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I just can't stand the noise in this country


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Where do you buy these magical ear plugs that cut out loud noise, I find them fairly useless.

Boots wax ones are by far the best, forget the sponge types they are hopeless and the silicon ones maybe ok for swimming but the break up too easy. Boots wax are about 100 baht, if they have them, 2.50 in UK.

The people who suggest tolerance must never have been tortured by the rackets that can go on here. The biggest laugh is the idea of grengjai in Thailand, consideration for others as when it comes to making others life a misery it does not seem to count. Dogs of course left in yards all day barking is common as is noise splitting 'music' actually just a thud thud thud that only a moron could enjoy anyway. House 3 doors up moved out over a year ago and put it on sale due to the music from next door, rather than complain. We have complained now we are viewed as unreasonable as is anyone who dares point out that while the owners are out all day their little doggies bark all the time. Headphones of the noise cancelling variety only work with constant noise such as an aircraft engine, or aircon.

It's a myth that Thais are not bothered by noise, they are but mainly too scared to upset anyone, or make them lose face by pointing out what anti social selfish so and so's they are. My BIL said if you want quiet live in a condo, if moo baan expect a lot of noise, having done both he was right.

Edited by jacky54
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OP is in the process to discover a small part of what is called "Thainess".


And demonstating farangness. The I'm right and everyone else should change to suit me syndrome. Usually heralded with a reference to "these people."

I wonder what happens to foreigners in the O/P's country when they proclaim they can't stand something and whine about those people. I'm sure all the farangs snap to attention and change their ways.

Edited by Suradit69
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Some Thai are so horrible selfish people and the rest are so scared to speak out against them ,this is why you should never buy in this country ,the over the road from me blasts his horn everytime he goes out or in and his three dogs bark for 15 minutes there after .land of stupid

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What a nice post this is!

There is more yelling and shouting on this post than the noice in Thailand.

Yeah but you cant "hear" it and "so what" its just a forum no ones being beaten to death and its hurts no one........unless youre of a sensitive nature

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Last time I walked past a bar with farangs in it didn't seem to me that they had a problem with noise, there was loud music, loud talking and laughter. Most Thai's don't go to such bars but party at home and they drink, laugh, talk and listen music. Same same. As for people who start to work early in the morning and in the process make noise so be it, they are not begging on the streets or rely on state handouts.

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5 posts before somebody played the Thainess card.

Only 14 before the Cypuss Hill Hijacked it with his usual Stupid Farang Married to an Issan Ex-BG Living in Back of Beyond thing.

Nah he never said that......be fair, we can disagree but you dont have to put words in his mouth.

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Last time I walked past a bar with farangs in it didn't seem to me that they had a problem with noise, there was loud music, loud talking and laughter. Most Thai's don't go to such bars but party at home and they drink, laugh, talk and listen music. Same same. As for people who start to work early in the morning and in the process make noise so be it, they are not begging on the streets or rely on state handouts.

Eh???? its hardly the same is it, a bar and your neighbours apartment.

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I agree that the loud music drives me nuts also. But then again i am very careful as to where i live. Here are some options. (1) Realize your in Thailand. (2) Move to a quiet place and make sure your neighbors , have no dogs, are over seventy, have no kids, nor motorbikes. (3) Live near loud foreigners, maybe you can adjust to them. (4) Buy the loudest stereo money can buy and point it in their direction when they are sleeping. (5) buy some headphones that will block out a jet airplane at three feet away. (6) Drink yourself silly, nothing will matter. (7) Move to Alaska my nearest neighbor there is six miles away by boat. (8) Deal with it. (9) Pack your bags and get on the next plane. (9) is likely your best option.

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We live in a small village where everyone is in bed by 8p.m. A couple of weeks ago the tenants in the cheap apartments next door were having a party with music blaring out of their car stereo. It was really loud and the wife went and asked them to turn it down, which they did for about 5 mins. Eventually the wife rang the local police pretending to be home alone and scared of the noisy gangsters next door. 10 mins later the police were there closing the party down. The young guys were complaining as it wasn't even 10pm. The next day the villagers were all talking about it and wanted to know who called the police. Wifey played dumb, but the neighbours were all happy that the noise stopped.

