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Farang Killing


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I wondered about this also. Anyone have an old copy of Thai Rath ,it was on the front page.

An Americal guy of about 40yrs living in a moobahn I had never heard of (something like Ruentawee). I will try and dig up the paper.

There was a second article a couple of days ago about police gathering evidence at his house and they thought it might be a business partner that was responsible. The article said he had an export business in Ban Tawai.

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John Allen was a bit if a lad. He owed money to several people and was in a big dispute with the people who built his house. He reportedly owed them several hundred thousand Baht and was refusing to pay.

He also had the wrong attitude and was regarded as bad trouble. Furthermore he had a habit of rubbing it in when he made others lose face, not the way to behave in LOS..

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John Allen was a bit if a lad. He owed money to several people and was in a big dispute with the people who built his house. He reportedly owed them several hundred thousand Baht and was refusing to pay.

He also had the wrong attitude and was regarded as bad trouble. Furthermore he had a habit of rubbing it in when he made others lose face, not the way to behave in LOS..

That sure is a good way to terminate your life. You'd reckon ex-pats that have been in Thailand a few years would have learnt the way the system works here.

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John Allen was a bit if a lad. He owed money to several people and was in a big dispute with the people who built his house. He reportedly owed them several hundred thousand Baht and was refusing to pay.

He also had the wrong attitude and was regarded as bad trouble. Furthermore he had a habit of rubbing it in when he made others lose face, not the way to behave in LOS..

karmic law strikes again!

make sure you make the right karma in the LOS

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Killed for a few hunderd thousand baht?

I have a hard time defending that unless HE was trying to kill someone and they acted in defense.


You do ????? I think you would find many in certain levels of society here, that would consider killing for what may be 4 or 5 years wages...


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Killed for a few hunderd thousand baht?

I have a hard time defending that unless HE was trying to kill someone and they acted in defense.


You do ????? I think you would find many in certain levels of society here, that would consider killing for what may be 4 or 5 years wages...


Many will, and do, for a month's wages or less. :D

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American murdered near Baan Thawai

Nopniwat Krailerg

On September 29 the body of an American male, John LaChapelle, 43, was discovered at a house in Rattanaporn Ville, Tambon Khun Khong, near the handicraft village of Baan Thawai. On initial investigation police ascertained that LaChapelle had been shot twice with a shotgun: once in the back and once at the waist.

The body was discovered by Sineeporn Phanthawong, a lawyer for ICO International Group Co. Ltd. at 3 p.m. on September 29. Sineeporn said that LaChapelle had agreed to meet her at ICO offices the previous day. He had not turned up for his appointment so Sineeporn had decided to contact him at his house the following day. On arriving at the house she found him dead in the kitchen. He was topless and wearing a pair of brown shorts. Police investigators said that he had been dead approximately 24 hours.

LaChapelle had been indicted for fraud by a partner in his export company, Worldwide International and Export Co. Ltd. The contestant in the fraud case claimed that LaChapelle had claimed he needed 2 million baht to set up the company and received a payment of 200,000 baht. Following the payment, LaChapelle had disappeared. After checking the company profile, the partner discovered that Worldwide International Export Co. Ltd. did not exist. On discovering this, they filed fraud charges against LaChapelle.

ICO lawyers had managed to contact LaChapelle and arranged to negotiate the debt with the aggrieved party at the company’s offices near Payap University. LaChapelle, however, never turned up for the appointment.

At present police believe there are two possible motives for the murder: the fraud and the fact that LaChapelle was committing adultery with a Thai woman. Police also believe that the murderer was known to LaChapelle.


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Killed for a few hunderd thousand baht?

I have a hard time defending that unless HE was trying to kill someone and they acted in defense.


surely the amount of money he owed or cheated with is immaterial. (Is killing someone for 20 baht worse than killing someone for 2m baht?).

The guy sounds like a totally unsavoury farang, but nothing excuses murder. Manslaughter in self-defense is quite a different issue.

I note that the solicitor who found LaChapelle's body belongs to the same law firm with which George Dubie was associated before he was shot in July this year.

