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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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Wait till the hostage-takers come out with their demands. They made form a new group and hide behind a new name. Use your fabulous Gilgamesh system to spot them, but don't even think about killing them. They might have exchanged smartphones with their hostages, and you might kill the hostages instead.

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As long as its still ok for muslim countries to continue letting nn muslims go to their countries. I moved to a muslim country and very happy I did, best move I ever made. Multiculturism is working very well here with high numbers of chineses, indian, and many western people living happily. We do not have to integrate with the muslims, they inregrate and welcome us.

Oh and yes, there are many many muslims condemning the radical attacks.

BULL. I lived in the UAE for nine years and Saudi for ten. You're full of it.

Agreed. I lived/worked in Afghanistan for just over 10 years and travelled through the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt. I've spoken to many people living and working in those countries and there is NO integration of foreigners and even fellow Muslims are often treated as 2nd Class citizens. Last I recall 90% of the UAE was made up of foreigners who have next to no rights at all. I've spoken to people that lived/worked there for over 17 years and had children born and raised there (no rights, no citizenship, nothing, even if born there).

Try building a Church in Saudi Arabia. Or holding a Christian Prayer meeting in Pakistan. Or converting to Christianity in Afghanistan. You'll quickly learn how little tolerance they have for foreigners (if you live long enough that is).

You do realise that the middle east isnt the beginning and end to muslim countries. There are many more, and many do have integration quite well.

BTW, Saudi is the only muslim country that does not allow churches.

How many rights do you have as a foreigner in Thailand?

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This is the reason , why I always oppose the shelter to refugees from particular world.

They only have one motive , spread themselves any how, either by terror or by human relation or by as refugees.

Once they increase their population to significant number than they show , what actually they want, and now it's happening to European countries.

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11 pages of bigoted Muslim bashing, and no-one has actually claimed responsibility yet.
Speaks volumes about the hatred some posters here have, not far removed from the hatred displayed by the barbaric killers in the OP whoever they are.
It is very interesting that many of the posters here are very quick to point the finger of bigotry when another religion is involved, conflating criticism of a certain government's policies with racism. But in this case are readily using words such as clearly Muslim, obviously Muslim ...in one foul stroke stereotyping a quarter of the world's population.
When the perps and the terorist group are known, condemn that groups barbarism with all the vitriol you can, but don't let them win by duplicating their venom.

uhh yess, keep up instead of posting drivel, rt just reported is claimed responsibility

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11 pages of bigoted Muslim bashing, and no-one has actually claimed responsibility yet.

Speaks volumes about the hatred some posters here have, not far removed from the hatred displayed by the barbaric killers in the OP whoever they are.

It is very interesting that many of the posters here are very quick to point the finger of bigotry when another religion is involved, conflating criticism of a certain government's policies with racism. But in this case are readily using words such as clearly Muslim, obviously Muslim ...in one foul stroke stereotyping a quarter of the world's population.

When the perps and the terorist group are known, condemn that groups barbarism with all the vitriol you can, but don't let them win by duplicating their venom.

A bit rich coming from the serial 24/7 ranter on every Israeli transgression, however minor. Of course it has everything to do with Islam, not half of one percent of terrorist attacks on civilians are carried out by anybody else.

P.s I see you attempting to draw equivalence between people's words and cold blooded murder, how very typical.

Edited by Steely Dan
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11 pages of bigoted Muslim bashing, and no-one has actually claimed responsibility yet.
Speaks volumes about the hatred some posters here have, not far removed from the hatred displayed by the barbaric killers in the OP whoever they are.
It is very interesting that many of the posters here are very quick to point the finger of bigotry when another religion is involved, conflating criticism of a certain government's policies with racism. But in this case are readily using words such as clearly Muslim, obviously Muslim ...in one foul stroke stereotyping a quarter of the world's population.
When the perps and the terorist group are known, condemn that groups barbarism with all the vitriol you can, but don't let them win by duplicating their venom.

Read this, and think again.


One quote: Machine gun wielding terrorist shouted 'Allahu Akbar' before opening fire

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Another travesty in the name of Islam. Well done. Keep it going. already half of the non muslim world are starting to hate you, the rest will follow. Cowards of the highest form.

Dont forget over 99% of the muslim world hates them too.

If that's the case then why don't the 99% do something positive to eradicate this extreme ideology and it's consequences? What's your 'final' solution to this problem?

My solution is the whole middle east, all muslim and non muslim countries should be nuked.

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-snip- ... the slaughter will continue until leadership stops it.

And therein is the lie that got us here. It's leadership that caused this mess. In the history of the world, revolutions are done by the people. The leadership won't stop this, the people have to stop the leadership!!

The good folks of Europe have been suckered into getting disarmed by believing that only the government should be armed. They have believed falsely that the government would protect them. That has proven to be The Big Lie.

