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Thai govt to announce its achievements


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When the PM and his deputies are speaking will there be the usual punctuation of bells, whistles, cymbals and drum rolls ?

Why not a parade?

No money for colorful uniforms and accessories similar to that are being carried in the video.

and they should be yellow of course with a special, albeit very small, section for TVF Junta Lovers who should be practising their goose-steps right now!

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When the PM and his deputies are speaking will there be the usual punctuation of bells, whistles, cymbals and drum rolls ?

Why not a parade?

No money for colorful uniforms and accessories similar to that are being carried in the video.

Awwwww.........C'mon El G!

Thai's are MASTERS of parades!

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I will add to the list.

Very good at putting false polls out telling everyone how happy people are.

Continually changing the date for a democratic election.

Patting itself on the back for good work, which isn't done. Such as the war on corruption

Telling the people more tourist are coming than ever before.

Taking freedoms away. eg the internet.

I could go on.

Now, now, don't you think you're a bit unfair about the election-postponement thing?

According to a well-informed source the reason for that is just >a really really effin' bad horoscope< all along ...

On 2nd thoughts that bs reasoning would indeed work out perfectly here in the LOL, i should get a copyright on that!

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The announcement of their first-years achievements, like the achievements themselves (the real ones, not the propaganda), is happening late, at least six months after the actual anniversary.

A three-day outpouring of propaganda, with very little to show of reform or reconciliation.

While the junta head may strut around like a modern-day Napoleon, and spruke about "his" achievements, there seems to be very little that actually has been done for the benefit of the people!

That really is some achievement!

PTP had to be repeatedly reminded by opposition MPs of their requirement to do this. AFAIK they did it only once during their tenure and Madam PM refused to take questions on her statement.

Propaganda - something the Shins are very good at. But then again, that have the billions and billions to hire the best PR and lobbyists to do so.

The current government are "volunteering" without having to be constantly chased up by the opposition. Ooops - there isn't an opposition to chase up, challenge or debate the "list of achievements". Still will be interesting to see what they claim.

Edited by Baerboxer
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When the PM and his deputies are speaking will there be the usual punctuation of bells, whistles, cymbals and drum rolls ?

Why not a parade?

No money for colorful uniforms and accessories similar to that are being carried in the video.

and they should be yellow of course with a special, albeit very small, section for TVF Junta Lovers who should be practising their goose-steps right now!

Your fantasies may hopefully lead to some satisfaction and release.

Do you have picture of the "full of charm poise and grace" YL to?

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Ahhhh Baerboxer, we meet again.

Let me start be reminding you that the Shins are not running the country now, Prayut is! Consequently, it is his performance that we need to be commenting on now. And, after 18 months, I just don’t believe he is doing a very good job at it (especially the badly needed reconciliation).

If we are to make comparisons, then just like his predecessors in the top job, he’s full of words but don’t ask for accountability (in his case, Article 44, and restricting the media has seen to that).

As for the three-day talkfest, yes it will be interesting to see what is claimed. In anticipation, I am reminded of what Ben Franklin said, “Well done is better than well said”.

In your final paragraph I think you identify the key thing that seems to be lacking in Thailand (now, and in the recent past) – a strong opposition to ensure that the government is held to account! Let’s hope the CDC Mark II can come up with a voting system that may facilitate this.

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I just sent a memo around my office telling my staff that next week we're having a mandatory meeting at lunch where I will be announcing all of my achievements and giving a captivating PowerPoint presentation on why I am a great boss.

When you see management brilliance like this you have to copy it.

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