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Syria peace talks: Paris attacks put pressure on leaders to find solution


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Syria peace talks: Paris attacks put pressure on leaders to find solution


Just hours after the deadly attacks in Paris, foreign leaders from 19 countries, including the US, Russia, Iran and Turkey, have gathered in Vienna to discuss the Syrian peace process.

The carnage in the French capital forced a shift in focus during the fresh round of negotiations with all sides agreeing that they must stand together against terrorism.

“The message that comes from our meeting today is even stronger than it was two weeks ago, the need for the international community to unite, because all the countries here and all the international community is equally affected by the threat of terrorism and the only possible and effective response is dealing with that united,” said Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Both the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the US Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the Paris terror attacks and expressed their solidarity with the French people.

“We are witnessing a kind of medieval and modern fascism at the same time, which has no regard for life, which seeks to destroy and create chaos and disorder and fear,” explained US Secretary of State, John Kerry. “And the one thing we can say to those people is that what they do in this is stiffen our resolve, all of us, to fight back and to hold people accountable and to stand up for rule of law, which is exactly what we are here to do”.

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, sent an qually strong message:

“We have to strongly reiterate that there would be no tolerance of terrorists. And just like there is no justification for terrorist attacks, which is the position of the Security Council, I believe as John said, there could be no justification for us not doing much more to defeat ISIL, al Nusra, and the like.”

More than 250,000 people have been killed in the Syrian War and millions have been uprooted from their homes. Syrians demanding a solution made their voices heard as the leaders arrived for the talks.

Euronews’ correspondent in Vienna, Andrea Hajagos, explained that those protesting against the war in Syria “also stand with the people of France and have put more pressure for an agreement to be reached to end the conflict.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-15

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It's time for the US and allies to develop a war plan for a TAZ, Temporary Autonomous Zone like so called ISIS better called Daesh.I am very tired of years and years of failed John Kerry efforts at diplomacy. He continues to fly all over the world with his staff and spending countless US taxpayer dollars to pontificate all over the world at all kinds of "leadership" tables and he never achieves anything. All of them are a waste of money. A few years ago he came back from the middle east and was promoting deep investment in weapons and arms for "rebel" groups such as the Al Nusra Front, fighting against Assad, all of which became ISIS (daesh) rebels. All these big hot air balloons like Kerry are always promising, double talking, refusing to call it the way it really is, and they continue to play the politically correct game with the security of Americans at the US taxpayer expense.

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We need a war plan for combating a pirate like TAZ - like Hakim Bey defines - That's what these guys ISIS (daesh) are - They are a Temporary Automous Zone. They have to be defunded and deweaponzied and subjected to high order police control. These guys in Vienna , so called "leaders" need to stop pontificating and start making hard decisions about combat and war with ISIS (daesh)

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It's time for the US and allies to develop a war plan for a TAZ, Temporary Autonomous Zone like so called ISIS better called Daesh.I am very tired of years and years of failed John Kerry efforts at diplomacy. He continues to fly all over the world with his staff and spending countless US taxpayer dollars to pontificate all over the world at all kinds of "leadership" tables and he never achieves anything. All of them are a waste of money. A few years ago he came back from the middle east and was promoting deep investment in weapons and arms for "rebel" groups such as the Al Nusra Front, fighting against Assad, all of which became ISIS (daesh) rebels. All these big hot air balloons like Kerry are always promising, double talking, refusing to call it the way it really is, and they continue to play the politically correct game with the security of Americans at the US taxpayer expense.

I think more accurate would be playing with peoples lives.

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IS is a hyrda....or like the US kids game Whack-A-Mole.....knock down one part of it, it pops us somewhere else...and with US foreign policy generating failed states all over the world, there are plenty of places for them to pop up.

There is a news item today, predictably not covered by the Western media and that is about a video in which a US Apache helicopter is seen 'escorting' a column of 270 ISIS white Toyota trucks. IF this is true, then we need to stop with the games and have the US attack IS instead of covertly propping it up to have it fight a proxy war against Assad.

Put Assad on the back burner and let's fight IS now, all parties. The Russians have shown the way politically, diplomatically and militarily which major advances of the Syrian Army in Aleppo....It's not rocket science, they use Russian air to degrade the enemy and then the ground troops move in. The US double dealing talking about hitting IS but in fact covertly supporting it, is not helping.

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The fallacies of reactionary socialist policies now begin the next farce in big mistakes/reactionary tactics (minus any strategy at all)- assigning the Paris bombing to Syria alone.

Has anyone noticed that everything is always about the last thing, the proximate thing to whats under review? There is no longer any chain of causal connections. Lost all the time, every time, is any continuity with choices or accountability. Every single action in Europe and America is now the result of something... immediate, pressing, demanding, etc. There is no undressing a thing to its root, its causation, only reactionary tactics akin to a fool stamping out a fire on a bag of dung kids left on the door stop.

If Syria was fixed this problem would still happen.

If Syria never happened this problem would still happen.

This has been going on for over 1,000 years before modern Syria and will continue until the motivating events are addressed.

This was going on 4 years ago, 10, 15, 20, and 1,000 years ago; "fixing" Syria (Code for making things worse) is not even tactical response, its flailing.

I will note this: How many people have been hit by space debris? One a $100 million lottery? Found paper money every day for a week? Married the correct woman the first time? Etc? Yet frequently, regardless of the sophistication of an attack of the complexity of a bomb, no matter the carnage or chaos, we continue to find intact legible passports for the attackers. At a certain point the mind is incredulous. I have no conclusion, I am only confounded. If you defined what qualified as a terrorist attack, completed a matrix, adjusted for variables, established a threshold, then calculated what the chances were that the bad guys would loss control of and present their passport so often, I think you would find the numbers actually are astronomical.

("I am Syrian and I am going to bomb and kill to protest other governments interfering in my right to attack and dislodge the illegitimate Assad government but when I pack my explosives and load my magazines I will ensure to carelessly place my passport haphazardly in my pocket before I shout Al Lah Akbar!")

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Would imagine the CIA have copious supplies of passports with photos of all nationalities that can be given the assumed damage that allows them to somehow miraculously remain legible through bomb blasts and infernos that can melt construction steel..............as in a other incidents etc etc.

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