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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

Its nothing to do with Thailand, this is about atrocities in Paris. Have you checked that its not being covered in the news? It is being covered, so I ask you again, why bring Thais into it?

nothing to do with thailand?? lay off the lao kow . look in the south, the bombing in bkk, all muslims, nothing to do with thailand?? have another one, go back to ur bar and one day u may wake up.

Hello, PARIS. The clues in the title of the post. Now you can go back to sleep.

oh dear, another keyboad hero, at least u can go on in delusion and never see the big picture, oh and by the way , im awake and not asleep as you assume, i said before i dont have a go at you, just ur views, but u dont seem to grasp that and like a tue tv troll, u need to attack me personally.well done to u sir.

You didn't have a go me, have you read your own post? "lay off the lao kow . have another one, go back to ur bar and one day u may wake up" what is it like when you have a go at someone?

ok i agree, i did have a go at you, but i really wanted to bring across that this will happen everywhere and it does ivolve thailand, also i have family in paris, so my comments were charged with lots of anger this day, and no not towards you, i do apologise if i upset you in a personal way, that was never my intention.

Thanks for the reply, my remark was a purely 'tit for tat' remark. I lived in France for 5 years before moving here to Thailand and I made many friends there. I too find today very sad and what the Parisians are feeling is beyond belief and just after Charlie Hebbo (excuse spelling) cordialement.

thxx for that, i was a bit fully charged full of emotions watching 150 innocent people being killed. my apologies again.have a nice day.

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I have read a lot about Muslim bashing but maybe those who are writing about this should understand that since 9/11 the world has become a very unsafe place and that this has been brought about by certain people, militants, using Islam as their banner for committing acts of terrorism, whilst also claiming to be Muslims. Given the many acts of terrorism where it has been confirmed that the perpetrators were Muslim, then to refer to Islamic terrorism is, by definition, terrorist acts committed by Muslim groups or individuals who profess Islamic or Islamist motivations or goals. These people are giving many around the world a reason to attack those they descibe as infidels, people who do not agree with their way of thinking.

The traditional enemy of America (when I was young) was Soviet Russia and communists.

Everything that was bad in the west led directly from them, and America was constantly fighting a war against them around the world.

Soviet Russia has gone, communism has been defeated.

Now the enemy of America is Islam.

Everything bad now happening in the west leads directly from them, and America is constantly fighting wars around the globe against them.

The countries of Islam have no way to defend themselves directly from America and their allies,

They don't have the technology or the expertise to fight a direct war.

And so, like many smaller forces in the past, they must fight the only way they can, with terrorist attacks against targets of opportunity.

The French resistance did this against the Germans.

The Jews did this against British in Palestine.

The IRA did this against the British

Surely all civilized people in the world should be gathered to stop all killing by our governments and military forces.

Rather than prolonging the cycle of attack and revenge.

There is still room in the world for everyone to live together in peace.

One way the world could become a safer place would be western military to stop attacking other countries.

Without our forces attacking their countries, there would be a good chance their terrorists would stop attacking western countries.

But that would not be good for the military industrial complex now would it. It would also put the brakes on the worlds governments to keep its citizens if fear and firmly under its thumb.

Forget that wonderful idea, its never gonna happen.

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Breaking News from Germany;

Bavarian Police have arrested someone with a Kalashnikov, explosive devices at a random checkpoint on a highway almost a week ago but they didn't announced the arrest to the public.

The car came from Macedonia. A few months ago a cargo ship was stopped at a port in Greece with explosive devices, Kalashnikov's,

Sadly their is no end to this and I am afraid this is just the start of many terror acts in Western Europe.

For the sake of Europe I hope Germany will close its border asap and Merkel will be removed as chancellor with immediate effect.

Those assault rifles and the explosives used in Paris were most likely acquired in the Balkans, e.g. in Macedonia, where they were easy to get during the Balkan war some 25 years ago.

Couple of months ago there was a newspaper clip in Germany where some public event had been banned by the authorities because they feared a Muslim/terrorist attack.

