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Israel bans Islamist Arab party, says it's inciting violence


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Can't stand the competition? Israel just maintains the steady, codified, state violence on daily basis against Palestinians in their land

Israel is doing war crimes on a daily base, but an Islamist Arab party that inciting violence won't make it better.....

What Israel does, does not make it better what the Islamists do.....both come from the same area, have the same religious roots and the same genetic.....just different invisible friend.

The question is why Europe, which need centuries to overcome their christian fanatics needs to invite new fanatics....

I am stunned to notice the evolution of Israel towards practices which have nothing to envy at his Arabic neighbors.
We are far from the noble faces of Ben Gurion, Golda Meir or Moshe Dayan for exemple.
Maybe that the Diaspora had of the voucher finally...
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I am stunned to notice the evolution of Israel towards practices which have nothing to envy at his Arabic neighbors.
We are far from the noble faces of Ben Gurion, Golda Meir or Moshe Dayan for exemple.
Maybe that the Diaspora had of the voucher finally...

I have to heartily agree that Ben Gurion, Golda Meir, and Moshe Dayan were gloriously heroic Zionist leaders.

I also agree that the policies of modern Israel are less than perfect and that they share the blame, along with their hostile neighbors for the lack of a satisfying resolution.

But my question here is this -- what is the meaning of the sentence:

Maybe that the Diaspora had of the voucher finally... ermm.gif

As far as Israel's actions banning that atrociously hostile to Israel internal political party, well, that's their business, isn't it? Nobody said they were a perfect democracy and how can they be in their situation, between a rock and hard place.

Edited by Jingthing
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