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Patong police deny violence in Russian restaurant G-MM copyright raid

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Patong police deny violence in Russian restaurant G-MM copyright raid
Darawan Naknakhon

Busarakam Suwanwongs at Patong Police Station with her black eye. Photo: Darawan Naknakhon

PHUKET: -- Kathu Police Superintendent Col Chaiwat Ui-kam has denied any violence by his officers during a music copyright raid on a Russian restaurant in Patong – despite the owner having a black eye allegedly sustained in the angry confrontation.

Busarakam Suwanwongs said a group of men claiming to be officers and representatives of a music company invaded her establishment on Saturday night (Nov 21).

None of the men were in uniform and none of them presented identification to verify who they were, she posted on Facebook.

Ms Busarakam she said that her restaurant never plays Thai or English music.

“We only play Russian music for our customers,” she said.

But that did not deter the raid party.

“I asked to see their ID or a search warrant, but they did not show them to us,” Ms Busarakam said. “So I took a roll of paper from his (one of the officers) pocket to find out who they were and I asked my daughter to record a video on her iPhone.

“That’s when they started to hit us,” Ms Busarakam alleged.

The video taken by Ms Busarakam’s daughter (click here) shows a man wearing a black Nike T-shirt with what appears to be an official G-MM Grammy ID card around his neck.

The man obviously refuses to present the ID to the camera clearly just before the apparent fight broke out.

“One of them hit my 18-year-old daughter in the chest and took her iPhone 6s,”Ms Busarakam said.

Full story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/patong-police-deny-violence-in-russian-restaurant-g-mm-copyright-raid-55101.php

-- Phuket News 2015-11-24


I haven't heard any recent reports of the fake music police. Seems like they are back now in Phuket. And of course the police work with them. You can't fix corruption in this country it comes back time and time again, like a hungry cat. Kinda like playing wack a mole.


How much times this been happen in the last years!!! But all this STUPID BUSINESS OWNERS never learn something. For just 12.000 THB they can buy a complete videosystem and record what happen. TV members and Facebook are waiting for it!!! :-)

I recommend also 4-6 hidden cameras on the opposite site of the the seeable cameras. If someone hide the face you got him!!!


Nine or ten years ago the BIB started this scam in Pattaya..Got away with it for a while, then my English and German friends in the bars started taken their photos to be posted around the area and on the internet.Standing up to them put a quietus on this shit.


Well Col Chaiwat Ui-kam, if it wasn't your men, then maybe you should kick it in gear to find these thieves. This is what your statement should have said after denying it was your men...

"We will investigate this today and find the culprits using the nice bar owers video".


This quite amusing really. My wife is a teacher and all the computers in here school have pirated windows as does the local government office and police station and i would assume the police who raided this place when they charge them probably do so on computers with pirated windows
Went to the big hospital in khon kaen have a friend who is a nurse let me use one of thier pc`s and belive it or not were still running the hospital on pirated windows xp.
All the dvd and cd`s in the big stores are pirated as are most of the memory cards and pen drives .None of The live morlam concerts have entertainment licences (at least where i live) but sing copywrited morlam songs .
It is absolutely crazy these guys try it on . I had an internet cafe a few years ago and they came to me but i was warned the day before by a thai friend.so i shut the day they came.I would not let them in . Three old police and 3 civilians . Asked them for id all they had was thai di cards not even a police id. Asked them to show me a list of copywrited songs they were looking for but had not list. Not all songs are copywrited and some songs on my pc`s were backup of cd`s i had bought in uk. They were looking for any downloaded mp3 songs . If the found any they would fine you saying if you paid now you would not be arrested and would not have to go to the police station . I just refused and after 30 mins they went to the next shop who i had warned . She also refused to let them in saying come back when her husband was home . 2 other shops were visted by these scum , 0ne small shop was fined 30,000baht and 1 new aircon shop just opened by a young thai guy was forced to pay 70,000 baht . They paid because they were scared and did not actually know the law.


Mark my words.

As Thailand goes further down the gurgler financially so there will be more and more of this, just dressed in different wrapping.

They sit around all day discussing the easiest way to get some tea money.

A bit like western politicians really.

I agree.

As the easy farang money dries up here, there will be more Thai's robbing / scamming other Thai's.


Did they get the iPhone back after it was taken from the daughter?

If not, track it and get some proof against these people......................wink.png


Mark my words.

As Thailand goes further down the gurgler financially so there will be more and more of this, just dressed in different wrapping.

They sit around all day discussing the easiest way to get some tea money.

A bit like western politicians really.

I agree.

As the easy farang money dries up here, there will be more Thai's robbing / scamming other Thai's.

Thai's robbing Thai's has always gone on nothing new.They are not selelctive who they scam and rob.

Just a few more agressive scum with badges around nowadays.


Mark my words.

As Thailand goes further down the gurgler financially so there will be more and more of this, just dressed in different wrapping.

They sit around all day discussing the easiest way to get some tea money.

A bit like western politicians really.

I agree.

As the easy farang money dries up here, there will be more Thai's robbing / scamming other Thai's.

Thai's robbing Thai's has always gone on nothing new.They are not selelctive who they scam and rob.

Just a few more agressive scum with badges around nowadays.

Farangs has always been their target of choice. Higher rewards for their crime, and a lower chance of being arrested and prosectued.

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