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Muslims use hugs and tweets to condemn Paris attacks


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Muslims use hugs and tweets to condemn Paris attacks


BRUSSELS: -- A man identifying himself as a Muslim has been offering hugs of empathy to mourners in Paris. His placard proclaimed: “I’m a Muslim and I’m told I’m a terrorist. I trust you, do you trust me? If yes, hug me?”

It is just one way that Muslims have been distancing themselves from the Paris atrocities. Around the world videos and messages have gone viral The hashtag “ Not in my name” has been revived while others have used the tag “Muslims Are Not Terrorists”.

And from Pakistan five young men have issued a “video”: https://www.facebook.com/PakistaniComedians/videos/1491396007857238 refusing to be held responsible for what they call “a few deranged individuals who claim to be like us”. They go on the explain they are no different from people everywhere.

They also say they can understand what the French are going through – last year, 132 schoolchildren were killed by the Taliban in Pakistan, prompting an outpouring of outrage and grief.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-19

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They need to do MUCH more.

It's not only about the terrorist killing and acts of war on France, etc..

It's about mainstream Muslim beliefs in general.

The vast majority of global Muslims support death for apostasy, for example.

Does that seem normal or of the modern era to rational people?!?

Are we supposed to be "tolerant" of that kind of total murderous INTOLERANCE? No. Just say no.

Then the mainstream attitudes of Muslims towards their own women. Horrible. Barbaric. People act like Islam is the same as all other major world religions.

But it is not.

Their culture is stuck much more in the dark ages and some Muslims get that too, and are calling for major REFORM.

Of course their lives are in danger for supporting that.

I say don't bother taking lame empty HASHTAG games as anything serious or impactful.

The Muslims that deserve support are those that recognize the much more widespread DEEPER problem and recognize that the entirety of global Muslim culture is in critical need of TOTAL REFORM.

Edited by Jingthing
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They need to do MUCH more.

It's not only about the terrorist killing and acts of war on France, etc..

It's about mainstream Muslim beliefs in general.

The vast majority of global Muslims support death for apostasy, for example.

Does that seem normal or of the modern era to rational people?!?

Are we supposed to be "tolerant" of that kind of total murderous INTOLERANCE? No. Just say no.

Then the mainstream attitudes of Muslims towards their own women. Horrible. Barbaric.

People act like Islam is the same as all other major world religions.

But it is not.

Their culture is stuck much more in the dark ages and some Muslims get that too, and are calling for major REFORM.

Of course their lives are in danger for supporting that.

I say don't bother taking lame empty HASHTAG games as anything serious or impactful.

The Muslims that deserve support are those that recognize the much more widespread DEEPER problem and recognize that the entirety of global Muslim culture is in critical need of TOTAL REFORM.

Hyperbole/borderline hysteria going on in your post: "The vast majority of global Muslims support death for apostasy" Really? Nonsense. The "vast majority" want nothing to do with extremism. It's the 5 or 10 % of fanatics that need to be dealt with.

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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

I probably shouldn't have said "vast majority" of global Muslims because it varies widely country to country.

For example, it's 86 percent of Muslims in Egypt that support DEATH for leaving Islam while the more "moderate" Muslims of Thailand it's "only" 27 percent.

Interesting that among our neighbor here in Thailand, MALAYSIA, it's 62 percent of Malaysian Muslims that support murdering people for simply making the free will choice of leaving that religion/ideology.

But again, this is MAINSTREAM stuff among Muslims, and denial is pointless. How about dealing with it?


A case of a Muslim who really deserves real support. Hashtags are just poses:



Death for apostasy? Islam needs to reflect the 21st century
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Muslims don't need terrorism because they have a high birthrate. This will enable them to dominate the world by 2050. Then they can intoduce Sharia law whether you like it or not

Statistically proven rubbish by the very same organisation that many on this forum like to reference; Pew Research

Edited by simple1
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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

Exactly !

To prove a point - did you see the guy who was standing there expecting hugs (not giving them ..lol)

and he had his face covered - why would he cover his face?

because if his ID is revealed, he is a dead man walking !

See some frightening stats revealed here:

Edited by xerostar
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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

I probably shouldn't have said "vast majority" of global Muslims because it varies widely country to country.

For example, it's 86 percent of Muslims in Egypt that support DEATH for leaving Islam while the more "moderate" Muslims of Thailand it's "only" 27 percent.

Interesting that among our neighbor here in Thailand, MALAYSIA, it's 62 percent of Malaysian Muslims that support murdering people for simply making the free will choice of leaving that religion/ideology.

But again, this is MAINSTREAM stuff among Muslims, and denial is pointless. How about dealing with it?


