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Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath

Jonathan Fairfield

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What happened to the much-vaunted French intelligence service? Were they all sitting on the Maginot Line eating cheese off white linen cloths? Surely the planning for an attack of this size and complexity must have sent up some smoke signals?

The French and German Intelligence Services have really no idea because they don't know who of the 1 million migrants that entered Europe is a terrorist. The German BND in Pullach has been sending alarm bells for the past two months but they are getting ignored by the people up the ladder in Berlin and I guess in Paris too.

We had a report last week in Germany that 30% of all migrants that entered Germany are unaccounted for and we come to a number of 300,000 migrants and no one knows where those 300,000 migrants went. I posted today on the official government website in Germany that the UNHCR should take over from the German government on registering refugees as the Germans are unable to do it and I was banned straight away on Facebook.

I was a month ago in Paris for 3 days and found that the police handled security very well at both the airport and as well inside Paris but Europe is fighting a shadow that comes and goes so you can't really do much against it.

The number one issue now is to get security back in Europe. I am sure those terrorists inside Europe will activate their cells in the next few weeks and this is not the end of it but the borders must be closed before more of the fanatics attacking the capital cities of Europe.

The status of NATO and the European Union should be reconsidered as well and the Schengen treaty should be abolished.

But there is evidence none of those involved are refugees. The refugees are fleeing isis. And as a poster stated isis decided to to target the german football game indicates isis is not happy germany are taking refugees.

If isis are not happy then i am happy.

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here we have the results of letting in 1000000 so-called refugees into europe.

kick merkel out of office fast....

What has merkel to do with this?

Were the terrorists from germany?

You do realise that she is legally bound by the constitution to do what she has done.

Or do you prefer your govt to act illegaly against the constitution.

Nope, but the Bavarian police stopped a car from Montenegro full with explosives, AK47 and grenaned on the way to France on Thursday.

Merkel has everything to do about it as she called for all the borders to open without documentations.

It is obvious isis is not happy with merkel taking refugees. To me that means isis wants them returned to kill or have them join isis.

I would never consider returning refugees to syria for isis to get their hands on them. But thats just me.

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here we have the results of letting in 1000000 so-called refugees into europe.

kick merkel out of office fast....

What has merkel to do with this?

Were the terrorists from germany?

You do realise that she is legally bound by the constitution to do what she has done.

Or do you prefer your govt to act illegaly against the constitution.

ISIS just said in their press release they were targeting the German - French football game (amongst other) criticized German-French politic

Did they think the football game was held at a rock concert?

So isis is angry germany is accepting refugees. Kind of proves the fact the refugees are real refugees fleeing isis. Cant send them back to their death.

there are at least FIVE different locations of attacks

The Bataclan 2 restaurants and le Stade de France, plus others


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I wonder, will this now become a Le Pen forum?

It certainly looks like it. A forum full of right extremist, frightened people who don't really use their brains and believe in someone who would throw France back to the stone age once elected. A person who has no solutions to problems, both related to this and in other areas.

This forum makes me sick and I would hope moderating would take care of people actually propagating hate against the 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet, disgusting.

Of course some people would call me political correct, the truth is, such views are political incorrect nowadays, due to frightened people buying onto the rubbish sold by xenophobes such as Le Penn, Wilders and other nitwits, who couldn't even run the local bridge club.

Disgusting, mister Wilders back in Holland used these attacks as a political weapon, without even mentioning his regret for the victims !

The terrorist meanwhile laugh their socks off, as these attacks have the effect they are after !

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Surely now more than ever, the time has come to round up all these illegal migrants, sort out exactly where they come from and ship them back to their countries of origin. For safety, the nations should build and police, large camps in all those countries, only letting those out who will return to their original homes. These people should be assisted in all ways. Splashing out money "willy nilly" to illegal migrants wherever they are, is not going to help anyone. Tell them that they will be helped but only on returning to their countries of origin.

You cannot deport anyone who has no papers or refuses to speak.

You have no idea where to deport them to

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What happened to the much-vaunted French intelligence service? Were they all sitting on the Maginot Line eating cheese off white linen cloths? Surely the planning for an attack of this size and complexity must have sent up some smoke signals?

The French and German Intelligence Services have really no idea because they don't know who of the 1 million migrants that entered Europe is a terrorist. The German BND in Pullach has been sending alarm bells for the past two months but they are getting ignored by the people up the ladder in Berlin and I guess in Paris too.

