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Rector of Paris mosque Dalil Boubakeur angry at mistakes leading up to attacks


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I am still patiently waiting for these "moderate muslims" we are always hearing about

Why are they not demonstrating all over the world; why because in their heart of hearts they think the nut jobs are doing Allah's work

If you search for their statements and reactions you should dig the news yourself. Strangely not a lot of newspapers relate the NUMEROUS condemnations from moderate Muslims and their representatives..

I just happened to be reading an article in the online newsletter al Monitor that covers the conflicts in the ME extensively, it mentioned the Saudi's lighting up one of their major buildings in the French colours, so I crossed checked. Low & behold same in a number of other Arab countries and mentioned in international news outlets. As far as I know never referenced by the usual clique on this forum who appear to diligently monitor coverage of Muslim related issues on a daily basis.


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The only people to blame are the muslim terrorist's.

What makes a muslem terrorist? That is a question that has many answers

Lack of general world knowledge, blinkered education.

Actual weakness of external government bodies, by allowing pervasive Islamic elements to have a voice in non Islamic societies, and so poisoning the minds of uneducated Moslem people.

Actual weakness of Western governments (excluding Russia) to react to Islamic terrorism, or to be strongly proactive to deter Islamic terrorism. This is mainly due to our society relying on Oil/Gas from countries controlled by various forms of Islamic rule.

Percieved persecution by external societies.

Rejection of Islamic ideals by non Islamic nations, so deterring the assimulation into those societies by those who will not modify their beliefs to concur with the society they CHOSE to live in.

Not being able to question the holy book of Islam, in that what was written over a thousand years ago, is still applicable today. It was purportedly wriiten by an uneducated, violent warlord who wanted to conquer all before him. A definite thousand+ year plan. I could have worded this more strongly, but must be careful not to OFFEND too much.

Jealousy of western freedoms.


And on and on.

What makes a muslim terrorist? That's easy, a terrorist who is a muslim.

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As a lecturer to engineering apprentices ( age 16-21), from Ford Motor Company, I realised that the angry disruptive students were the ones that clearly "were not getting any".

Conversely the well balanced students had girl friends.

Since islam prohibits normal contact between the sexes, I do believe that sexual frustration is a major factor in their dysfunction, and of course the enticement of ..how many virgins is it ?. will be a guarantee of getting laid.

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Good on this man for speaking out. More men of his position and authority need to speak out, and they need to do it quickly, to avoid a calamity committed upon innocent Muslims by guys that are getting whipped up into a frenzy by hateful bigots like Disgusting Donald. Muslim men and women of authority need to state loud and clear that they are saying no to terrorism and extremism. And they need to denounce Saudi Arabia, the worlds largest sponsor of terror, most vociferously. The Saudis need to be isolated in an extreme fashion.

Only Abdullah II, the very courageous and noble King of Jordan, is speaking out in a loud way.

Jordan’s King Abdullah II on Sunday urged Muslims to lead the fight against extremist groups who carry out terrorist attacks, which the monarch called the “greatest threat” to stability in the Middle East. Confronting extremism, Abdullah said, is “both a regional and international responsibility, but it is mainly our battle, us Muslims, against those who seek to hijack our societies and generations with intolerant ideology.”

A link to this article:


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As a lecturer to engineering apprentices ( age 16-21), from Ford Motor Company, I realised that the angry disruptive students were the ones that clearly "were not getting any".

Conversely the well balanced students had girl friends.

Since islam prohibits normal contact between the sexes, I do believe that sexual frustration is a major factor in their dysfunction, and of course the enticement of ..how many virgins is it ?. will be a guarantee of getting laid.

Islam prohibits normal contact between the sexes?

Better tell my muslim gf she doesnt really live with me. Muslim teenagers are pretty much the same as in western countries. The girls seem more shy but definitely have no problem getting it on. But they dont feel the need to go bragging about it.

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As a lecturer to engineering apprentices ( age 16-21), from Ford Motor Company, I realised that the angry disruptive students were the ones that clearly "were not getting any".

Conversely the well balanced students had girl friends.

Since islam prohibits normal contact between the sexes, I do believe that sexual frustration is a major factor in their dysfunction, and of course the enticement of ..how many virgins is it ?. will be a guarantee of getting laid.

Islam prohibits normal contact between the sexes?

Better tell my muslim gf she doesnt really live with me. Muslim teenagers are pretty much the same as in western countries. The girls seem more shy but definitely have no problem getting it on. But they dont feel the need to go bragging about it.

It is evident you do not live in Saudi Arabia.

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As a lecturer to engineering apprentices ( age 16-21), from Ford Motor Company, I realised that the angry disruptive students were the ones that clearly "were not getting any".

Conversely the well balanced students had girl friends.

Since islam prohibits normal contact between the sexes, I do believe that sexual frustration is a major factor in their dysfunction, and of course the enticement of ..how many virgins is it ?. will be a guarantee of getting laid.

Islam prohibits normal contact between the sexes?

Better tell my muslim gf she doesnt really live with me. Muslim teenagers are pretty much the same as in western countries. The girls seem more shy but definitely have no problem getting it on. But they dont feel the need to go bragging about it.

It is evident you do not live in Saudi Arabia.

Correct. But he said muslims, he didnt say in saudi.

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I hope that world leaders are reading this forum because, if so, then the problems of the Middle East will be solved within months.

Bring in the French Foreign Legion and grant Saudi males free-of-charge prostitutes paid for by the UN.

And why are the Kurds wasting their time fighting Daesh? They should be protesting instead!

Daesh has done some dramatic things recently but they're losing territory despite none of of the regional powers paying them that much attention.

Why aren't the regional powers paying much attention to them? Because Daesh is lower on their agendas / list of perceived threats than each other. Can Daesh take territory from Turkey or Saudi Arabia? Of course not. They're annoying to them but Turkey is more concerned about the Kurds (and also Iran) and Saudi Arabia is more concerned about it's proxy wars with Iran.

And Iran (which is fighting Daesh more in Iraq than Syria) is more concerned maintaining it's influence against the Saudi alligned nations.

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