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ISIS Releases Chilling Video Threatening to Attack Russia “Very Soon”

Jonathan Fairfield

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..........and Russia will also hit back very hard if attacked.They are still fighting in a way we in the West(unfortunately) stopped doing after WW2,which means a total war.Remember they basically exterminated tens of thousands of people in Checnya and flattened whole cities in the process.

Russia's been dealing with terrorist attacks a long time due to their actions in Checnya. I hear what you are saying, unfortunately, the number of innocents killed doesn't justify these actions. There are other ways. But as mentioned above, requires everybody to work together.

It will have to be accepted that innocents are also targeted. People like ISIL mix with innocent as a form of prtection. Some country is going to have to bite the bullet and accept heavy civilian casualties. The numbers affected will, in the long trem, be less

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I look forward to the result of IS poking the bear.

Exactly. Although history shows that Ivan can be dangerous and ruthless unfortunately it appears they are the only super power who sticks the finger up to political correctness and act accordingly.

I said in a post weeks ago that IS will come in the back door. Well lets hope Ivan closes the door and wipe from the face of the earth the path that leads to it.

Cameron and his limp wristed pals take note. Talk saves no one.

Edited by whatawonderfulday
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Time to eliminate these scum and stop playing the humanity bullshit card all the time, like there are innocent people around them etc etc, thats life take them out before they take us out, they have figured us out as a caring nation, now its time to change

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..........and Russia will also hit back very hard if attacked.They are still fighting in a way we in the West(unfortunately) stopped doing after WW2,which means a total war.Remember they basically exterminated tens of thousands of people in Checnya and flattened whole cities in the process.

Wishful thinking together with short term memory. Do you not remember the Western media applauding the seeing off of the Russian army by what they then deemed 'a handful of brave little warriors' [sic] ... The bloody Taliban! The West's and still Russia's inability to grasp the chasm that is the fundamental difference in cultures is that which has brought the world to this point. No. We are most decidedly not one giant melting bloody pot. Vive la difference indeed, but not at this price.

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Don't know at this point of the thread whether the Russian people are clamoring to line up to die in obscenely huge numbers for Putin's stupidity to go in to Syria or whether I just sat through a number of Donald Trump simple minded rants to his brain dead fans. A major reason Putin is bombing hell out of Assad's foes is to provide a high visibility distraction to his personal disaster in Ukraine.

Putin's chessboard is on the floor and its pieces are scattered in all directions. He's unnecessarily and recklessly put the lives of his own people at a tremendous risk and danger. Putin has seriously jeopardised the safety, sanctity and security of the Russian nation but, more vitally, the now seriously endangered Russian people themselves.

The CCP Boys in Beijing aren't going to have any significant or highly public part of Putin's now required reaction to his wholly unnecessary provocation of ISIS whether or not IS was ever going to have a blood thirsty go at Russia. Until the past several months ISIS hadn't had any real reason to focus on Putin, Russia or the hapless Russian people.

The CCP China has its own Muslims with long knives problems of militants attacking mostly heavily populated train stations in huge major cities such as Guangzhou in the South which is a great distance from the Muslim region of Xinjiang and the CCP's provocative atrocities there against anyone they choose to identify as their targets. China's transport facilities continue to have the heavy and deliberately obvious presence of the paramilitary People's Armed Police and their armored personnel vehicles. Beijing will not get involved in the defense of Russia or of Putin's ineptness unless China itself is massively and extensive attacked by IS within its own borders, or unless China itself is directly and openly threatened by IS, which IS hasn't done or have any real reason to do.

Shia Iran too has every reason to be cautious and reserved toward defending Putin and Russia in this. The Saudis themselves are probably praying and there'd be little doubt as to which way the Saudis likely wish this IS threat to go in this particular instance. Putin is at this point in a mix so volatile his simple mind is no doubt boggled by it. Which makes him ever more dangerous to himself and to the Russian people than ever previously to this unnecessary menace.

IS aren't a country not do they come out into the open. Putin can barrage missiles and huge bombs into the mountains and hills of Syria and Iraq and blast sand in all directions of the barren lands of the area to what, zap a dozen or so IS?

Putin is shitting in his designer undershorts right down the legs of his designer jeans because he has to wonder how many of the Russian people are going to sing the national anthem while charging IS infiltrators into Russian cities for the purpose of an IS mass slaughter of the population, if that is what might occur as the direct consequence of Putin's selfish and stupid foreign blunders in the most malevolent region of the world where the grim reaper not only has reigned for thousands of years, but thrives and loves it.

