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PM calls for destruction of mosquito breeding grounds


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The General is a blessing for this country.

First, he declared war on corruption. Complete success, there is no more corruption in Thailand.

Now, he has declared war on Mosquito's. Soon, there will be no more Mosquito's left in Thailand. (= Tightening Visa-Legislation for Mosquito's)


- What's next on the agenda:

Get rid of long-term Farang residents, because they spend far less money on a daily / monthly basis than any tourist. To make it worse: Those long-term Farangs tend to spread diseases like "Democracy & Freedom of Speech" around. Far more dangerous than any "Mosquito-Related" disease.

Wait and see. Cheers.

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I am sure he means well,

but he should realize that at least 80% of Thailand is a mosquito breeding ground.

They are called rice farms.

When you have standing water, mosquitos will reproduce.

If he distroys the breeding grounds, there will be nothing left of Thailand but Bangkok and the tourist towns....they may have to go too!

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it was mentioned here before, and I can only repeat it to those who are afraid of the rice fields posing as mosquito breeding grounds.

mosquitos do not spread more than 60 meter (another poster quoted 400 meters) away from their birthplace.

So, even if there are trillions of mosquitos in the dense forests and in the rice fields, once you have successfully fought them back around your neighbourhood, these trillions will not fly all the way to your habitats.

Even after the foggings, an occasional mozzie will buzz by our veranda in the south of the Isaan. I am surprised as the yearly fogging has actually reduced the number of mosquitos by large, compared to 5 years ago. I can sit on the veranda in the evenings and enjoy a drink.

However one thing has changed, it is now mostly the tiger mosquitos (Dengue Fever carriers) I can spot, there are no more large ones throughout the mooban (which used to spread Malaria). It seems the poster is right who wrote that the tiger mozzies' larvae are under the water and by doing so effectively escape the fogging.

Edited by crazygreg44
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