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We live in a small village where everyone is in bed by 8p.m. A couple of weeks ago the tenants in the cheap apartments next door were having a party with music blaring out of their car stereo. It was really loud and the wife went and asked them to turn it down, which they did for about 5 mins. Eventually the wife rang the local police pretending to be home alone and scared of the noisy gangsters next door. 10 mins later the police were there closing the party down. The young guys were complaining as it wasn't even 10pm. The next day the villagers were all talking about it and wanted to know who called the police. Wifey played dumb, but the neighbours were all happy that the noise stopped.

Many Thais hate it too but wont complain, construction next to my Wifes condo on 2 sides, kept going all night, she knew the Police captain at Prakanong police station a she lives close to him and had some dealings with him in real estate, he sent his men round, end of problem. The Thais fear that the big money people ( ie developers) are beyond the law which aint always the case.

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We live in a small village where everyone is in bed by 8p.m. A couple of weeks ago the tenants in the cheap apartments next door were having a party with music blaring out of their car stereo. It was really loud and the wife went and asked them to turn it down, which they did for about 5 mins. Eventually the wife rang the local police pretending to be home alone and scared of the noisy gangsters next door. 10 mins later the police were there closing the party down. The young guys were complaining as it wasn't even 10pm. The next day the villagers were all talking about it and wanted to know who called the police. Wifey played dumb, but the neighbours were all happy that the noise stopped.

This is what I'm talking about. All this nonsense about realizing you're in Thailand and respecting local culture is just rubbish. Why is it every time someone brings up this issue others say they gotta blend in a bit, but if one complains about a girl ripping them off those same people say they're associating with the wrong kind of Thais?

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Noise from the temple, noise from the slop shop, noise from never ending parties, fire works at funerals, noise from the whore bar. It is everywhere. I have decided to set up my own village blaster and start playing country music night and day and see how these ass holes like a taste of their own medicine. I moved out in the country 13 years ago now I am covered with people who live off petty drug deals and don't work.

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We live in a small village where everyone is in bed by 8p.m. A couple of weeks ago the tenants in the cheap apartments next door were having a party with music blaring out of their car stereo. It was really loud and the wife went and asked them to turn it down, which they did for about 5 mins. Eventually the wife rang the local police pretending to be home alone and scared of the noisy gangsters next door. 10 mins later the police were there closing the party down. The young guys were complaining as it wasn't even 10pm. The next day the villagers were all talking about it and wanted to know who called the police. Wifey played dumb, but the neighbours were all happy that the noise stopped.

Many Thais hate it too but wont complain, construction next to my Wifes condo on 2 sides, kept going all night, she knew the Police captain at Prakanong police station a she lives close to him and had some dealings with him in real estate, he sent his men round, end of problem. The Thais fear that the big money people ( ie developers) are beyond the law which aint always the case.

I'm beginning to see just how much not complaining and confronting people is a source of many of the problems and frustrations here in the Land of Smiles.l, for Thais and foreigners.

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My building outside Bang Saen is too quiet

My Thai neighbor upstairs gave me a shower if I was on the balcony when she 1as watering her plants

I went upstairs one day all wet from the watering and explain ed the situation

No more water

However a.few.days later she approached me

And said that when I smoked om my balcony at night the smoke/smell drifted into her bedroom

No more smoking on balcony at night

Everybody happy now

So it is not so bad in a lot of places

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hmmmm..... let me get this right ... you cannot " reason with these people" because you do not get what you want ? suck it up , start acting like a real man .

Edited by mikiea
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I have moved several times already because of noise and anywhere I go there is always some guy that has to make my life miserable.

Now I am stuck with a guy that plays music several hours per day. Yesterday it went on until 2 am. I complained about it and then they all ganged up on me. I offered to buy him any headphones that he want. He refused. I offered to split to week 50/50. He doesn't want that. And the most shocking part was that some random guy said it was his home so he can do anything he wants and everyone agreed with him. That is just so WRONG. I bet the cops are going to agree with them too.

I just can't believe how ignorant everyone in this country is and you just cant reason with these people. They are selfish. My life is miserable but he doesn't care cause he wants to listen to his music.

spit it out man?

...he swallowed it.

