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So who uses the Chiang Rai local sub-forum?

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ThaiVisa has so many sub-forums covering so many different aspects of living in Thailand, which are not Chiang Rai specific, that there is not much left to be discussed on a strictly local level. If local forums are not used as a social media style connection and people don’t want to interact online one wonders what kind of relevance a local forum has.

I guess we can make lists or repackage the news from other sources, of which there are many. We could also share local experiences but some seem to look upon that kind of post as being too personal in nature. In a small community like this I don’t know how one remains impersonal and anonymous, or why one would want to.
There are the occasional passersby who treat us like a search engine or digital algorithm. They enter a query like they would in Google and then wait to see what pops up. They don’t seem to take into consideration that there is a person on the other end of their query.
Then there are tourists and new arrivals. More often than not the tourists are TVF members from other regions as opposed to first time visitors to Thailand. New arrivals need a little handholding at first but soon get their bearings with Chiang Rai being such a small place.
Some people are doing research for an anticipated move at some undetermined time which often never happens. Some people have family here or have visited at some time in the past so drop by to see what is happening I suppose and perhaps look at pictures.
If you live here, the chances are most of the people you know will not be members of a forum and will be encountered through introductions, hobbies or going about daily tasks.
From what I can see there is also a silent group of read-only viewers who contribute nothing and perhaps are remnants of the group who actively sought to disrupt this forum in the past.
I am not sure if anyone will respond to this post or gives any thought to what we are doing here but I do think about it from time to time so thought I would try to start a discussion, hopefully without name calling or insults.
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I enjoy the forum but don't have much to contribute because I stay home most of the time.

Any medical or hospital news I have I like to post.

I have a question, are there botanical gardens at the Mae Fah Luang University or only at Doi Tung?


Many locations come under the name Mae Fah Luang for obvious reasons. The main garden is at Doi Tung but there is also the art and cultural park in town. Some visitors get those two confused because of the name. There may indeed be a smaller garden at the university as well but we haven’t been there for quite some time so don’t know for sure. Hope you are staying healthy Don.


Thanks for the information. I am pretty sure they are referring to Doi Tung so I shall head out in that direction. The flower show starts here again next month. Seems like it gets better ever year. I tore down all of my green houses near the front of my house and put in nice gardens and grass. Last year I had my 5th and last retirement. At 82 my health is still good so I have given up work except for fish farming and some fruit and avocado harvesting. If you are in the neighborhood drop by. The beer is always cold.


Thanks for the information. I am pretty sure they are referring to Doi Tung so I shall head out in that direction. The flower show starts here again next month. Seems like it gets better ever year. I tore down all of my green houses near the front of my house and put in nice gardens and grass. Last year I had my 5th and last retirement. At 82 my health is still good so I have given up work except for fish farming and some fruit and avocado harvesting. If you are in the neighborhood drop by. The beer is always cold.

If you are talking about the annual flower festival, that is located next to the river very near immigration and will be held December 24 to January 11 I think.

Thanks for the invitation but I live very far from you, 55 km from the eastern side of town, and I don't drink.


I read this sub forum all the time. I live in Phayao 100 kms south of Chiang Rai. My contribution on this forum is low because I do not live in Chiang Rai. We usually visit Chiang Rai about once a month.

Today I will comment on Central Plaza.

This has happened now three times. We arrive at Central at or just before 10am. This is the time that Tops and the lower stores opens. All the parking outside is still roped off. I refuse to park underground after being parked in by a locked vehicle.

Why do they not open parking for shoppers wanting to park near Tops? Today I ended up taking the tape off and parking. There was no security anywhere and the bottom entrance was not opened till almost 1015. I think there was a problem but there were no staff to advise the customers.

Very poor by Central


I seldom arrive before noon but did get there early on one occasion not long ago. I noticed that certain areas were already full and my assumption was that they rope off prime areas to keep employees from taking all those spots before the shops even open. With customers there is turnover but employees park all day so they had to find a way to force them outside.

They really don’t seem to be setup to do anything before opening time so my choice is to wait until they get the air-conditioning going and all the doors open. I can’t see them employing double shifts so my guess is things are not going to change. It is perhaps better to run other errands first or simply show up a little later.
If you are selective about where you park there is no problem with double parking under the building. You just have to pay attention to problem areas but that does limit the number of safe parking stalls under cover.

