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Bulging disc, trapped nerve in my back, any tips?

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My chiro in Oxford told me, you can't unoperate - no manipulation, just placed wedges under the pelvis and pulled at the feet, amazing results given I was three days away from a disectomy at the Nuffield, that was 1989.

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SWIM preferably w/ mask and snorkel. Take all your pillows make a mountain of them on your bed. After a good swim,at least 1/2 mile, lay stomach down on mountain and relax. Continue the next day till you feel good!


95% Herniated or bulging disks will heal themselves. Sound like BS I know but that's what my orthopedic surgeon told me. He said to use pain management along with physical therapy to reduce the pain giving time for the disk to heal. I took a D-pack (methylprednisolone pill set) which had a huge beneficial impact on my whole body not just my damaged C6/C7 disk. Then rigorous PT and stretching. A year later my neck was 80-90% better. No more radiating pains or numbness in my left arm/hand/shoulder. Full rotation of the head regained.

I now suffer from a mid back muscle issue and my usual yoga fixes are not helping. After a month wasting time with Chinese acupuncture garbage I got some Kapanol from an orthopedist yesterday and it has been great in eliminating pain so I can resume normal function again. Obviously pain relievers are not a "fix" buy at least now I can exercise and stretch the area and hopefully improve. I use the below video for my middle back pain and there have been times when a single session has completely eliminated my pain. Beware of depression. Don't ignore it. Everyday do something to try to improve it. Good luck, good health.


Had the same ..The only cure after trying stretching chiropractor etc was a osteopath! I could barely walk almost crawled in and walked out ..But don't know if there is one in Bangkok ?


Strongly recommend against any sort of spinal manipulation, could have disasterous consequences.

There are better drug regimens than what you were given, involving short term use of a steroid plus a neuroleptic drug. In addition, physical therapy with lumbar traction can give some relief. Most hospitals have PT departments which can provide this on an outpatient basis.

If you are in Bangkok I suggest you see Dr. Wicharn at the BNH Spine center.

I agree with this recommendation as he is good. I've had all kinds of back issues beyond what you have but with many of the same pain and symptoms and they were helpful. They are a bit quick to recommend surgery but if you are terrible pain and they can do the minimally invasive kind, it is worth considering (after a second opinion). In the end with the back and joints it is all about pain management. If you can manage it with rest and drugs (without side effects) that is your first choice of action. Surgery is the last. Samitivej also has a good spine doctor. Would not rule out accupuncture or physical therapy.


Yes, I've had the same problem. To find the cure look for the cause. My problem was that my monitor was on the side of my desk and as I am a one finger typist I kept having to look from the keyboard to the monitor to check that my spelling etc. was correct. As such I kept glancing from looking down to looking up and to the right. This repetitive sideways neck movement caused my problems. I tried physiotherapy, cranial realignment, osteopathy, etc, etc. and nothing seemed to help. It was a two week holiday away from my desk that my neck improved and indicated what the cause was. I put the computer screen in the middle of the desk so I just had to look straight up and I soon cured myself. Check your home or office and see if you are continually twisting your head to watch a computer or TV screen. If so, put the screen right in front of you. Good luck.

I apologise if someone has already given a similar reply but I did not bother to read all the other replies before preparing this.


Gazzpa, I would suggest that you find someone that does Reiki. This has changed my life, my back is not perfert nut it's manageable, swimming and losing 30 lbs has also helped. If you need help finding someone I can help. Send me a private message. Patrick


First thing you need to do is get the pain under control. Its fine to check out the massage thing or the pin thing but only after your pain is under control because severe pain will take your life away and push you into depression.

I have nerve damage in my legs and take Lyrica, Tramadol, and an antidepressant (for pain not depression although they are linked)

Tramadol is a controlled substance now in Thailand so you cant buy it without a prescription, but you can still find it. The problem here is its difficult to get any type of major pain killer such as morphine, medical marijuana, oxy....due to archaic drug laws,

Best of luck to you


I also recommend Dr. Wicharn at BNH. He performed a minimally invasive operation on my back (posterior decompression) 5 years ago and I walked home 40 hours after the surgery.


you do need acupuncturw with electric needles Korean style.

There is one doctor I can recommend you in sukhumvit near soi 10.

for more infos please do contact me with your message.

It does not hurt and does not take very long possibly a short few sessions as treatment.

kind regards

I have been saved and saved many friends with it.

Totally agree, i had electrolisis and all sorts of treatments for a year in the hospital....gave up.