The people are now toothless and powerless. Oh wait. Except for the bad guys who keep finding AK-47's and lots of ammunition and bombs and grenades.

This is the start of a bloodbath against powerless and unarmed people. It's pretty hard to keep a unit of police officers or a military unit with you at all times, would you agree?


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Another travesty in the name of Islam. Well done. Keep it going. already half of the non muslim world are starting to hate you, the rest will follow. Cowards of the highest form.

Dont forget over 99% of the muslim world hates them too.

If that's the case then why don't the 99% do something positive to eradicate this extreme ideology and it's consequences? What's your 'final' solution to this problem?
My solution is the whole middle east, all muslim and non muslim countries should be nuked.

Or maybe Europe should be nuked.

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So much for multiculturalism.. Welcoming the dregs of the third World and allowing them to continue their primative religion was a foolish mistake.

I can see why your post is popular and mine won't be I'm sure. Firstly not all Muslims are extremists and most live a peaceful life within Muslim and non Muslim communities.

So, its people who are the problem, its not the religion but some peoples interpretation of it.

The Koran is not interpreted, it's the word of god and the "holy' Koran urges killing 109 times, it IS the religion that is the problem. Most Muslims are not terrorists but all Islamic terrorists are Muslims and they are entirely guided by the example of the perfect man- their prophet, who was no better than a terrorist himself.

Keep spewing the rubbish.

The Koran is indeed interpreted. How do you think there are different sects of the same religion.

Of course all islamic terrorists are muslim. Thats the only way that can be. But not all terrorists are muslim.

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I cannot see that this can possibly stop here. The people of France have engineered a full scale revolution in the not too distant past and I fear that the people will now take issues into their own hands. This could be the catalyst for a real and determined retribution in which of course many more innocent people are likely to die.

Please explain how this could happen. While the PC leaders and indoctrinators in Europe were busy engineering this mess with their right hands, they were brainwashing and disarming the people with their left hands. Leaders with the goal of controlling their people always start by disarming them.

How are the people of Europe going to fight anyone at all this time? Are the men going to start hitting people with their purses? Are they going to write strongly worded letters? Maybe they'll just walk around saying "Aw, shucks"?

Many of the good people in this world are disarmed by law, but the bad guys keep showing up with their AK-47's, bombs and grenades when you least expect it.

This is the downfall of Europe. The people have given up all power and expect their leaders to protect them. They have believed that their leaders would protect them but they won't and they don't.

See ya Europe. It's been great knowing you. Your sheeple have bitten the dust.


Personally I find your sneering defeatist post at this time of great tragedy an awful insult to the victims & the people of Europe.

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Another travesty in the name of Islam. Well done. Keep it going. already half of the non muslim world are starting to hate you, the rest will follow. Cowards of the highest form.

Dont forget over 99% of the muslim world hates them too.

If that's the case then why don't the 99% do something positive to eradicate this extreme ideology and it's consequences? What's your 'final' solution to this problem?
My solution is the whole middle east, all muslim and non muslim countries should be nuked.

Or maybe Europe should be nuked.

Maybe Germany should be spared, too many refugees there now.

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Just announced on french TV 122 dead, 8 terrorists killed, over 200 wounded, part of them in very very serious condition

SO sad. RIP, best hopes for the wounded, and condolences to the family and friends of the victims. Condolences to France.

Damn it's frustrating. In one case it's a theater full of people and not one person able to put up a defense.

It's just so sad.

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If that's the case then why don't the 99% do something positive to eradicate this extreme ideology and it's consequences? What's your 'final' solution to this problem?
My solution is the whole middle east, all muslim and non muslim countries should be nuked.

Or maybe Europe should be nuked.

Come on. Say it. I know you want to. Say it. You're glad this happened. You've stated as much about your native country, Germany. So, France can't be too far behind.

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11 pages of bigoted Muslim bashing, and no-one has actually claimed responsibility yet.

Speaks volumes about the hatred some posters here have, not far removed from the hatred displayed by the barbaric killers in the OP whoever they are.

It is very interesting that many of the posters here are very quick to point the finger of bigotry when another religion is involved, conflating criticism of a certain government's policies with racism. But in this case are readily using words such as clearly Muslim, obviously Muslim ...in one foul stroke stereotyping a quarter of the world's population.

When the perps and the terorist group are known, condemn that groups barbarism with all the vitriol you can, but don't let them win by duplicating their venom.

A bit rich coming from the serial 24/7 ranter on every Israeli transgression, however minor. Of course it has everything to do with Islam, not half of one percent of terrorist attacks on civilians are carried out by anybody else.

P.s I see you attempting to draw equivalence between people's words and cold blooded murder, how very typical.