Because of the lack of security and control at Central Plaza it has become a nightmare to park underground. People insist on blocking you in at many different spots. Now that Big C has all the banks and phone offices I am going to restrict my trips to Central. It is not worth the trouble. If it is raining parking outside is not practical. Another place being ruined by inconsiderate people showing their real Thainess.


That is interesting. I find BigC even worse and marvel at the long line of cars trying to get into the parking lot and all the cars parked on the highway when I am heading to Central sometimes. I guess I am just lucky at Central. I do try to avoid weekends and holidays but I can only remember a couple of times when I took one look at the outside parking area and decided to give it a pass.

Since I understand that people in general are inconsiderate, I figure it is up to me limit their ability to inconvenience me. If I slip-up and leave an opening I tend to blame myself for not being more careful. Same problem, just a different attitude.

I enjoy this forum even though a very low count contributor.

It gives me a feel of what's going on there and in Thailand when I am overseas.

So I guess I am one of those that read more than post.

But have always enjoy the interaction.

Unfortunately I'm having a white winter this year for the first time in more that 20. Our first snowfall today here in Saskatchewan. Ca.

Aging parents necessitate a bit more attention.

So I will miss Chiang Rai this winter.

But as eldest son it is something I feel is necessary.

So I will continue to read and post when I have a contribution.

All the best Randell


I enjoy this forum even though a very low count contributor.

It gives me a feel of what's going on there and in Thailand when I am overseas.

So I guess I am one of those that read more than post.

But have always enjoy the interaction.

Unfortunately I'm having a white winter this year for the first time in more that 20. Our first snowfall today here in Saskatchewan. Ca.

Aging parents necessitate a bit more attention.

So I will miss Chiang Rai this winter.

But as eldest son it is something I feel is necessary.

So I will continue to read and post when I have a contribution.

All the best Randell

I am guessing most of us understand about aging parents. Both of mine passed away fairly recently in their 90s after a very long decline. We spent half the year with them for roughly seven years and though it was stressful at times I am grateful for having had that time together.

I think a snowy winter might be interesting but then again I have never lived where it snows. Could you post a snow picture to let us see where you are?

A note to all on the Chiang Rai Forum. REcently a friend dropped a brick on his little toe resulting in a blood blister. He used a pin to rupture the blood blister and later it resulted in a serious foot and leg infection. He is now in the hospital in Chiang Mai for the past two weeks and has had surgery 3 times to open his leg to let it drain. He was wearing foam open toe shoes.

My warning to all to wear closed toe shoes that protect you. The amount of blood flowing through your lower extremities is very small and the oder we get the less it is. This blood carries white cell that contain antibodies for healing. About 20 years ago I had a similar problem from a motor cycle accident. It left just a small cut on the lower leg but the infection was serious on the inside. I had serious surgery 2 times and almost lost my leg because I did not go to the doctor immediately and get treated. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital with a big chunk of meat cut out of my lower leg next to the bone.

Wear foot protectors and be careful of any cuts or abrasions on the lower leg or foot.


I read this sub forum all the time. I live in Phayao 100 kms south of Chiang Rai. My contribution on this forum is low because I do not live in Chiang Rai. We usually visit Chiang Rai about once a month.

Today I will comment on Central Plaza.

This has happened now three times. We arrive at Central at or just before 10am. This is the time that Tops and the lower stores opens. All the parking outside is still roped off. I refuse to park underground after being parked in by a locked vehicle.

Why do they not open parking for shoppers wanting to park near Tops? Today I ended up taking the tape off and parking. There was no security anywhere and the bottom entrance was not opened till almost 1015. I think there was a problem but there were no staff to advise the customers.

Very poor by Central

You might like to reconsider Big C, a number of the lines at Tops have made an appearance there.

Weekdays at 10am you can usually park by the door.


I read this sub forum all the time. I live in Phayao 100 kms south of Chiang Rai. My contribution on this forum is low because I do not live in Chiang Rai. We usually visit Chiang Rai about once a month.

Today I will comment on Central Plaza.

This has happened now three times. We arrive at Central at or just before 10am. This is the time that Tops and the lower stores opens. All the parking outside is still roped off. I refuse to park underground after being parked in by a locked vehicle.

Why do they not open parking for shoppers wanting to park near Tops? Today I ended up taking the tape off and parking. There was no security anywhere and the bottom entrance was not opened till almost 1015. I think there was a problem but there were no staff to advise the customers.

Very poor by Central

You might like to reconsider Big C, a number of the lines at Tops have made an appearance there.