It was believed, some Muslim extremists had ordered the same kind of guns of that provenience from the Abou-Chaker-tribe, which is a clan of Mhalami Kurds, i.e. Arab Kurds,

known as the main source of organized crime in Germany mostly round Berlin with some 2000 family members. Came as "refugees" during the Lebanon war in the 80ies.

A couple of raids, came up with nothing. Likely enough, we're going to hear from that again.

The Balkans being so conveniently on the refugee trail... let's see... if I were a bad guy, I'd get those weapons into some EU-country in some dummy's car, and

the trained fighters enter the EU separately, surely can afford safe passage, and mingle with the crowd. Refugees welcome.

I don't see how there's going to be a happy ending to this. And that even goes for non-extremist normal refugees, whom I cannot see to adapt to European societies on a large scale.

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Breaking News from Germany;

Bavarian Police have arrested someone with a Kalashnikov, explosive devices at a random checkpoint on a highway almost a week ago but they didn't announced the arrest to the public.

The car came from Macedonia. A few months ago a cargo ship was stopped at a port in Greece with explosive devices, Kalashnikov's,

Sadly their is no end to this and I am afraid this is just the start of many terror acts in Western Europe.

For the sake of Europe I hope Germany will close its border asap and Merkel will be removed as chancellor with immediate effect.

Thee terrorist have already succeeded judging from your remarks. Panic sheer panic.

Please explain how closing the border (to everyone I suppose) would help in preventing these kinds of attacks.

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I believe in karma and this is retribution for what the crusades did for Christianity.

When I read this I did not know what to think at first. Maybe you caught me off guard, because it kind of sounds justified at first. But then I began to think about myself and all the sins I have committed and all the wrongs I have done people.

There is a time to make amends for wrongs, and then there is a time to realize that those whom you seek to make amends to would rather wipe you off the face of the earth.

I don't know about you. and while I respect your view, I will tell you that when someone does not accept my amends and reparations and continually seeks to wipe me off the face of the earth, I will erase the white board and give it a go with extreme prejudice!

My point is when the victim becomes the predator and people can only focus on the past!

The victim has to have some idea of what it will take to make life better and then to move on.

Unending lust for revenge because some invisible person said so is not going to do it with me.

If people want to preach diversity, then I think God, Allah and all the others needs to get the memo on that!

Sorry to sound however I sound, but doesn't this make sense to anyone?

In afterthought, I meant no harm to what you said. I just want you to consider my view on what you said.

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Paris is a lovely vibrant city, all my sympathies for the people of France.

These murderous fanatics will eventually be defeated.

Really, have you ventured out of the tourist areas....its a hell hole. Marseille that was once a beautiful place seriously now looks like Beirut, France, Belgium, Sweden and Holland are all too far gone to reverse the situation..Within 10 years Muslim majority will be democratically voted in power and then Sharia will be implemented. Where will the leftist PC brigades be then, probably loving paying their jizya tax

Paranoia can be dealt with medically.

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I cannot see that this can possibly stop here. The people of France have engineered a full scale revolution in the not too distant past and I fear that the people will now take issues into their own hands. This could be the catalyst for a real and determined retribution in which of course many more innocent people are likely to die.

Please explain how this could happen. While the PC leaders and indoctrinators in Europe were busy engineering this mess with their right hands, they were brainwashing and disarming the people with their left hands. Leaders with the goal of controlling their people always start by disarming them.

How are the people of Europe going to fight anyone at all this time? Are the men going to start hitting people with their purses? Are they going to write strongly worded letters? Maybe they'll just walk around saying "Aw, shucks"?

Many of the good people in this world are disarmed by law, but the bad guys keep showing up with their AK-47's, bombs and grenades when you least expect it.

This is the downfall of Europe. The people have given up all power and expect their leaders to protect them. They have believed that their leaders would protect them but they won't and they don't.

See ya Europe. It's been great knowing you. Your sheeple have bitten the dust.


Personally I find your sneering defeatist post at this time of great tragedy an awful insult to the victims & the people of Europe.