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I note that the solicitor who found LaChapelle's body belongs to the same law firm with which George Dubie was associated before he was shot in July this year

Why?? Are you suggesting that ICO is acting like they had something to do with this... You, my dear, are an idiot

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I note that the solicitor who found LaChapelle's body belongs to the same law firm with which George Dubie was associated before he was shot in July this year

Why?? Are you suggesting that ICO is acting like they had something to do with this... You, my dear, are an idiot

And you are a flamer who does not deserve my valuable time. If you were a subtle reader of posts you would have realised that I was comparing the deaths of two apparent crooks, not suggesting that their law firm was implicated in their deaths. Gronk!

Edited by fruittbatt
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I note that the solicitor who found LaChapelle's body belongs to the same law firm with which George Dubie was associated before he was shot in July this year

Why?? Are you suggesting that ICO is acting like they had something to do with this... You, my dear, are an idiot

And you are a flamer who does not deserve my valuable time. If you were a subtle reader of posts you would have realised that I was comparing the deaths of two apparent crooks, not suggesting that their law firm was implicated in their deaths. Gronk!

??? Gronk ??? Whatsa Gronk ????

I don't think Ajarn is a Flamer....... He is at my stage of life..... the stage where we would be happy to be known as flamers...... but in reality, maybe we are more aptly "Flickerer's"... :o

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I note that the solicitor who found LaChapelle's body belongs to the same law firm with which George Dubie was associated before he was shot in July this year

Why?? Are you suggesting that ICO is acting like they had something to do with this... You, my dear, are an idiot

And you are a flamer who does not deserve my valuable time. If you were a subtle reader of posts you would have realised that I was comparing the deaths of two apparent crooks, not suggesting that their law firm was implicated in their deaths. Gronk!

??? Gronk ??? Whatsa Gronk ????

I don't think Ajarn is a Flamer....... He is at my stage of life..... the stage where we would be happy to be known as flamers...... but in reality, maybe we are more aptly "Flickerer's"... :D

Or just a couple of smokey old wicks............ :o

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Whatever, the preceding comments shed very little light & almost extinguish the topic.

Is it usual practice for patronising comments like "my dear" and insults like "idiot" to go unchallenged on Chiangmai Forum?

If so, it may be time for a shake-up.

Back to the topic: it appears that La Chapelle's killer is still on the loose, and that the motives were revenge for either his financial cheating or his adultery - or both.

This is the second shooting of a "bad-egg" farang in Chiang Mai this year. People like LaChapelle and Dubie, as well as Dr. Hellfried Satori have done all farangs here a dis-service by adding to the stereotype of farangs as undesirable aliens.

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Whatever, the preceding comments shed very little light & almost extinguish the topic.

Is it usual practice for patronising comments like "my dear" and insults like "idiot" to go unchallenged on Chiangmai Forum?

If so, it may be time for a shake-up.

Back to the topic: it appears that La Chapelle's killer is still on the loose, and that the motives were revenge for either his financial cheating or his adultery - or both.

This is the second shooting of a "bad-egg" farang in Chiang Mai this year. People like LaChapelle and Dubie, as well as Dr. Hellfried Satori have done all farangs here a dis-service by adding to the stereotype of farangs as undesirable aliens.

As I also use the same Law Firm, should I be worried .......

Hows that my dear idiot ....... :o usual practice I guess, but what about this bad egg Satori,, I must have missed that one.... Let the shake rattle and roll begin..... joke, joke to all the non-understanding sensitives

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<deleted> has this to do with the topic, Gonzo? Is the temptation to flame so much more interesting than the discussion of the murder and its implications? I'll leave you to the judgment of the mods.

Please note that - as already stated - I WAS NOT implicating the law firm. I was merely pointing out that they had also represented Dubie, the other high-profile killing in Chiangmai this year. get it!

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Mr. Fruitbat

You made the statement about the same law firm....

As I said , they are also my law firm,

they were also both men

they were also both shot

they probably were both shot at night

both had female involvement

both were reportedly unsavory charactors

and I am sure many other similar coincidences'

but you chose to make the law firm statement

There must have been a reason for you making note of this particular similarity soley......

Again as they are also my law firm. You drew my attention to your statement,

and all I am asking is why you chose that statement....

Now I have reread this post and read no possible attempt at flaming.... just an honest quiery. Can you answer it without scarcasm or flaming ?

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Certainly Gonzo, and thank you sincerely for your courtesy.