Are there any new restaurants in Big C? I only go there two or three times a year so I am not up to date.


I rarely eat lunch in town unless it's a trip made specifically for that purpose.

Other than that the line up at Big C looks like the usual suspects.

For us lunch is the only meal we eat out unless we are traveling. I can do without when I am on my own but my wife is not capable of skipping a meal. Usually it is just simpler to shop and eat at Central.smile.png


A note to all on the Chiang Rai Forum. REcently a friend dropped a brick on his little toe resulting in a blood blister. He used a pin to rupture the blood blister and later it resulted in a serious foot and leg infection. He is now in the hospital in Chiang Mai for the past two weeks and has had surgery 3 times to open his leg to let it drain. He was wearing foam open toe shoes.

My warning to all to wear closed toe shoes that protect you. The amount of blood flowing through your lower extremities is very small and the oder we get the less it is. This blood carries white cell that contain antibodies for healing. About 20 years ago I had a similar problem from a motor cycle accident. It left just a small cut on the lower leg but the infection was serious on the inside. I had serious surgery 2 times and almost lost my leg because I did not go to the doctor immediately and get treated. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital with a big chunk of meat cut out of my lower leg next to the bone.

Wear foot protectors and be careful of any cuts or abrasions on the lower leg or foot.

The minute you prick any blister it becomes an open wound and should be treated accordingly.

Antiseptic and a dressing are vital.

Leave them alone, they'll dry out eventually.


I read this sub forum all the time. I live in Phayao 100 kms south of Chiang Rai. My contribution on this forum is low because I do not live in Chiang Rai. We usually visit Chiang Rai about once a month.

Today I will comment on Central Plaza.

This has happened now three times. We arrive at Central at or just before 10am. This is the time that Tops and the lower stores opens. All the parking outside is still roped off. I refuse to park underground after being parked in by a locked vehicle.

Why do they not open parking for shoppers wanting to park near Tops? Today I ended up taking the tape off and parking. There was no security anywhere and the bottom entrance was not opened till almost 1015. I think there was a problem but there were no staff to advise the customers.

Very poor by Central

You might like to reconsider Big C, a number of the lines at Tops have made an appearance there.

Weekdays at 10am you can usually park by the door.

We usually go to both Tops and Big C. We buy goods at both stores. We visit Tops first as it is on the way from Phayao. When we park at Big C we try to find the shade near the fence.


Posted 2015-11-18 19:52:58

Randell, on 18 Nov 2015 - 19:28, said:snapback.png

I enjoy this forum even though a very low count contributor.

It gives me a feel of what's going on there and in Thailand when I am overseas.

So I guess I am one of those that read more than post.

But have always enjoy the interaction.

Unfortunately I'm having a white winter this year for the first time in more that 20. Our first snowfall today here in Saskatchewan. Ca.

Aging parents necessitate a bit more attention.

So I will miss Chiang Rai this winter.

But as eldest son it is something I feel is necessary.

So I will continue to read and post when I have a contribution.

All the best Randell

I am guessing most of us understand about aging parents. Both of mine passed away fairly recently in their 90s after a very long decline. We spent half the year with them for roughly seven years and though it was stressful at times I am grateful for having had that time together.

I think a snowy winter might be interesting but then again I have never lived where it snows. Could you post a snow picture to let us see where you are?
Hi Villagefarang
I have been under the weather since last post and we have had some melting a bit of snow but not very picturesque. And a bit embarrassing with all your great photos to be showing a bit of dingly snow. But we do and will get a bunch in the not to far future and I will get some photos of the snow and subzero temps we are accustomed to here in winter time Saskatchewan.
  • 6 months later...

I thought this topic deserved another look so here goes. We seem to have several new members since this topic was started and unfortunately I haven’t met many of them. I have noticed the curators of TVF have been posting more news items in the Chiang Rai section which is helpful and brings more visitors to our forum.

As usual we only get a flood of traffic when there is some form of controversy but I guess that is the nature of the beast.
Anyone newish who would like to say hello or make a comment on forum use?

I'm not sure that the news threads achieve a lot, certain ThaiVisa members with no attachment to the regions involved seem to follow them and make no other contribution, they mainly consist of disasters and drug battles, often well away from Chiang Rai.

Many threads degenerate into ongoing criticism of the police and Thais in general.

Maybe the Thai news section could have regional subdivisions.


Newish, hard to say as like I am sure many of you are/have been I am a wanderer.

