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cracker time again to frighten our dogs


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my dog lives outside all year but this time of year the noise hurts there ears

he sit at door with a scared look and shakeing

i let him in and straight away under lounge and then sneaks under bed

thank god we banned them years ago in oz

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You can train them to accept the noise but it has to be done in stages from the little poppers that go off on impact on to the bigger and louder. You use the same method that many who train pointers /bird dogs to accept that they will be shot over when a bird flushes. They start with popper, small rifle, and finally shotgun.

If your near and place a hand on them during intial phase of training it gives them more cofidence. They can even get to the point where when they see the flash in distance they perk up as they expect the report. Then you get the wimps who never adapt. Put a favorite toy or blanket in a box in the house, there they hide out and can pee in box if they want/feel like it, easier to clean up the mess.

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I too have an aversion to fireworks as they are not natural and disturb animals. Some of my dogs are terrified by the noise.I am a great believer in not invading my fellow beings right of privacy, which includes not polluting the atmosphere with unnatural noise. Loud music, fireworks, ego massaging macho car/motorbike exhausts. Unfortunately I am in a very small minority, especially here in Thailand, so I do my best to just calm and keep my animals safe.

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Around our way the dogs make more noise than the crackers at least the fire works are only for a short period of time

two or three times a year

Well said, Gerry. Dogs in Thailand are a thundering nuisance all year round. Even the few responsible owners fail to control the noise inflicted on their neighbours. When you add in the fatalities caused by roaming dogs that must contribute towards the shocking 75 a-day-deaths, you have to question the mentality of dog-owners.

I can see having a guard-dog in remote areas is a necessary evil but most dogs are either feral or child-substitutes.

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i wonder what will happen with all the problems bomb and shooting in world

what will it do to people sleeping when they hear crackers be like the dog hide under the bed

i know when years ago i returned from nam any cracker noise would send me into panic mood

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Around our way the dogs make more noise than the crackers at least the fire works are only for a short period of time

two or three times a year

Well said, Gerry. Dogs in Thailand are a thundering nuisance all year round. Even the few responsible owners fail to control the noise inflicted on their neighbours. When you add in the fatalities caused by roaming dogs that must contribute towards the shocking 75 a-day-deaths, you have to question the mentality of dog-owners.

I can see having a guard-dog in remote areas is a necessary evil but most dogs are either feral or child-substitutes.

Wow, I never knew that 75 people die a day because of dogs.

Can you please provide a link, or are the dogs driving motorcycles?

Edited by dutchisaan
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Dutchissan, I said 'contribute' not 'are solely responsible'. Of course there isn't a link as RTP do not keep such statistics: even the 75 fatalities-a-day is only an approximation as scores of other deaths go unreported as they don't die at the scene. Thailand's reputation in the world's worst places to drive is a combination of factors - one of which has got to be the numbers of dogs roaming the roads unchecked. Your jokey comment about motorcycling dogs reveals you as a blinkered dog owner/sympathiser. My step-daughter; two near neighbours & myself have all been involved in separate dog related accidents. If you extrapolate these statistics across all Thailand there must be human fatalities.

Rounding up all stray dogs - even those belonging to blinkered owners, would reduce human deaths. Surely this is clear and desirable even to rabid dog sympathisers?

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the fatalities caused by roaming dogs that must contribute towards the shocking 75 a-day-deaths

Did you know that 76.32% of all statistics are made up?

More like 82.37%. Flippancy aside the 75 a day is oft-quoted. Whether it's 70 or 75 it is still a shocking statistic that could be lowered if Thailand took a firm stance on dog control. For example on my Moo-ban, a Juristic Entity, where the residents set the rules for their community, 'All dos must be on a lead outside of the owners garden. Dog mess is to be removed by the owner or a fine of 150 baht as cost of the clean-up.'

The result is an accident free environment and only the odd befouling of the pavement because there's always one irresponsible, lazy, retarded dog-owner.

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The sounds completely freak out both my dog and my two cats. All hide under furniture for the duration.

Oh, how I wish my elder dog hid away under furniture! He paws away at the bedroom door, whimpering, until he's let in. He then pads around the bedroom ensuring that nobody gets any sleep until the noise is over.

The puppy however, like Janice in Accounting, don't give a fork.

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