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Gallstone Pain Treatment And Suggestion Anyone ?

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I suffer Gallstone Attack once in a while .

usually using pain killer .

Anyone know of any thai way to cure or treat GallStone . .


I had a gallstone attack in April 2001. Actually, I think it was my second attack but the doctors in the states misdiagnosed. Anyway, the pain was so bad I couldn't do anything. Went to Bumrungrad and they immediately diagnosed the problem. Put me in the hospital (it was about 7 or 8 pm) and operated the next morning. A stone about the size of the end of your thumb. Fortunately, they were able to use arthroscopic (spelling?) surgery and just punched three holes. Not much post-op pain and a very quick recovery.

Because I am diabetic they kept me a couple of extra days, as I recall, I was there three nights. Total cost was about 130,000 Baht. Probably less that the co-pay for the same procedure in a US hospital.

An interesting observation --

It seemed to me that the doctors at Bumrungrad treated this as a routine procedure. Yet, my grandmother had the same problem back in the 1930s. For her, it was fatal because the doctors didn't know what to do. Medical science has come a long, long way in just one lifetime!

I suffer Gallstone Attack once in a while .

usually using pain killer .

Anyone know of any thai way to cure or treat GallStone . .


The pain of passing a large gall stone is the equivalent of a woman giving birth to an elephant.

The only two solutions that I know of are, 1. Don't eat fatty food, particularly dairy products.

2. Do what Lanny did, remove your gall bladder.


Assuming you have a definite diagnosis of gall stones, removal of the gall bladder is indicated. Done on an elective basis, it is a simple surgery with very low rate of complications. By not getting it done electively you run a risk of having to do it on an emergency basis (for example, if the stones cause obstruction, which will make you very sick) which carries a higher risk.

There are a number of serious complications which can follow from gall stones, including pancreatitis. You'd be well advised to have it treated now.

Meanwhile, minimizing fat intake will help reduce the colic attacks.

Leave it long enough and the stones may bust out through the gall bladder. The resulting infection will kill you.

Play at your own risk.

Correct diagnosis is essential. The average internal diameter of the common bile duct is

1.3cm. Have an abdominal sonogram to determine size and location of stones.

You may just have cholycystitis which is just an inflamation of the gall bladder.

To differentiate from chlolylithyasis, stones do the ultra sound. It's hand held can be done in the office and gives a real time diagnosis.

There are great natural cures for this if the stones are not to large.

Acute billiary obstruction is always a risk.

I suffer Gallstone Attack once in a while .

usually using pain killer .

Anyone know of any thai way to cure or treat GallStone . .

Hi Ta22,

Before I was diagnosed with a gallstone (i.e. waking up at night from a dead sleep from the pain),

I would take a teaspoon of ginger and swish it down with a glass of 7-up and it helped immensely and immediately.

But I would highly recommend you go get yourself checked out by a physician otherwise it might get alot worse and put your life/health in jeopardy.


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