We had a report last week in Germany that 30% of all migrants that entered Germany are unaccounted for and we come to a number of 300,000 migrants and no one knows where those 300,000 migrants went. I posted today on the official government website in Germany that the UNHCR should take over from the German government on registering refugees as the Germans are unable to do it and I was banned straight away on Facebook.

I was a month ago in Paris for 3 days and found that the police handled security very well at both the airport and as well inside Paris but Europe is fighting a shadow that comes and goes so you can't really do much against it.

The number one issue now is to get security back in Europe. I am sure those terrorists inside Europe will activate their cells in the next few weeks and this is not the end of it but the borders must be closed before more of the fanatics attacking the capital cities of Europe.

The status of NATO and the European Union should be reconsidered as well and the Schengen treaty should be abolished.

But there is evidence none of those involved are refugees. The refugees are fleeing isis. And as a poster stated isis decided to to target the german football game indicates isis is not happy germany are taking refugees.

If isis are not happy then i am happy.

I would be glad if Germany pays My money.

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Now what? They will make some peace marches, light some candles, tweet some pathetic peace hashtags and after 6 months…boom…another one!

I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets….just watch.

Its all building up to an us vs them confrontation.

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Now what? They will make some peace marches, light some candles, tweet some pathetic peace hashtags and after 6 months…boom…another one!

I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets….just watch.

Its all building up to an us vs them confrontation.

This is VERY different than the Charlie Hebdo / Jewish supermarket events. The response needs to be different as well.

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All the politicians who have voted for mass immigration of muslims should be taken out and shot only then will we be safe.

I do believe it was fench citizens who did this. I can stand corrected tho

So you want us to believe that these filthy terrorists are of Gaelic origin.

I dont want u to believe anything but the facts. I dont know the facts as yet, who does?

But reports are the terrorists are french citizens, nothing to do with refugees.

How can u blame refugees running from isis for what a few french citizens did?

I would hope, and I mean it sincerely, that all refugees are kept track of, investigated, processed. Those that arenot genuinely refugees fleeing isis are sent packing. The remainder treated as humanely as anyone of any religion fleeing isis.

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Surely now more than ever, the time has come to round up all these illegal migrants, sort out exactly where they come from and ship them back to their countries of origin. For safety, the nations should build and police, large camps in all those countries, only letting those out who will return to their original homes. These people should be assisted in all ways. Splashing out money "willy nilly" to illegal migrants wherever they are, is not going to help anyone. Tell them that they will be helped but only on returning to their countries of origin.

You cannot deport anyone who has no papers or refuses to speak.

You have no idea where to deport them to

Since DNA profiling probably won't work, I could get creative w/r their final destination.

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The effect that ISIS wants is to bait the west into fighting them in the Levant. It's working. What choice?

Agree, let isis take over a city then nuke them. It may be the only way.

I posted in the other thread, nuke the whole middle east, muslims, christians, Israel, the lot. Nothing but trouble.

Wonder if I sound radical enough for some posters on here. But I do believe it is the only way, the whole lot, gone.

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Our problem in France, is that no one can speak about sovereignty, without being called a racist bigot.

And unfortunately only Marine Lepen is bringing this issue forward.

It should not be that way, we have a right to protect our values and that does not mean we are racists.

I really hope it will change.

French values are constantly under attack, not just by terrorists, but in everyday life.

I hope this will open people's eyes.

All countries values change. Many years ago it was the vietnamese 'scourge'. Then too many chinese. White australia policy.

Frankly I am happy with what the vietnamese, chinese, italian, irish, greeks and the others who shaped the country. But at the time off the mass arrivals it was very scary and lots of trouble. But they ended up being embraced.

Yes i agree. But you miss the point. Absolutely non of these other nationalities were Muslim ! They have easily assimilated into whichever culture they choose to move to. To expect or ask any Muslim to do this is just about as stupid an idea as an 'Ash tray on a motorbike'

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here we have the results of letting in 1000000 so-called refugees into europe.

kick merkel out of office fast....

What has merkel to do with this?

Were the terrorists from germany?

You do realise that she is legally bound by the constitution to do what she has done.

Or do you prefer your govt to act illegaly against the constitution.

ISIS just said in their press release they were targeting the German - French football game (amongst other) criticized German-French politic

Did they think the football game was held at a rock concert?

So isis is angry germany is accepting refugees. Kind of proves the fact the refugees are real refugees fleeing isis. Cant send them back to their death.

