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A Dog For A Basket, A Bucket For A Dog


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Hi food lovers! :D:D:D

Have anyone of you seen that pickup with a steel cage on the back and buckets and baskets on the roof driving through the villages with a couple of dogs in the cage and most of the dogs in the villages running after, barking and howling like mad. Such a noise! It seems like the dogs outside the car knows very well what's going on...

I've asked my wife :D what the driver says in the loudspeaker and she translated it to something like this:

"A dog for a basket, a basket for a dog; a dog for a bucket, a bucket for a dog".

Same sentence over and over again. Meaning, if you want to get rid of your dog (or maybe someone elses that you don't like :D ) you can give it to them and in return they give you an (empty) bucket or basket.

They will sell the dogs to people who likes dogmeat. I've also asked my wife :D if they eat dogs around here. We live in the area near Nonsa-At (halfway between Udon and Khon Kaen) but she says no, no we don't eat that sort of things up here........ never!! Ever!!! They take the dogs away, she says, and sell them to rich people somewhere else who think it's delicious to eat man's best friend. I know it's common in the Phillippines and maybe amongst chinese people, who are famous for eating almost everything! But I suppose they don't send them to the Phillippines. I'm sure they have enough of dogs over there. It must be someone in Thailand.......!?

So, have you seen this salesmen and do you know anyone around who buyes and eats dogmeat from this car? :D

Laab maa, anyone, with a beer Chang!? :o:D

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I live in the south west corner of Ubon Province, and yes I've seen the pickup several times.

According to my wife, there is a market in amphoe Talae in Sakhon Nakhon, and also one in Surin?

She's heard that the soldiers caught 50 dogs last time, and they were sent to Vietnam/Lao?? :D

With all the street dogs in the villages in this area, combined with the little care from the locals, :o

I suppose it is one way of keeping the numbers down. Many of the dogs are in really bad shape!

BTW - We have 4 dogs ourselves, but they're all kept within our property :D

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I've seen the truck going thru the area and been told about the same thing....sold for meat "up North". On a rare occasion or two I've also seen the "locals" having a small "party" and "maa" BBQ. :o

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Have you ever eaten those 'meat balls' in the local market? We lost a dog about 10 years ago and my wife assured me that he was now on those stalls and as tasty as any other meat, we go for pancake rolls now (bhoppia - excuse my phonetics!) rather than meat balls.

Maybe she was right and maybe she was wrong but why would those guys with the pick-ups go to the trouble of exporting the meat when they could skin the dogs and mince them right here?

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No it is not really sick if you eat meat.What is the difference?It is an animal.And believe it or not, it really is not that bad.Just tough if not cooked forever.In Ban Tha Rae in the province of Sakon Nakhon they do drive around and pick up dogs to sell for consumption.And yes that is what you get for the dog ,one basket.I would not be suprised if that is where that photo was taken.That does not mean that all Thai people eat dog only that thay "sell" the dog for one basket.Some of them end up in the markets around Nakhon Phanom close to the Lao boarder.

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The 'doggy car' picks up unwanted or vicious dogs.

They are then taken to Vietnam or Laos and sold (not for 1k Baht.... far less) .... the main use is as a supply of meat, another is the pelt, which is removed while the dog is still alive.

Anybody want to make a joke about that?

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No it is not really sick if you eat meat.What is the difference?It is an animal.And believe it or not, it really is not that bad.Just tough if not cooked forever.In Ban Tha Rae in the province of Sakon Nakhon they do drive around and pick up dogs to sell for consumption.And yes that is what you get for the dog ,one basket.I would not be suprised if that is where that photo was taken.That does not mean that all Thai people eat dog only that thay "sell" the dog for one basket.Some of them end up in the markets around Nakhon Phanom close to the Lao boarder.

Sorry mate, I have to disagree. Eating dog is like canibalism!

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No it is not really sick if you eat meat.What is the difference?It is an animal.And believe it or not, it really is not that bad.Just tough if not cooked forever...............

Sorry mate, I have to disagree. Eating dog is like canibalism!

What about Lamb or Veal then...............or Bambi stew?

Yes Blue Eyes and Lampard, what´s the difference?? In Sweden the children have cute little guinea pigs as pets. But still they eat them as a delicacy in South America. Try to explain that to the children.........

Have you ever eaten those 'meat balls' in the local market? We lost a dog about 10 years ago and my wife assured me that he was now on those stalls and as tasty as any other meat, we go for pancake rolls now (bhoppia - excuse my phonetics!) rather than meat balls.

I know what you mean Thaibites, I've always been suspicious to those meat balls. I've had them in my soup in "hole-in-the-wall-restaurants". They feels like rubber balls. It's almost like chewing a eraser......hmm!! :o But my wife tells me it's OK. Thai people like that concistency! What's inside you can only guess.....! On the other hand I've heard that dog meat is considered a delicacy amongst certain people so I don't think they can afford to put the dogs in the common meat balls. It must be some other strange elastic animal parts they've found! :D And I'm sure we don't WANT to know. :D

.............I would not be suprised if that is where that photo was taken.........

The photo was taken of me myself up here in Isaan in the village outside our house near Nonsa-At (between Udon Thani and Khon Kaen).

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You never truly know what is in those meatballs.If the ones you eat are "beef" and they seem to chew like rubber then you are probably eating beef tendon meatballs.That is a mix of the meat and tendons from the cow and some spices thrown in.Thais do like them and me to that way.

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