But please note that I am Ms. Fruittbatt, not Mr. (although there is a Mr. Fruittbatt, too: a top man who I love & respect greatly).

I mentioned the law firm because I recognized the name of the solicitor and the company she represents. I certainly don't envy the solicitor who discovered LaChapelle's body, and I hope she is over the shock which she must have experienced.

For more information about George Dubie's dealings with ICO, may I suggest that you read the last few pages of the news thread entitled "Canadian Journalist shot by girlfriend" (or words to that effect). That thread was started on about 5 July, from memory.



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Perhaps Mr. Gonzo this may help – note

Mr LaChapelle resides in the province of Chiang Mai, he is a farang, he was unsavory and he was murdered.

Mr Dubie resides in the province of Chiang Mai,, he is a farang, he was unsavory and he was murderd.

Lomsak27 resides in the province of Chiang Mai, he is a farang, .... …

When you read something like this you assume something. In actuality there is nothing, it means nothing but if you write it in this manner people will make that leap and ASSUME. This of course is exactly why Mr. Fruitbatt writes it such a manner. Ridiculous, most definitely yet some people must get their jollies in said manner.

" If you were a subtle reader of posts you would have realised that I was comparing the deaths of two apparent crooks, not suggesting that their law firm was implicated in their deaths."

About as completely and deliberately disingenuous as one can get. In fact he is counting on you to do exactly that. I am not sure what satisfaction Mr. Fruitbatt gets out of all this although many do enjoy thee "KICK AND GIGGLE' style of posting. Based on the above and past threads I wouldn’t take what he posts seriously as his posts deliberately mislead with regularity … ha ha AND WHAT FUN THAT

You might contact the moderator Jai Dee to see if you can get that 18 or 22 page post on Dubie murder. Jai dee deleted it because of excessive kick and giggle posting. Obviously people seem to get their thrills in this manner and that thread is a classic of its kind -considering-. I would state a few other observations in a more emphatic and frank wo0rds except as you noticed Mr. Fruitbatt has a tendency to run to the moderator if his sensibilities are offended. :D

Reminds me of some old ex coworkers but I digress …. :o

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Perhaps Mr. Gonzo this may help – note

Mr LaChapelle resides in the province of Chiang Mai, he is a farang, he was unsavory and he was murdered.

Mr Dubie resides in the province of Chiang Mai,, he is a farang, he was unsavory and he was murderd.

Lomsak27 resides in the province of Chiang Mai, he is a farang, .... …

When you read something like this you assume something. In actuality there is nothing, it means nothing but if you write it in this manner people will make that leap and ASSUME. This of course is exactly why Mr. Fruitbatt writes it such a manner. Ridiculous, most definitely yet some people must get their jollies in said manner.

" If you were a subtle reader of posts you would have realised that I was comparing the deaths of two apparent crooks, not suggesting that their law firm was implicated in their deaths."

About as completely and deliberately disingenuous as one can get. In fact he is counting on you to do exactly that. I am not sure what satisfaction Mr. Fruitbatt gets out of all this although many do enjoy thee "KICK AND GIGGLE' style of posting. Based on the above and past threads I wouldn’t take what he posts seriously as his posts deliberately mislead with regularity … ha ha AND WHAT FUN THAT

You might contact the moderator Jai Dee to see if you can get that 18 or 22 page post on Dubie murder. Jai dee deleted it because of excessive kick and giggle posting. Obviously people seem to get their thrills in this manner and that thread is a classic of its kind -considering-. I would state a few other observations in a more emphatic and frank wo0rds except as you noticed Mr. Fruitbatt has a tendency to run to the moderator if his sensibilities are offended. :D

Reminds me of some old ex coworkers but I digress …. :o

Your ability to read my posts is quite evidently prejudiced by your own biases.

You will also note that I am a woman, not a man.

I do not troll or flame, nor am I deliberately disingenuous. I am very frank in my opinions and am not afraid of saying exactly what I mean, even at the risk of censure or enforced holidays. I do not "mislead" with regularity, and take exception to your own button-pushing techniques.

The reason the Dubie post was deleted was because it had gone off-topic. It had become more of a support-forum for those women who were affected by Dubie than a discussion of the killing. That is not "kick and giggle" posting.

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