Putin has as much probability to stop IS if they mean their menacing threat against Russia as he does to get ghostbusters to solve this madness Putin himself has gung-ho created.

Edited by Publicus
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If there was such an attack on Russia, I have a feeling the reprisals would be very hard and swift.

I doubt they would worry too much who gets taken out during their quest to get revenge and who can blame them?

I agree. I don't expect there would be very much hand-wringing by the Ruskie populace over civilian casualties, UN be damned.

But I wonder about what this will mean regarding Russia's relationship with the former Soviet republics that are predominantly Muslim.

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Imagine if the US, Russia & China set aside their differences for just awhile and launch a 3 prong assault on ISIS?

Best comment I've read in a long time. Spot on.

Unfortunately, this assumes that all radical Muslims exist only in ISIS. If the US, Russia, and China did manage to wipeout ISIS, standby for soft target attacks against Americans, Russians, and Chinese all over the world...like what just happened in Paris, Russian airliner in Egypt, etc., etc.

The standby for soft target attacks is already happening, all the more reason to form a useful coalition with teeth, not a sheepishly formed NATO joke.

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Basically the terrorists make the life of Muslims around the world very difficult

If you are muslim and by this post denouncing the bad apples I applaud you. The world desperately needs to hear from the silent muslim majority we have imagined exists.

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Basically the terrorists make the life of Muslims around the world very difficult

And it seems they let them. Shouldn't be that hard to point a finger at the radical living next door, yet there is an atmosphere of silent approval. The only way this will end is if their "own" turn on the radicals openly, en masse and with extreme prejudice.

This is the gist of the issue: We are always told there is a silent opposing majority but we never see them taking to task through social media, concerted efforts, etc. In fact, the Organization of Islamic Conference devotes more time to pushing anti blasphemy laws then indicting jihadis for twisting scripture. Of course they cant because the jihadis do not actually pervert scripture but lets imagine a world of 900 million muslims, the majority, are aware of the dated injunctions for violence in their scriptures but have evolved in such a way that the faith itself, rather than the jurisprudence and sharia, is all they want to practice, then why are they not speaking with any voice? There is not even a cacophony, nothing. Nearly every time there is a new horror the world pauses and... crickets.

Note: The various reports from Iraq and Syria or muslim neighbors living side by side with non muslims for generations than turning on them and killing, raping, reporting their neighbors is not a new story. This phenomena was noted by no less than the esteemed historian Will Durant with regard to muslims who had migrated to other areas and at first lived peacefully side by side. So, there is ample reason for this to be a valid line of concern. The silence along with the historical record easily lead people to have doubts about a silent majority in their corner.

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I don't get it. Why announce it and not just do it? To cause fear?

I think this is a miscalculation by Isis, as the world superpowers will unit against them just like how pearl harbor was to the Americans.

Its a force multiplier action. If you announce attack, then do it, it enables you to achieve a measure of similar terrorism in the future without actually doing another attack, per se. It synergizes the attack. It enhances its action.

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The US sent in 500,000 troops to liberate Kuwait, and now this pany waist president wants to send in 50, where the hell is George Bush when you need him ??

And that is just it!nobody ever needed him, he just inflicted himself on the world!

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Basically the terrorists make the life of Muslims around the world very difficult

If you are muslim and by this post denouncing the bad apples I applaud you. The world desperately needs to hear from the silent muslim majority we have imagined exists.

Don't get excited any time soon!

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Imagine if the US, Russia & China set aside their differences for just awhile and launch a 3 prong assault on ISIS?

Best comment I've read in a long time. Spot on.

I too would like to see but...I am reminded....are these not the three largest arms dealers in the world? Are the weapons being used by ISIS, in large measure, produced by these countries?

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..........and Russia will also hit back very hard if attacked.They are still fighting in a way we in the West(unfortunately) stopped doing after WW2,which means a total war.Remember they basically exterminated tens of thousands of people in Checnya and flattened whole cities in the process.

Russians also sacrificed millions of their own soldiers on the assault on Berlin. They are actually did most of the heavy lifting in conquering the Germans.

And defending Stalingrad , "The turning point of the war" You've probably read them , but Antony Beevor wrote on both subjects, The savagery of the fight with both sides fighting to defend in both Stalingrad and Berlin, there symbolic Home

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Imagine if the US, Russia & China set aside their differences for just awhile and launch a 3 prong assault on ISIS?

Best comment I've read in a long time. Spot on.

I too would like to see but...I am reminded....are these not the three largest arms dealers in the world? Are the weapons being used by ISIS, in large measure, produced by these countries?

Yes. But for Syria, they are mainly provided by Russia.