We will only send them back to Turkey from where they came. They can stay in Turkey and we will gladly pay the Turks to keep them at bay. Its not the business of Germany to take in every Syrian that enters Europe. THe German constitution says we have to protect citizens from any were in the world that are political prosecuted or fleeing from a war. They key however is that they can not pass a save country on their way to Europe and Turkey has been declared a save country by the EU.

I think ISIS is not stupid and they targeted the France - Germany soccer match as it gives maximum exposure to the media. Their are cells already from ISIS in Germany and they have no difference between Germany and France as they are both ruled by kafirs but sooner or later they will target Germany on a massive scale as most of the fanatics passed or are presently in Germany. This is about Europe and ISIS wants to see Europe burn and not about Paris, Rome or London.

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The effect that ISIS wants is to bait the west into fighting them in the Levant. It's working. What choice?

Agree, let isis take over a city then nuke them. It may be the only way.

I posted in the other thread, nuke the whole middle east, muslims, christians, Israel, the lot. Nothing but trouble.

Wonder if I sound radical enough for some posters on here. But I do believe it is the only way, the whole lot, gone.

How many nukes you got? Careful that you don't nuke yourself in the process. biggrin.png

I once had the occasion to rid my room of resident cockroaches w/o using insecticide. It employed a two-step strategy, each employing multiple tactics for each step:

1) Stop entry of migrant cockroaches

2) Kill or entomb every cockroach in the room

It took only a few months!

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I cried watching that, felt cold with fear. Far worse then any horror film I have ever seen. And now we have the western government leaders letting in thousands upon thousands of Muslim refugees into the countries, they must be insane, it`s madness.

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Firstly, my deepest sympathy and my thoughts go out to the victims of these senseless acts of violence and their families.

Secondly, Muslims around the world condemn terrorism after the Paris attacks

Leaders of Arab states called the attacks immoral and inhumane. Qatar’s foreign minister Khaled al-Attiyah denounced the “heinous attacks,” adding, “these acts, which target stability and security in France are against all human and moral values.” Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Sabah called the attacks “criminal acts of terrorism which run counter to all teachings of holy faith and humanitarian values.” The Saudi foreign ministry called for global cooperation to “root out this dangerous and destructive plague.”

Since that article was published, ISIS has claimed responsibility for these murders.

Thirdly, whilst I admittedly haven’t read every post so far in this topic, I have read enough to see that the usual suspects are out in force.

It is a shame that they appear to lack the intellectual capacity to realise that they are doing the terrorists work for them!

Yes, these murderers do claim to be acting in the name of Islam; but has been shown time and time again in numerous topics; their claim is a false one which is denied by Muslim leaders, both religious and secular, around the world as well as by ordinary Muslims in campaigns such as” Not in my name.”

That certain groups ignore all this and tar all Muslims with the terrorist brush is playing directly into the hands of the actual terrorists.

They want this to happen; they want a violent backlash against all Muslims in Europe.

They want this to happen because that will bring more into their cause.

They want this to happen because they can then say to the Muslim population of Europe “Look at how the infidel treats you, look at how he attacks you and your faith. Come and fight the infidel with us.”

Do you people really want to act as recruiters for the terrorists?

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The was a historically significant act of war of Islamists against the entirety of western civilization.

Charlie Hebdo could be "explained" and more marginalized as revenge against a provocative satirical magazine and also the usual Jew hatred (muddied by conflating all the Jews in the world as active soldiers of the state of Israel).

So the general public could still feel, well it's only about "them" those others that provoke the Islamists and of course Jews who are widely hated anyway.

They could choose not to provoke the Islamists with cartoons and Jews, who really cares about Jews?

This is different. Bigger. This is a message for ALL of us in the world who are NOT Islamists.

I think this change in tactics was intentional and this message was intentional. It's not only about free speech cartoons, it's not only about Jews ...

they're after ALL of us.

Message received.

What does means the word Islamists in this context?

Any person believes in Islam and follow Islam is considered as an Islamist, right?

These bombing attackers, ISIS members and their similar types are just vagabond dogs, they do not know any thing about Islam, or what Islam saying, many of them who migrated from western countries they were deeply involved in vagabond life style, and suddenly get involved with these misguided vagabonds and get involved in these devil activities,, and the global propaganda takes the initiative to do the rest of the job by marketing their activities as Islamists and promoting the event to be counted on Islam in result, good job...!!!

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The effect that ISIS wants is to bait the west into fighting them in the Levant. It's working. What choice?