Then i went to an accupuncture clinic on Ram Intra, electric needles that pulse your muscles were brilliant.

By the time i had left the clinic, my sciatica had gone, felt really good, no pain doing it, at all.

Still get a little pain from my L4/L5 joint but i will probably never get rid of that, but i can sleep good now, can relax my legs now. Before, i couldn't keep my legs still to get a good sleep.

Its not even expensive to have done, so well worth a try.

All i can say it worked for me, and i tried everything. Now i go once every couple of weeks, to keep sciatica at bay.


I'd suffered for a number of years with lower back pain, but it was becoming steadily worse - and taking longer to "heal". Finally after a steadily worsening 6 months with various anti-inflams & other drugs, and also various manipulations, etc, and being in really bad pain, and couldn't walk more than a few meters, I asked for an MRI which showed a herniated L4/5 disc, compressing my right sciatic nerve. Specialist recommended keyhole surgery to trim the bulge... Next day walked out with no pain at all... Unfortunately, I wrecked it again about 10 months later... Another MRI showed the same problem, so another laminectomy and 24 hours later walked out again with no pain.

That was 5 years ago, and no problems since, although I am now more careful when lifting or bending.

Used Bangkok Hospital Rayong - expensive (and no insurance) but definitely NO regrets...

But as others have said you can't undo surgery, so it's a last resort (actually the last resort is to remove the disk completely and fuse the spine).


There is no real scientific evidence that acupuncture or chiropractic manipulation work. All the evidence it works is anecdotal or self-serving industry related stuff. Save your money.

You're better off swimming as mentioned above.


I, bare footed, fell of a soap suded platform just four weeks ago. I went backwards and landed on another object with the arch of my back. I broke two number nine ten ribs and a few hairline vertebrae. I sympathies with you. I hate taking the opioid based pain killers. But some middle of the night pain force me to do so. I've been told this could be long term, and being an usual active person and and an inpatient bugger, I wish to thank first the OP, and all the positive replies which I shall try. Thank you all


assuming the doctor the op saw ruled out serious stuff (no motor, bowel, or bladder deficits- involvement, verterbral pathology requiring intervention), assuming it is the garden variety lower back pain with radiculopathy, early ambulation is recommended to speed recovery. even though it hurts it usually speeds recovery. muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory medicines usually help get through the acute phase. muscle strengthening can also help.

surgery is the last resort


Had the same ..The only cure after trying stretching chiropractor etc was a osteopath! I could barely walk almost crawled in and walked out ..But don't know if there is one in Bangkok ?


Yes it was the same for me thirty years ago. I was carried into the osteopath and walked out. I said to him "does this mean my yachting days are over?" He said come to see me every six months and I wil keep you yachting" I was still yachting last year now I can't afford it. There is an osteopath in Bangkok in the Chatuchack area. The bus- train- car- taxi will be a ba-----ard. But the trip home will be fine.


( My opinion....derived from experience!) Take the maximum dose of anti inflammatories ( diclofenac best if tolerated) , rest as much as possible and find a reputable chiropractor. Stay away from PT !

A good Chiropractor will always take a low dose x-ray or scan before laying a finger on you to establish an accurate assessment of the situation.. With proper treatment a prolapsed disc can be fixed rapidly and more so if treatment is done without prolonged delay. The risk of delay and other physical treatment is a ruptured disc which will result in permanent painfull trouble ongoing forever.


I, bare footed, fell of a soap suded platform just four weeks ago. I went backwards and landed on another object with the arch of my back. I broke two number nine ten ribs and a few hairline vertebrae. I sympathies with you. I hate taking the opioid based pain killers. But some middle of the night pain force me to do so. I've been told this could be long term, and being an usual active person and and an inpatient bugger, I wish to thank first the OP, and all the positive replies which I shall try. Thank you all

Can't help the OP,

But Tramadol is what you need for the rib pain.

Available from any pharmacy where a pharmacist is on duty.

No prescription needed, works like a charm, but not for long term usage.


Propper Accupuncture fellow. I was in the same boat, don't listen to all the nonsense spoken, I did this, accupuncture, I am free to walk pain free. Up to you who to listen to, ok.


First step, go to a candy store and buy chewy ginger candies (honey flavor, not sugar). Eat as many as you can without getting sick. The ginger will stop the inflamation.

The best thing for the disk herniation is bromelain supplement (pineapple enzyme). Take as much as you can in tablet form or eating pineapple cores. Pineapple enzyme will soften the vertabrae so the disc can slip back in. Once the disk slips is back in, do not do anything strenuous for a week or so or the disk will pop out again. Take it easy for a while. You can find bromelain in health food stores. It comes mixed with Quercetin most times.

