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why people thrown garbage from their condo?


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Laziness AND lack of education.

When we go to Europe somebody looks after our house.

First thing I do upon return is to collect the garbage in our garden.

Oh and this story happened 40 years ago, but I still remember clearly:

I was hitch hiking in Norway. I got a ride with a German family, that invited me for picnic in the forest.

I threw away some garbage.

They saw it, said nothing, but if looks could have killed I would not be typing this now.

Learned the lesson.

Laziness AND lack of education.

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I've seen people do this in (not cheap) villa's on Phuket, a near neighbors left over kebab and empty Leo bottle landed at my front gate in a brown paper bag, missing my head by about one foot. When challenged it was difficult to tell whether it was the farang tenant, his Thai boyfriend or the old Thai lady cleaner, they all denied any knowledge.

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last time I heard a big noise, someone threw a white plastic bag and it landed on the roof of the motorbike hangar making a big" bang."

it came from floor 10th at least. could have killed someone. later I have seen a bag landing at the entrance of our building, a Thai lady came out and shout up in the air :"who did that? " she was very upset. of course nobody answered.

maybe Russian, many Russian in my building.

it's simply disgusting behavior. in some countries you get fined for that and could be prosecuted because it s dangerous

Edited by Digitalnomade
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Things will not improve until the younger generation parents teach their children how to behave properly

Until then, Thailand will have to wait until the badly behaved "Oldies" ....die off

So I guess for most of us on here.......we will never see Thailand the same as the countries we come from

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The same thing used to happen in most big cities in the past

in the UK,shit,piss,rubbish thrown out of windows,into the streets,

its just Thailand has not moved out of those times,yet.

regards worgeordie

"its just Thailand has not moved out of those times,yet."

More likely the ones tossing rubbish in UK have brought their farang culture with them to Thailand.

I've not seen anyone throwing bags of rubbish, but have seen some farang shaking out throw rugs or mops from upper floor balconies, oblivious or indifferent to the fact that whatever they're shaking out will settle on the balconies of those below them or float in open windows below. Even saw one old farang lean out a window and spit. Farangness at its best.

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surprisingly I never saw this happen here in my Condo building, even though it is an older style Condo and definitely not upper class. Then again, we don't have Russians or mainland Chinese living here. We have Taiwan Chinese and Japanese, and they are well educated and never do this

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Better than the UK where they have been known to throw the odd fridge or tv out the window laugh.png

In my last condo they were putting up notices asking people not to throw rubbish out the windows. I thought that would be common sense, but .........

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surprisingly I never saw this happen here in my Condo building, even though it is an older style Condo and definitely not upper class. Then again, we don't have Russians or mainland Chinese living here. We have Taiwan Chinese and Japanese, and they are well educated and never do this

+ 1 gigglem.gifgiggle.gifgigglem.gif

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It all depends if there is a vacant lot within chucking distance. Where I used to live in Bangkok, there was a large vacant lot out the back. Around 6 - 7 pm (post evening meal) you would think there was a garbage throwing contest going on. Meanwhile out at the front, nothing. No Russians to blame there, I'm sorry, all Thai.

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