I think there is a lot of sense in what Neversure says, but at the same time, if the government can't protect you, then you have to protect yourselves.

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Most of the people on this board have never hurt anyone nor would they unless attacked. What we are hearing is outrage over an incident that is indeed outrageous.Emotions are running high because innocent people have been killed and wounded for no reason. As I mentioned earlier I never worried about who was Muslim or not or what any religion anyone has or does not have. That is a personal decision. Unfortunately there are people of the Islamic faith who take a strict interpretation of the Koran and believe they can kill all others who do not believe the way they do. I can't tell who is Muslim or not but now when I see someone wearing the garb of a Muslin I want to avoid them. I do not feel comfortable around them. They have brought this feeling on themselves as they refuse to assimilate and want to impose their beliefs on others. The Paris terrorists yelled "Allah Akbar" which is a pretty good indication to me what their belief is.The World will now become more vigilant, but it is necessary for Muslim leaders and Imans the World over to condemn this type of violence. If they do not, they become an accessory.

From what I have read, that evidence comes from one news channel BFMTV...not the most reliable.

"As a rolling news channel, BFMTV has been criticized for "accelerat[ing] reality, and creat[ing] pressure for instant solutions", as well as being conflating what it means to be "popular" and "populist" due to its pursuit of audiences. Thus other media institutions have insinuated that that BFMTV has furthered the cause of Marine Le Pen, the head of the nationalist Front national political party."

I will hold judgment until I see more trustworthy news sources.

The point I made was about the hysterical Muslim bashing fest without any concrete evidence so far. More indicative of the bigoted posters than comment on news.

Dexterm, you are delusional.
Far from it. I prefer to obtain my news from reliable sources, not delude myself as you appear to do with the first hearsay reports of the French equivalent of Fox News that support your prejudices.
I am sure reputable journalists from the BBC,Reuters, the Independent, Guardian and Haaretz are just as keen to fact check and hear witness evidence themselves or have it verified by the police.
When that happens there will be more clarity and less delusion around. We will know exactly who the monstrous barbaric and cowardly perpetrators of this atrocity against innocent people are, rather than blanket condemn a quarter of the world's population to suit one's own bigotry or political agenda.

Respectfully, I would completely agree with Dexterm. When one watches a video and can interpret that it is not fashioned and moreover a real snippet of someone shouting something (no matter where and when) then one must conclude that the one uttering means business!

To date, the Muslims or any splinter factions or even any pseudo Muslims (for those conspiracy theorists) are digging their grave.

+1 for Dexterm and I do respect his (or her) opposition in all respects.

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I cannot see that this can possibly stop here. The people of France have engineered a full scale revolution in the not too distant past and I fear that the people will now take issues into their own hands. This could be the catalyst for a real and determined retribution in which of course many more innocent people are likely to die.

Please explain how this could happen. While the PC leaders and indoctrinators in Europe were busy engineering this mess with their right hands, they were brainwashing and disarming the people with their left hands. Leaders with the goal of controlling their people always start by disarming them.

How are the people of Europe going to fight anyone at all this time? Are the men going to start hitting people with their purses? Are they going to write strongly worded letters? Maybe they'll just walk around saying "Aw, shucks"?

Many of the good people in this world are disarmed by law, but the bad guys keep showing up with their AK-47's, bombs and grenades when you least expect it.

This is the downfall of Europe. The people have given up all power and expect their leaders to protect them. They have believed that their leaders would protect them but they won't and they don't.

See ya Europe. It's been great knowing you. Your sheeple have bitten the dust.


Personally I find your sneering defeatist post at this time of great tragedy an awful insult to the victims & the people of Europe.

I think there is a lot of sense in what Neversure says, but at the same time, if the government can't protect you, then you have to protect yourselves.

How can you protect yourself with someone wearing a suicide belt and is quite prepared to die?

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Give it a few days and the West's leaders will be on TV reassuring us about the religion of peace and tolerance. Meanwhile the BBC will be back to reporting and showing "distressing" footage of women with children, as the foot soldiers stream past off camera.

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