Agree, let isis take over a city then nuke them. It may be the only way.

I posted in the other thread, nuke the whole middle east, muslims, christians, Israel, the lot. Nothing but trouble.

Wonder if I sound radical enough for some posters on here. But I do believe it is the only way, the whole lot, gone.

It took me a second.

Unfortunately, there are people on this forum who would actually believe that you meant what you said ... and would applaud.

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Breaking News from Focus Germany

The terrorist arrested in Bavaria several days ago had 8 x AK47, TNT explosives and hand grenades. According to the German news magazine Focus.de the person is of Arabic origin linked possible to the Paris attacks yesterday. He was arrested 9 days ago and not 3 days ago.

They now think that the attacks might be linked and tracked down to Bavaria, Germany and a possibility that terrorist cells (ISIS) from Bavaria/Germany might be behind the attacks in Paris. Looks like terrorists under the migrants executed this terror attack in Paris yesterday.


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A certain local French correspondent from the Telegraph named Henry Samuel confirmed that the attackers were French born citizens.

If you doubt, please google his name and pick the language you want.

Many People who survived tweeted the same facts : young, unmasked, French speaking...

Let's stop the crap of the refugees. It starts to be annoying...

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The effect that ISIS wants is to bait the west into fighting them in the Levant. It's working. What choice?

Agree, let isis take over a city then nuke them. It may be the only way.

I posted in the other thread, nuke the whole middle east, muslims, christians, Israel, the lot. Nothing but trouble.

Wonder if I sound radical enough for some posters on here. But I do believe it is the only way, the whole lot, gone.

Not as easy as it sounds. The middle east is too close to Europe, that would suffer the affects of the fall out. This is why Germany wasn`t nuked in the war.

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The effect that ISIS wants is to bait the west into fighting them in the Levant. It's working. What choice?

Well done, one of the very few on this forum who actually understands the Daesh Islamist vision & goal for the Apocalypse.

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Firstly, my deepest sympathy and my thoughts go out to the victims of these senseless acts of violence and their families.

Secondly, Muslims around the world condemn terrorism after the Paris attacks

Leaders of Arab states called the attacks immoral and inhumane. Qatars foreign minister Khaled al-Attiyah denounced the heinous attacks, adding, these acts, which target stability and security in France are against all human and moral values. Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Sabah called the attacks criminal acts of terrorism which run counter to all teachings of holy faith and humanitarian values. The Saudi foreign ministry called for global cooperation to root out this dangerous and destructive plague.

Since that article was published, ISIS has claimed responsibility for these murders.

Thirdly, whilst I admittedly havent read every post so far in this topic, I have read enough to see that the usual suspects are out in force.

It is a shame that they appear to lack the intellectual capacity to realise that they are doing the terrorists work for them!

Yes, these murderers do claim to be acting in the name of Islam; but has been shown time and time again in numerous topics; their claim is a false one which is denied by Muslim leaders, both religious and secular, around the world as well as by ordinary Muslims in campaigns such as Not in my name.

That certain groups ignore all this and tar all Muslims with the terrorist brush is playing directly into the hands of the actual terrorists.

They want this to happen; they want a violent backlash against all Muslims in Europe.

They want this to happen because that will bring more into their cause.

They want this to happen because they can then say to the Muslim population of Europe Look at how the infidel treats you, look at how he attacks you and your faith. Come and fight the infidel with us.

Do you people really want to act as recruiters for the terrorists?

I hear what you are saying, but if the rabble rousers don't have 'facts' to hand about the mistreatment of their Muslim brothers, they will just invent a few anyway. We are not dealing with people who have any interest in reason or fair play.

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What happened to the much-vaunted French intelligence service? Were they all sitting on the Maginot Line eating cheese off white linen cloths? Surely the planning for an attack of this size and complexity must have sent up some smoke signals?

How complex was it really? rifles and grenades easily available. Suicide vests, easily available. 8 guys meeting in private to make plans. Thats the scary part , these low tech assaults are undetectable

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This will get much worse before it gets any better. Might as well get used to it because there will be at least a couple of generations of carnage ahead.

Enoch Powell was right. The west's liberalism has been a sociological error. Liberalism only gets taken advantage of by the unscruplous.

The only solution I can see is to improve the goverance of Islam. Muslim clerics need to adjust official doctrine in the way that the Pope's encyclicals adjust Catholic doctrine. It's for the ordinary good Muslims to get their house in order. Unfortunately their own system militates against that happening. I don't have much hope.

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