I have done a fair bit of travel, but mostly work based/exchange visas. Last year was the first year where I considered I could actually afford to really visit a place and relax. Thailand had always been high on the list. Local forums in general is how I start to feel out where I would like to stay, because to feel out a place I want to stay at least a month. Last year I choose Chiang Mai because it seemed to be a easy transition to thai farang life. And I enjoyed it, I spent two months there. This year I planned bigger trip with more places, and Chiang Rai seemed really appealing kind of like a more laid back Chiang Mai. (Since the main things I am looking for is has easy access to most things, but is still a relaxed place, has a gym (although I had my first scooter drive...and ineitable wipe out the day before coming here, so gym hasnt exactly happened), lots of food choices, and nature close by. Anyways...

I have read topics on this forum many times since last year decided to come here for a month, and made a topic in feb asking for advice on a place to stay. I have been browsing about weekly since then at least. But as a antisocial introvert. Making posts/topics is still kind of a scary thing, even if everyone seems chill.

Like does anyone know a place in Chiang Rai where I could print my VOA letter for when I head to Vietnam in a bit. I have seen a couple computer places, but they seem dedicated to gaming. Its not a option here. I dont have a USB currently but am happy to buy one (Normally I carry one, but left them at home this time). Preferably a place within a 8km walk either way of the Sunday street where I am staying. (due to that wipe out a few weeks ago, I find walking much more than about 15-18km at once starts getting a bit rough.). I considered making a topic asking, but do you mind people just coming in, fleetingly to steal your knowledge without adding to it?

I love walking places because I find its the best way to find random things (Like I love all the little lakes/ponds....because I am a bug guy and they tend to have cool bugs). And thats how I ended up stumbling into that large cave about a km or so before Tham Phra.

At this stage I can see myself doing another month here next year. So will keep lurking, because all the info is good, but alas I am unable to add anything thus far. Maybe after a couple more years of one monthing it.


Try the travel agents that do photocopying, they could probably print off a USB stick

The one diagonally opposite Doi Chang Coffee shop would be a good place to start.

Most of the internet cafes have gone now, the advent of 3G and 4G and smartphones/ Tablets made them largely redundant.



Newish, hard to say as like I am sure many of you are/have been I am a wanderer.

I have done a fair bit of travel, but mostly work based/exchange visas. Last year was the first year where I considered I could actually afford to really visit a place and relax. Thailand had always been high on the list. Local forums in general is how I start to feel out where I would like to stay, because to feel out a place I want to stay at least a month. Last year I choose Chiang Mai because it seemed to be a easy transition to thai farang life. And I enjoyed it, I spent two months there. This year I planned bigger trip with more places, and Chiang Rai seemed really appealing kind of like a more laid back Chiang Mai. (Since the main things I am looking for is has easy access to most things, but is still a relaxed place, has a gym (although I had my first scooter drive...and ineitable wipe out the day before coming here, so gym hasnt exactly happened), lots of food choices, and nature close by. Anyways...

I have read topics on this forum many times since last year decided to come here for a month, and made a topic in feb asking for advice on a place to stay. I have been browsing about weekly since then at least. But as a antisocial introvert. Making posts/topics is still kind of a scary thing, even if everyone seems chill.

Like does anyone know a place in Chiang Rai where I could print my VOA letter for when I head to Vietnam in a bit. I have seen a couple computer places, but they seem dedicated to gaming. Its not a option here. I dont have a USB currently but am happy to buy one (Normally I carry one, but left them at home this time). Preferably a place within a 8km walk either way of the Sunday street where I am staying. (due to that wipe out a few weeks ago, I find walking much more than about 15-18km at once starts getting a bit rough.). I considered making a topic asking, but do you mind people just coming in, fleetingly to steal your knowledge without adding to it?

I love walking places because I find its the best way to find random things (Like I love all the little lakes/ponds....because I am a bug guy and they tend to have cool bugs). And thats how I ended up stumbling into that large cave about a km or so before Tham Phra.

At this stage I can see myself doing another month here next year. So will keep lurking, because all the info is good, but alas I am unable to add anything thus far. Maybe after a couple more years of one monthing it.

I think guys like yourself underestimate what they have to offer. You are solving problems on a daily basis and your information is up to date. Those of us who have homes, cars and speak the language, don’t deal with the same kind of issues and our information would be second hand at best when answering questions from new arrivals.
Anything you find interesting or discover along the way, may help someone else who is looking for the same thing. If people were willing to share more and not just take, life would be easier for all. Things like where you are staying, where you eat, how you get around, things you like and things you find difficult would all be of interest to someone.