After the pain is gone, buy an inversion table and start daily hanging daily. Go slowly. Only hang an couple minutes per day. The inversion table will realign your disks and your vertabrae. You need to solve the causes not just the symptoms. You need to solve this so the problem does not come back again. You can get an inversion table in lazada.com.

Rolfing is also a great alternative for realignment of the vertabrae. I do not know anywhere in Thailand where they practice rolfing. Your home country should have some practicioners. It is worth the money you pay for a realignment.

Good luck.


I agree with what everyone is stating, no quack treatment, ultra careful about manipulation, I went many years with a similar problem having BUPA and NHS treatment for years in the UK, you what the miracle was for me?

DICLOFENAC tablets, the first time I took a pill I felt the pressure and pain reducing in a few hours!

Yes it took probably a month of low dosage, and now I probably only take one pill a month to stave off a re-occurence.

Pleae look at :




What you are trying to do is relax the muscle spasms and reduce the swelling so the disc can get in its place and reduce presure on the nerve, best of luck.

N.B. Losing weight and mild exercise will help immensely once you are back on your feet!




I had a ruptured disk last year and could neither walk nor lie in bed.. Slept in a shaped chair for four months. Gabapentin didnt agree wih me. I was prescribed Lyrica and at first a small number of low dose diazepam as a muscle relaxant.

Sheryl is spot on.

I'd just like to warn that Lyrica (pregabalin) hits similar sensors to pot and for two weeks any lack of concentration and I was in a waking dream. Nothing unpleasant just doing normal things like making tea and cooking. All seemed quite normal until I tried to drink the tea. :-) I certainly could not have driven a car in safety. These effects passed after about two weeks and with lots of gentle physio I gradually got back to near normal though I still have the occasional twinge.

Find a doctor who knows how to treat the problem.



There is no real scientific evidence that acupuncture or chiropractic manipulation work. All the evidence it works is anecdotal or self-serving industry related stuff. Save your money.

You're better off swimming as mentioned above.

Acupuncture & Chiropractic can help some people, so don't dismiss it.

Some years ago I went to a G.P with back pain he said "I am not suppose to tell you this but a Chiropractor

is best for your back"

I have never been able to find a good one in Thailand, they are all money grabbers from my experience.coffee1.gif


I've had this problem with near 50th years, since you are laid up I would do a Google search and learn about your problem. This will help you in the future in dealing with Doctors recommendations. Due to my work very physical I seen many of my co-workers op for surgery because that is the easy way out but whether you have surgery or not the problem is with you forever. My work was very physical and I've never seen a co-worker have surgery ever come back to work. I've myself, have had Doctors recommend surgery each time I decline and did the work necessary to relief the pain and manage it so I can work.

When your disc is lock like that it is painful can't even bend down to put your socks on. The medical does help but there is no gain without pain. For myself, I do everything but take the pills, I Ice then use heat all day and night while do some light stretching even if it hurts a bit. Push through it and you will see it feels better. I've learn a number of exercise through therapy to unlock the budging disk myself and if you research you might see them.

I've tried all the recommendations, Chiropractic, Needles, etc. they are good . From my own experience Forty years ago, I had a lock, no blood was going down my leg so at my own expense, I paid for Chiropractic treatment and after seven days, with one disc left to go after they strap me in and starting to rock the table all of a sudden a loud pop, everyone heard it in the room, thereafter the blood rush through my body to my leg. If that last day didn't work I was going to the hospital for tractions and if that didn't work no choice surgery since my left leg was starting to turn blue a bit.

These things do work but the solution once you get it unlock it is up to you Chiropractic and Needles do help but it gets expensive and addictive. You got to make changes to your lifestyle, lose weight if necessary and exercise and straighten your core which is your stomach area. Take up some Yoga classes there are a number of exercise that prevent and relief the stress on your back. I've been doing this my whole life since I first came down with spasm at 17 year old light yourself. The best treatment and less expensive is yourself. You can put together a regime of exercise to prevent it from getting this far.

If you live in Thailand find a massage practioner that knows what they are doing which I have. I get 2 hours massage 3 times a week minimum and it has kept this old rabbit to continue to tick. Last, It is my recommendation you see Doctors in Sport Medicine groups and if you can see a Physiatrist, I did and it turn my life around without having surgery.