Exactly how many Muslims have been killed for 'leaving Islam' in Malaysia / Thailand, or indeed worldwide. BTW I know a number of Thai Muslims who have moved across to the Buddhist faith, none were even threatened

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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

I probably shouldn't have said "vast majority" of global Muslims because it varies widely country to country.

For example, it's 86 percent of Muslims in Egypt that support DEATH for leaving Islam while the more "moderate" Muslims of Thailand it's "only" 27 percent.

Interesting that among our neighbor here in Thailand, MALAYSIA, it's 62 percent of Malaysian Muslims that support murdering people for simply making the free will choice of leaving that religion/ideology.

But again, this is MAINSTREAM stuff among Muslims, and denial is pointless. How about dealing with it?


And in Turkey it's 2%, Tunisia, 11, Lebanon 12, Indonesia, 13, kazak 0.4.

It is not a vast majority and where the polls indicate support for it it may well be the case that there are unique circumstances for those numbers.

Characterising the entire religion because of fanatics is not helpful and is not part of the solution

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It is simply not credible to suggest that Muslims who support death for apostasy are considered unusually fanatic or rare in MUSLIM circles. That is obviously false propaganda.

BTW, the Turkey number was 12 not 2 as you posted.

Kazakstan, 10 percent.

But look at the MIDDLE EAST numbers. The birthplace of Islam. Very, very high numbers.

Edited by Jingthing
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They need to do MUCH more.

It's not only about the terrorist killing and acts of war on France, etc..

It's about mainstream Muslim beliefs in general.

The vast majority of global Muslims support death for apostasy, for example.

Does that seem normal or of the modern era to rational people?!?

Are we supposed to be "tolerant" of that kind of total murderous INTOLERANCE? No. Just say no.

Then the mainstream attitudes of Muslims towards their own women. Horrible. Barbaric. People act like Islam is the same as all other major world religions.

But it is not.

Their culture is stuck much more in the dark ages and some Muslims get that too, and are calling for major REFORM.

Of course their lives are in danger for supporting that.

I say don't bother taking lame empty HASHTAG games as anything serious or impactful.

The Muslims that deserve support are those that recognize the much more widespread DEEPER problem and recognize that the entirety of global Muslim culture is in critical need of TOTAL REFORM.

apostasy or homosexuality.....

I don't know if reforms are possible.....you can't tell something that is different than what the Quran teaches and there is no person like the pope who has a direct line to god.

I know many kind and lovely Muslim, but the religion itself has some problematic parts.

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They need to do MUCH more.

It's not only about the terrorist killing and acts of war on France, etc..

It's about mainstream Muslim beliefs in general.

The vast majority of global Muslims support death for apostasy, for example.

Does that seem normal or of the modern era to rational people?!?

Are we supposed to be "tolerant" of that kind of total murderous INTOLERANCE? No. Just say no.

Then the mainstream attitudes of Muslims towards their own women. Horrible. Barbaric.

People act like Islam is the same as all other major world religions.

But it is not.

Their culture is stuck much more in the dark ages and some Muslims get that too, and are calling for major REFORM.

Of course their lives are in danger for supporting that.

I say don't bother taking lame empty HASHTAG games as anything serious or impactful.

The Muslims that deserve support are those that recognize the much more widespread DEEPER problem and recognize that the entirety of global Muslim culture is in critical need of TOTAL REFORM.

Hyperbole/borderline hysteria going on in your post: "The vast majority of global Muslims support death for apostasy" Really? Nonsense. The "vast majority" want nothing to do with extremism. It's the 5 or 10 % of fanatics that need to be dealt with.

You need to watch this, Prbkk:


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Estimates of 10 to 15 million radical Islamists from Takfiri/Muslim Brotherhood/Salafist doctrines were published from multiple western intelligence services.

There are some 1.5 billion Muslims all over the world. Good for 23% of world population.

Makes 1% of Muslim population are radicals. Or 0,23% from world population.

Everything above 3% can be seen as abnormal or a threat according to any conventional statistic process analysis.

It's known that Saddam, Gaddhafi and Assad never let those radicals increase over the 3% in their respective countries.

Assad crushed the Muslim brotherhood back in 1982. In 2007, Al Nusra was promptly crushed by Assad government without any foreign help.

It's a fallacy and a lack of respect to ignore the Muslim governments who eradicated radical Islam and suffered many victims within their citizens and their law enforcement.

Expressing some condolences and sympathy on media outlets doesn't reflect the global Muslim community. Only partial. But, remains as I expected not enough...

Edited by Thorgal
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Denial is not helpful.

The problem is much bigger than the worse manifestations as in ISIL and Hamas.

To suggest those Jihadist Islamist terrorist movements aren't rooted in a variation of mainstream Islamic beliefs is politically correct poppycock.