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I have moved several times already because of noise and anywhere I go there is always some guy that has to make my life miserable.

Now I am stuck with a guy that plays music several hours per day. Yesterday it went on until 2 am. I complained about it and then they all ganged up on me. I offered to buy him any headphones that he want. He refused. I offered to split to week 50/50. He doesn't want that. And the most shocking part was that some random guy said it was his home so he can do anything he wants and everyone agreed with him. That is just so WRONG. I bet the cops are going to agree with them too.

I just can't believe how ignorant everyone in this country is and you just cant reason with these people. They are selfish. My life is miserable but he doesn't care cause he wants to listen to his music.


lts their country, we are just guests.

lf you don't like it, leave their country.

Simple, no?

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I have always found that this is the major benefit of renting a place rather than buying.The great thing is when you rent a condo (anywhere in the world) is if you have problems with the neighbours you can just get up and leave! ( if you buy a place then you are stuffed ) Also i have learned over the years having lived in Spain & Thailand that sometimes it's best not to complain otherwise you just make things worse.There is no solution apart from moving unless you have Liam Neeson's special set of skills..........

F.J thumbsup.gif x

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Buy earplugs!

I often feel I'm not living in the same Thailand as everyone else, no issues with noise, soi dogs, iffy neighbours etc.

We are in a village within 1 hour of Bangkok CBD (I commute every day) the only noise issue (if you can call it that) is the roosters going off at 5AM (including ours).

OK, we do occasionally get temple noises from weddings and funerals etc, but since we get invited not exactly a problem. Oh, and the dance club over the river is audible when the wind is wrong.

Right now it's 6.50PM on a Sunday, what can I hear? Aircraft flying in to Swampy and DMK, frogs, jinjoks, the wind noise from my fan, stuff all else.

EDIT Just heard a dog bark, it's stopped now.

Totally agree, I live in a very large condo complex in Bangkok, 9 years here now, and never had a problem with noise. Was much worse in Sydney where I hail from.

Methinks the OP is either a troll or one of those (and seems to be an disproportionate number on TV) people who bring problems on themself.

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Sir, This is a personal and pathological problem. It isn't about any country. It is about you. With all sincerity in this time of Thanksgiving, get some help. That's the message I'd be getting if this were as chronic as you claim. Wish you Peace, body, mind and spirit.

With all the Temples and places of worship, in Thailand, there is no excuse for this.

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Buy earplugs!

I often feel I'm not living in the same Thailand as everyone else, no issues with noise, soi dogs, iffy neighbours etc.

We are in a village within 1 hour of Bangkok CBD (I commute every day) the only noise issue (if you can call it that) is the roosters going off at 5AM (including ours).

OK, we do occasionally get temple noises from weddings and funerals etc, but since we get invited not exactly a problem. Oh, and the dance club over the river is audible when the wind is wrong.

Right now it's 6.50PM on a Sunday, what can I hear? Aircraft flying in to Swampy and DMK, frogs, jinjoks, the wind noise from my fan, stuff all else.

EDIT Just heard a dog bark, it's stopped now.

Totally agree, I live in a very large condo complex in Bangkok, 9 years here now, and never had a problem with noise. Was much worse in Sydney where I hail from.

Methinks the OP is either a troll or one of those (and seems to be an disproportionate number on TV) people who bring problems on themself.

Highly intelligent post. The OP has personal problems. I wish him well. Even if a troll, then more so.

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I do sympathize but there is no noise abatement in Thailand. Obviously owners of properties can make rules for noise but generally one is free to make a noise. Although a light sleeper I have long accepted this as part of the lack of consideration for others, which shows up in other ways too (driving for example). At two of my addresses I have lived close to the town's central lake where celebrations are held, and even celebrated a coming celebration date (celebrate early). Mostly it stopped around midnight but sometimes went on until around 3 a.m. and if the local authority can do it well...Then there are local markets that can hire bands to help bring in customers and I find them worst of all. They go on 'all hours' full blast...made even worse by out of tune singing, if one can call it that. Another point is that I find Thai people only need the slightest excuse for a party so that doesn't help either. Sorry that I can't offer any advice but it seems that's just the way things are in Thailand. Hope you can find a comparatively peaceful place sometime.

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