Good luck


There is no real scientific evidence that acupuncture or chiropractic manipulation work. All the evidence it works is anecdotal or self-serving industry related stuff. Save your money.

You're better off swimming as mentioned above.

The effectiveness of acupuncture has variable reports but registered Doctors of Chiropractic or Osteopathy would welcome you to accuse them personally of anecdotal and/or self serving practice. wai.gif


I agree with what everyone is stating, no quack treatment, ultra careful about manipulation, I went many years with a similar problem having BUPA and NHS treatment for years in the UK, you what the miracle was for me?

DICLOFENAC tablets, the first time I took a pill I felt the pressure and pain reducing in a few hours!

Yes it took probably a month of low dosage, and now I probably only take one pill a month to stave off a re-occurence.

Pleae look at :




What you are trying to do is relax the muscle spasms and reduce the swelling so the disc can get in its place and reduce presure on the nerve, best of luck.

N.B. Losing weight and mild exercise will help immensely once you are back on your feet!


I'll second that. In Thailand it is available as Controlled Release capsules under the name Subsyde-CR. 1 capsule a day before bedtime, helps immensely.

THB 200 for a box of 20.



I pulled my back out so bad couldn't crawl never mind walk. Took my ex 2 days to get me to orthopedist. X-rays and a consultation and wanted me to go for an MRI. I said I'd let him know,curiously he asked if I had a better plan. Told him I'd let him know and left. Next day went to local Y it had a warm pool 85*. Swam 3/4 mile with snorkel, went home made a pile of all my pillows on bed and stretched out over the top. Wife heard my back pop from 2 rooms away. Woke up next day and i was able to dance. Not a problem for the last 20 years. Hope that's clear enough


I struggle to digest the number of crap/quack answers/remedies you have received above.

Like your goodself, I've also 'broken' my back. A severe buldging lower disc.

Suffered a lot of pain in my leg and was confused, back then, how the pain in my leg could be related to a bulging spinal disc. As a stroke of luck, I was dating a Physiotherapist ATT.

Soooooo ...

When you sleep, if you sleep on your back, a pillow under your knees.

If you sleep on your side, then a pillow between your knees.

Maybe not best to sleep on your stomach.

Becarefull when you sneeze, brace yourself and that caused me a heap of pain.

Your back will heal itself naturally and slowly over time.

You feel the pain in your leg because the sciatic nerve is being pressed by the bulging disc. As the bulge reduces, your back heals, the pain will start to travel up your leg, towards your groin. Believe it or not, this is a good sign.

I copied the post below, as the gentleman has some good advice.

95% Herniated or bulging disks will heal themselves. Sound like BS I know but that's what my orthopedic surgeon told me. He said to use pain management along with physical therapy to reduce the pain giving time for the disk to heal. I took a D-pack (methylprednisolone pill set) which had a huge beneficial impact on my whole body not just my damaged C6/C7 disk. Then rigorous PT and stretching. A year later my neck was 80-90% better. No more radiating pains or numbness in my left arm/hand/shoulder. Full rotation of the head regained.

I now suffer from a mid back muscle issue and my usual yoga fixes are not helping. After a month wasting time with Chinese acupuncture garbage I got some Kapanol from an orthopedist yesterday and it has been great in eliminating pain so I can resume normal function again. Obviously pain relievers are not a "fix" buy at least now I can exercise and stretch the area and hopefully improve. I use the below video for my middle back pain and there have been times when a single session has completely eliminated my pain. Beware of depression. Don't ignore it. Everyday do something to try to improve it. Good luck, good health.

Now I do Yoga back stretches (Greet/Meet the Sun) before I play sport and it works a treat for me.

Feel free to PM me as I can help.



There is no real scientific evidence that acupuncture or chiropractic manipulation work. All the evidence it works is anecdotal or self-serving industry related stuff. Save your money.

You're better off swimming as mentioned above.

The effectiveness of acupuncture has variable reports but registered Doctors of Chiropractic or Osteopathy would welcome you to accuse them personally of anecdotal and/or self serving practice. wai.gif

I'd be happy to do it. Google Chiropractic quackery or fake. They're not doctors. I know some people swear by them but that's anecdotal.

I've used them and acupuncture before. It's bullshit. People who get better who were going to get better anyway. They do somethings that may helpful, but care based on cracking your spine? That's been proven to be worthless. They'll manipulate your spine for cancer.

You have to go with scientific reasoning using scientific methods, double blind studies. I put all this stuff in with homeopathic medicine which by the way is usually on sale at the chiropractic office.

Science, man.

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