus I only ever plan to live on around 30k thb a month. If she wasn't happy with that too bad. It shudnt be forgotten with the better educated middle class Thais just having a farang boyfriend / husband does carry status. With the right woman could start a business, family etc. Could borrow money for a nice home. The debt and the house would be in her name. I'll make the payments, at least while I'm around. That's the only way I could see a way forward with a girl here

?why bother getting involved ?

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The more horror stories I read, the luckier I feel.

My wife and I met in Chinatown Bkk, wrote to each other using a pen and paper, met up a few more times, met family, got married and lived happily ever after.

Ahhhh, the good old days.

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Some of you farang guys are really sheep alike by being so much innocently naive, in which to turn a such low-class whore to be so aggressive wolf to steal you ruthlessly,

Another side of the endless stories ... time to time I hear some stories that some Nigerian guys cheating some Thai ladies, for sure with different scenarios, etc,, and still ongoing lucrative business around here,,

It seems like a dual-side business directions, some cheat-in, and some cheat-out, isn;t it?

Can we call this: asset recovery to the Afrian stolen treasures via Thailand? haha

Guys, I am kidding here, just to make you have some laugh, have a nice peaceful weekend ...!

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The more horror stories I read, the luckier I feel.

My wife and I met in Chinatown Bkk, wrote to each other using a pen and paper, met up a few more times, met family, got married and lived happily ever after.

Ahhhh, the good old days.

Yes mate that was the way!!!!!!

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The more horror stories I read, the luckier I feel.

My wife and I met in Chinatown Bkk, wrote to each other using a pen and paper, met up a few more times, met family, got married and lived happily ever after.

Ahhhh, the good old days.

Yes mate that was the way!!!!!!

Made it a little bit more exciting.

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Dating websites are also a sign of desperation for westerners.

I think you need to get with the times. Back in the west there isn't much of an issue with dating sites even amongst younger 20-somethings, I'd say especially amongst that age group. No issues at all, no stigma or anything. Just another way for people to connect in this digital age

Wish it was around when I was early 20s!!

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Dating websites are also a sign of desperation for westerners.

I think you need to get with the times. Back in the west there isn't much of an issue with dating sites even amongst younger 20-somethings, I'd say especially amongst that age group. No issues at all, no stigma or anything. Just another way for people to connect in this digital age

Wish it was around when I was early 20s!!

Dating sites were ok back home but fraught with all the same issues you get here. The girls here I imagine would be more recourse full dare I say mercenary. Was a lot of players on the dating sites back home. Like someone else said u were just one of 10 or 15 favorites and the only thing that changed was your place in the queue. Other things dating sites instill is a ready fresh supply should you not work out. Very similar to starting a relationship with a savvy bar girl. Easy come easy go. Also without fail they always still had some contact with old flames or as one put it Frk buddies. Social media in my opinion has lessened or devalued relationships in general. I think if I was looking for a girl here i'd be out at the malls, markets etc smiling a lot. Hopefully any partner would be social media illiterate.

There are some amazing girls in the village where I live but none speak English. And i would be wary of any girl who could speak English...unless she had a work / uni history that could support it

Edited by Kenny202
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