Doi Chang on Thanalai?

Yeah, internet cafes do seem to be pretty nonexistant now.


Try the travel agents that do photocopying, they could probably print off a USB stick

The one diagonally opposite Doi Chang Coffee shop would be a good place to start.

Most of the internet cafes have gone now, the advent of 3G and 4G and smartphones/ Tablets made them largely redundant.


I think guys like yourself underestimate what they have to offer. You are solving problems on a daily basis and your information is up to date. Those of us who have homes, cars and speak the language, don’t deal with the same kind of issues and our information would be second hand at best when answering questions from new arrivals.

Anything you find interesting or discover along the way, may help someone else who is looking for the same thing. If people were willing to share more and not just take, life would be easier for all. Things like where you are staying, where you eat, how you get around, things you like and things you find difficult would all be of interest to someone.

I guess that makes sense, though not completly sure many people really travel my way. Out on my walks I am almost always the only person I see walking anywhere outside of a few popular spots. But thats true, people who are even more newb than I, I would have no worries saying what I did. I guess many visitors dont kind of have time/interest/will to accept the sun and rain to do walks like this one (dots are more anchor points than stopping spots) route in car mode because walk mode it wouldnt snap the way I wanted it to.

Getting around, I arrived on a bus on the 24th, havent stepped on transit since...But true, I will keep a eye out and see if I can add anything.



I managed a walk today from the centre of town to Central Plaza via 'The Roast' coffee shop, one of my favourites in Chiang Rai. Even managed to get back before the thunder storm got into full swing ... so a little wet, but not drenched.

I'm hiring a car next week to venture further around the province, given the weather it's really the only way to travel.

Checked on here last night to see if anyone knew of a Sports Bar ... and found a thread from last year that talked about every subject under the sun ... but never actually answered the question.

So, for anyone wanting to watch the Euro 2016 on TV you will find a number of places around the bars adjacent to the Clock Tower. A 2pm BST kick-off equates to 8pm in Chiang Rai. So good for the afternoon games, but unlikely to be good for evening kick offs.


I think guys like yourself underestimate what they have to offer. You are solving problems on a daily basis and your information is up to date. Those of us who have homes, cars and speak the language, don’t deal with the same kind of issues and our information would be second hand at best when answering questions from new arrivals.

Anything you find interesting or discover along the way, may help someone else who is looking for the same thing. If people were willing to share more and not just take, life would be easier for all. Things like where you are staying, where you eat, how you get around, things you like and things you find difficult would all be of interest to someone.

I guess that makes sense, though not completly sure many people really travel my way. Out on my walks I am almost always the only person I see walking anywhere outside of a few popular spots. But thats true, people who are even more newb than I, I would have no worries saying what I did. I guess many visitors dont kind of have time/interest/will to accept the sun and rain to do walks like this one (dots are more anchor points than stopping spots) route in car mode because walk mode it wouldnt snap the way I wanted it to.

Getting around, I arrived on a bus on the 24th, havent stepped on transit since...But true, I will keep a eye out and see if I can add anything.

Thanks for adding what you have.
Chiang Rai is kind of spread out so maybe not the greatest walking town but walking or riding a bike is always I great way to explore a new place, up close and personal. I am sure you see a lot more by walking.
I have never walked around town but way out in the sticks where I live, I started off walking, then bike, then motorcycle, then car and you see different things depending on speed of travel, distance and mode of transportation. Now there is hardly a road, soi or trail I haven’t been on at some point.

I managed a walk today from the centre of town to Central Plaza via 'The Roast' coffee shop, one of my favourites in Chiang Rai. Even managed to get back before the thunder storm got into full swing ... so a little wet, but not drenched.

I'm hiring a car next week to venture further around the province, given the weather it's really the only way to travel.

Checked on here last night to see if anyone knew of a Sports Bar ... and found a thread from last year that talked about every subject under the sun ... but never actually answered the question.

So, for anyone wanting to watch the Euro 2016 on TV you will find a number of places around the bars adjacent to the Clock Tower. A 2pm BST kick-off equates to 8pm in Chiang Rai. So good for the afternoon games, but unlikely to be good for evening kick offs.

There are a lot of beautiful places to drive to so I am sure you will have a great time.

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