ISIL, Hamas ? Duh !

Roses are red, violets are blue...

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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

I probably shouldn't have said "vast majority" of global Muslims because it varies widely country to country.

For example, it's 86 percent of Muslims in Egypt that support DEATH for leaving Islam while the more "moderate" Muslims of Thailand it's "only" 27 percent.

Interesting that among our neighbor here in Thailand, MALAYSIA, it's 62 percent of Malaysian Muslims that support murdering people for simply making the free will choice of leaving that religion/ideology.

But again, this is MAINSTREAM stuff among Muslims, and denial is pointless. How about dealing with it?


Exactly how many Muslims have been killed for 'leaving Islam' in Malaysia / Thailand, or indeed worldwide. BTW I know a number of Thai Muslims who have moved across to the Buddhist faith, none were even threatened

Come off it, many have been killed just for a cartoon of the pedo prophet, making a film, or had to hide for decades for writing a book about the religion of 'peace'.

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Estimates of 10 to 15 million radical Islamists from Takfiri/Muslim Brotherhood/Salafist doctrines were published from multiple western intelligence services.

There are some 1.5 billion Muslims all over the world. Good for 23% of world population.

Makes 1% of Muslim population are radicals. Or 0,23% from world population.

You could use similar statistics about Nazi Germans, members of the Russian communist party or the Khmer Rouge, makes no difference to what they were involves with. it was still evil no matter how many were very committed to the cause.

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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

I probably shouldn't have said "vast majority" of global Muslims because it varies widely country to country.

For example, it's 86 percent of Muslims in Egypt that support DEATH for leaving Islam while the more "moderate" Muslims of Thailand it's "only" 27 percent.

Interesting that among our neighbor here in Thailand, MALAYSIA, it's 62 percent of Malaysian Muslims that support murdering people for simply making the free will choice of leaving that religion/ideology.

But again, this is MAINSTREAM stuff among Muslims, and denial is pointless. How about dealing with it?


Exactly how many Muslims have been killed for 'leaving Islam' in Malaysia / Thailand, or indeed worldwide. BTW I know a number of Thai Muslims who have moved across to the Buddhist faith, none were even threatened

Sorry I gave the incorrect link to the statistics showing the popularity of terrorism among mainstream Muslim populations.

Here is the correct one!

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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

I probably shouldn't have said "vast majority" of global Muslims because it varies widely country to country.

For example, it's 86 percent of Muslims in Egypt that support DEATH for leaving Islam while the more "moderate" Muslims of Thailand it's "only" 27 percent.

Interesting that among our neighbor here in Thailand, MALAYSIA, it's 62 percent of Malaysian Muslims that support murdering people for simply making the free will choice of leaving that religion/ideology.

But again, this is MAINSTREAM stuff among Muslims, and denial is pointless. How about dealing with it?


Exactly how many Muslims have been killed for 'leaving Islam' in Malaysia / Thailand, or indeed worldwide. BTW I know a number of Thai Muslims who have moved across to the Buddhist faith, none were even threatened

Come off it, many have been killed just for a cartoon of the pedo prophet, making a film, or had to hide for decades for writing a book about the religion of 'peace'.

Answer the question

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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

I probably shouldn't have said "vast majority" of global Muslims because it varies widely country to country.

For example, it's 86 percent of Muslims in Egypt that support DEATH for leaving Islam while the more "moderate" Muslims of Thailand it's "only" 27 percent.

Interesting that among our neighbor here in Thailand, MALAYSIA, it's 62 percent of Malaysian Muslims that support murdering people for simply making the free will choice of leaving that religion/ideology.

But again, this is MAINSTREAM stuff among Muslims, and denial is pointless. How about dealing with it?


A case of a Muslim who really deserves real support. Hashtags are just poses:



Death for apostasy? Islam needs to reflect the 21st century

I wouldn't think I would agree with you once. Yes Malaysia you can't change away from Islam....but you can change towards Islam.

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Then why didn't you make that comment when it was first brought up, and why did you, yourself, post about it?

What is the source for your figure; provide it or admit you made it up.

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Individual Muslims around the world express their sympathy and solidarity with the French.

Muslim governments condemn ISIS.

Muslim soldiers are fighting ISIS right now, and have been for some time., and, of course, dying in that fight.

Muslim religious leaders around the world have condemned ISIS as unIslamic.

Muslim political leaders have done the same.

So have Muslim community spokespersons in Western countries.

Muslims have demonstrated in the streets against ISIS.

Muslims have set up internet and other campaigns against ISIS.

Yet still those blinded by their prejudice attempt to claim that the majority, if not all, Muslims support ISIS; using You Tube clips of a few fanatics and the rubbish on Islamaphobic websites as their proof.

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