As you correctly point out, I regularly criticize Israeli transgressions. But I have never condemned Judaism. Whatever group is behind the OP atrocity, I equally condemn their barbarity. Whereas you are condemning an entire religion...that's blind bigotry...and you don't even know who the perps are! Speaks volumes.

And blind bigotry can lead to cold blooded murder.

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It is always the Zions that come running out of the shadows and scream it is the Islam terrorists, quick look where I am pointing (and don't look anywhere else). It may well be Islam terrorists , probably is or it could at this point be the Zion false flag crowd that have done this type of thing countless times before or the American moderate terrorists from Syria or the ISIS or refugees seriously pissed off, or Frenchmen pissed off about their country being overrun by refugees, as there is no confirmation on types or races of people killed or injured nor demands or any other clear data. Chill out and see what and who before you try and lead the hysteria.

The crazy conspiracy theories sound like a lunatic.
I wondered whether we had our first blame it on the Jews post, apparently we have.

One has to understand it is okay for in to say that he following a family tradition his Mother and Father were Nazi guard at Dachau

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Obama Condemns Paris Attacks

Fine, now are any Muslim leaders going to come out and condemn the Paris attacks??

I mean in the same way that Obama has. I don't think so.

Wait and see. They have done so quite vehemently in the past after similar atrocities..

Don't go creating straw men hypotheticals.

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If that's the case then why don't the 99% do something positive to eradicate this extreme ideology and it's consequences? What's your 'final' solution to this problem?
My solution is the whole middle east, all muslim and non muslim countries should be nuked.

Or maybe Europe should be nuked.

Come on. Say it. I know you want to. Say it. You're glad this happened. You've stated as much about your native country, Germany. So, France can't be too far behind.

BS, I hate nuclear weapons.

But, yes, rather Europe than any Asian country if some lunies think it's unavoidable.

Edited by micmichd
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Obama Condemns Paris Attacks

Fine, now are any Muslim leaders going to come out and condemn the Paris attacks??

I mean in the same way that Obama has. I don't think so.

Wait and see. They have done so quite vehemently in the past after similar atrocities..

Don't go creating straw men hypotheticals.


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I was a 2nd lieutenant United States of America army and they lie like dogs. Stay their not gay and don't eat pork, WELL I watched them for several months from gps drones, they pump each other like crazy drink alcohol and watch pork.

Anytime you Muslims want someone to fight I'm here I don't run

What an absolutely irrelevant post to this thread.

Have to admit, it is kind of brave to be 'up close and personal' watching a monitor showing the GPS coords. of a drone.


The full implications of these attacks in France haven't hit home yet, we are generally only counting numbers at the minute. This will be a day that will be remembered in history, IMO. Hopefully, good will come from tragedy.

My deepest condolences for the families of the dead.

Nothing good will come from this, I fear. As per usual people will be on edge for a few weeks, the shyster politicians will call for calm as will the press, the odd mosque and refugee centre will be attacked here and there, then people will once again gradually start to move on with their lives and put this vile act out of mind until next time. Rinse and repeat...

Good will come of this. Anti Islam parties will get big bumps in the polls from this. They will come in and ban mosques. Ban immigration from Islamic countries and ban Islam all together.

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Isn't it wonderful to live in Europe!? And our dear president is condemning again and again while his counterpart in Germany plays the tooth fairy tale.... There are no more excuses here, start extraditing them (Muslims) at once no matter if they hold citizenship or whatever. They are the biggest risk factor in daily societies over there. If not, I'm absolutely sure that we will see Hollande, Merkel and the likes appearing on TV again in a few months explaining they will defeat terrorism while actually nothing has happened to prevent it. Can't wait for the day Marie Le Pen, Wilders and more righteous Europeans come to power.

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Most of the people on this board have never hurt anyone nor would they unless attacked. What we are hearing is outrage over an incident that is indeed outrageous.Emotions are running high because innocent people have been killed and wounded for no reason. As I mentioned earlier I never worried about who was Muslim or not or what any religion anyone has or does not have. That is a personal decision. Unfortunately there are people of the Islamic faith who take a strict interpretation of the Koran and believe they can kill all others who do not believe the way they do. I can't tell who is Muslim or not but now when I see someone wearing the garb of a Muslin I want to avoid them. I do not feel comfortable around them. They have brought this feeling on themselves as they refuse to assimilate and want to impose their beliefs on others. The Paris terrorists yelled "Allah Akbar" which is a pretty good indication to me what their belief is.The World will now become more vigilant, but it is necessary for Muslim leaders and Imans the World over to condemn this type of violence. If they do not, they become an accessory.

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150+ murdered.

It is telling that certain segments of French society who have not yet spoken out nor condemned the barbaric attacks.

I expect we are about to see some very nasty tit for tat in the coming days.

I doubt it. There usually isn't.

A vote for Marie Lapen might not bode too well for the Muslims though

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