One benefit of the real-life “exercises” is that it makes for impressive video and powerful domestic propaganda.
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Russia's been busy since the civil war started:


The Soviet Union’s military sales to Syria in the 1970s and 80's accounted for 90% of all military arms exports from the Soviet Union, making the Soviet Union a main supplier of arms for Syria, according to a United States Congressional Research Service Report released in 2008.[29] The report noted that Syria purchased several billions of dollars' worth of military equipment from the Soviets, including SS-21 "Scarab" short-range missiles (range 70 km).[29]

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Syria found itself deprived of arms imports, but continued to seek them through Soviet satellite states.[29] The establishment of Russian Federation in 1992 saw the re-introduction of the patron-vendor relationship and the cancellation of almost 73% of Syria's debt.[29] According to reports, 2.4% of Russia's total exports come from defense-related sales.[30]

From 2000 to 2010, Russia sold around $1.5 billion worth of arms to Syria, making Damascus Moscow’s seventh-largest client, according to Dmitri Trenin in the New York Times.[12]

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I like Putin and what he does for his country , but it was a mistake going to war in Syria. It 's gonna bite them in the a-- , just like in Afganistan.

Remember the suicide bombster in a Russian bus just before Sochi ? The Russian were very pissed and swore they get to the bottom of it .....never heard of it again.

It is not time yet to defeat ISIS , they still have their use , I'm sure Langley agrees with that.

Langley has backed other factions I wonder if they are backing ISIS either directly or indirectly?

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The problems has been a global problem for at least last three years. It should have been a UN problem a long time ago.

It was brought up in the UN years ago. China and Russia blocked the effort.

Let's see what happens next time the security council convenes. My enemies enemy and so on...

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Imagine if the US, Russia & China set aside their differences for just awhile and launch a 3 prong assault on ISIS?

Best comment I've read in a long time. Spot on.

I too would like to see but...I am reminded....are these not the three largest arms dealers in the world? Are the weapons being used by ISIS, in large measure, produced by these countries?

1) USA, 40% of arms sales to South Korea, Israel, UAE. Most weapons sold overall are JDAM air-launched guided missiles and Harpoon-2 anti-ship missiles. Big ticket items dominate US arms exports. US small arms industry is largely domestic and huge.

2) Russia, most sales being capital ships to include submarines, small arms, military attack aircraft, to Beijing and to India. Submarine sales to Asean governments is booming, lead by Vietnam. Huge exporting globally of small arms such as the AK-47 etc. Nuclear reactors are a major export, such as to Iran, formerly to Iraq. Equipped virtually entire former military of Saddam Hussein and currently of Syria also, to include Syrian Air Force.

3) China, small arms exports mainly to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and throughout Africa which combined have moved China to third most exporting nation of arms (almost all small arms) created by other countries. Only Argentina has agreed to buy a Chinese designed nuclear reactor, nothing of which has begun.

4) Germany, sales almost entirely to Nato governments of the highly praised Leopard 2A4 main battle tank in particular. Currently negotiating controversial in Germany 2 bn eruo deal for 70 Leopard-2 to Oman and another new deal of 60 Leopard-2 to Qatar. Germany dominates the tank market..

5) France, mostly capital assets of ships and military aircraft to UAE, Singapore, Greece. Recently selling several billion worth to Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. SA this year signed a contract with France for feasibility of constructing two nuclear reactors.

6) UK, primarily technologies, almost a third of all sales to USA of radars used in reconnaissance and other military targeting technologies on ground, air, sea, satellites. Virtually no small arms sales and few capital asset exports.


One reason for the collapse of Putin's beloved Soviet Union was the complete collapse of the Iraqi military in the 1991 Gulf War after it had been completely supplied by Moscow over a couple of decades. The Assad family dynasty in Syria has relied almost entirely on Russian military weapons and technology as well, which is a major factor that encourages the rebels of all stripes in fighting the Syrian regular military forces. The question remains of how much longer Russian jets, heavy weapons and armaments can hold up under constant use in Syria.

Almost all military analysts agree IS will not be knocked out in one big blow or by one massive air assault or ground campaign. The Russian military in Syria are already beginning to look like stressed tourists on involuntary overstay.

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There's some folklore about russians being really tough…yes they are a bit more used to operating outside conventional norms because they don't have their media working against them…so they are free to employ more ruthless measures….but the older generation that endured the harsh winters of WW2 are now replaced by Facebook loving, rubbish tweeting softies like that stupid band pussy riot.

When they get hit they will bleed just like everyone else.

Of course there is always a chance that they will go nuts and nuke syria or something. In which case, its too late to care anyway.

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