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Thai govt's effort to boost tourism: Special report


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Another nonsense declaration that will be forgotten next week. What is meant by a tourism site? A marina? Soi Cowboy?

At most of the main tourist sites, that really qualify as genuinely interesting and world class, such as Wat Pra Kaew...or...uh...numerous other temples, anyway, at those sites I never noticed that tourists were stumbling around with beer cans and flasks. Thailand doesn't have any noteworthy museums, not that anyone busts out six packs at the Louvre or anything anyway.

Aside from some temples and shopping malls where people are already not allowed to drink or smoke inside of anyway, your tourist sites would be beaches, and it doesn't seem very practical to keep everyone from smoking or having a beer or two there.


Policies based on common sense and reason?

Policy making based on vision and foresight?

Policies based on a 10 or 20 year sustainable plan?

Policies designed by intelligent and qualified people, who really know the tourism industry, have studied it, and have traveled extensively overseas, and mentored with experts?

Policies written and thought up, with the intent to implement, and follow through, on a long term basis?

And what about programs designed to encourage resort owners, hotel owners, restaurant owners, travel companies, tour operators, and other affiliated businesses to improve their services, and their products, and their facilities and their equipment, rather than just raise their prices continuously?

How about programs designed to teach these same people the concept of pride in a job well done, and the meaning of a satisfied customer, and what that means to their businesses long term?

What about programs designed to penalize errant operators, who fleece tourists?

What about addressing the jet ski scammers, the taxi mafia, the lack of traffic safety, programs to ease the immigration process, and to make it easier to get longer tourist visas?

I suppose some of what I suggested represents solutions, rather than just hyperbole, and complete nonsense, without intent. That would require introspection and taking responsibility for past failures, and behaving like responsible adults.

Edited by spidermike007
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Smoking is a deeply offensive and unpleasant habit that needs to be curtailed in the strictest possible way. Why would you inflict that vile smell of second hand smoke on other people? What if someone vomited in your face? Would you be offended? If you really have to hasten the end to an already short life by smoking - do it in your room.

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We are all products of our environment. If you want Thai's to behave differently towards the environment they grew up in then clean up and fix that which makes the environment ugly. I don't smoke and I don't like others smoking around me but it is close to the last thing that needs to be done to make Thsiland more attractive to tourists. I know Singapore did not start with cigarettes and chewing gum.

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Its a good idea, to generate the tourism industry and focus on new tourist or a specific country for their people to visit the LOS, but the real challenge or goal is to get those people to return next year and for them to tell their freinds and family to come back and to continue to return.

And for me the main way to do that is to have the tourists to enjoy thier stay and not feeling that they just got ripped off by a street vendor, taxi driver etc... in a place that has dirty streets and Rowdy expat hayhoos, who are frequently seen peeing and mis behaving in the middle of the street.http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/855936-urinating-brits-visit-pattaya-police-station-following-viral-facebook-video/

Espessialy if you want people from Singapore to visit as they will be comming from a country that has clean streets, public toilets, strict and enforced rules on public behaviour, I have spoken to a few tourists from Hong Kong, Singapore, Macau who have visited the LOS and they all sing that same tune, Its dirty, got ripped off, didn't trust the taxi driver, scary bad street behaviour, didn't feel safe at night.

Thats what they need to focus on and the only way to do that is to start with a big broom and start sweeping out the tourist areas of these issues.

Stop smoking in public areas and street drinking yes, but don't stop drinking and smoking in tourist areas e.g in pubs, clubs, resturants and places of entertanment unless you completely want to change the type of people you want touring the LOS

Thanks for taking the time to read my post

Totally agree with all you say, Lived here 10 years, the filth in the streets and beaches put off tourist more than anything, Even when my Grandaughter was here she is only 8, says to me I like Thailand, but why it so dirty?? Was in Florida a few months back, staying at a villa just outside Disney, the place was spotless, mind you I loved the sign just outside our holiday villa, it said "Don't mess with Orange County..$2000 fine..Kids included! You reckon that might work herecheesy.gif

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Smoking is a deeply offensive and unpleasant habit that needs to be curtailed in the strictest possible way. Why would you inflict that vile smell of second hand smoke on other people? What if someone vomited in your face? Would you be offended? If you really have to hasten the end to an already short life by smoking - do it in your room.

I don't inflict my habit on anyone. I normally ask people if they object to me smoking in certain places.

However, in establishments like bars, where it is permitted and ashtrays provided, nobody normally objects, and I do not blow it in anyone's face.

As for walking on the street, my passive smoke is overpowered by car emissions probably to a ratio of millions to one.

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bars at my drinking holes are empty now with bar owners asking where are the customers, they have never know it so quiet for number of years.and if these utterly stupid ideas are put into operation, who knows what the future holds.

Nothing wrong with drinking alone. burp.gif

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No smoking or drinking to boost tourism is a bad idea by a powerful junta Pm. Holiday across the world means having a few cocktails and relaxing while smoking and relaxing. I do not know who thinks up the Thai hurting laws. With no drinking or smoking who would want to Thailand. The government has no love for farangs just there money! Remember you get what you ask for!

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The photo accompanying the story, once again suggests the super rich the so called quality tourist.

I have no problem with those who have legally and honestly gained great wealth, however their recreational activities do not oil the gears of the economy for the masses or for the greater good of a country, that comes from masses of tourists not from the guests of the odd 7 star hotel. Thailand is not Dubai or the Caribbean.

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Smoking is a deeply offensive and unpleasant habit that needs to be curtailed in the strictest possible way. Why would you inflict that vile smell of second hand smoke on other people? What if someone vomited in your face? Would you be offended? If you really have to hasten the end to an already short life by smoking - do it in your room.

I don't inflict my habit on anyone. I normally ask people if they object to me smoking in certain places.

However, in establishments like bars, where it is permitted and ashtrays provided, nobody normally objects, and I do not blow it in anyone's face.

As for walking on the street, my passive smoke is overpowered by car emissions probably to a ratio of millions to one.

Smoking in bars in Thailand is illegal.

Yes, I know it's rarely enforced. But it is definitely illegal.

Before anyone comments about being able to get away with it or something, keep in mind how many times you've seen people on this and other forums commenting about how those nasty, evil, vicious Thai are always charging extra or cutting lines or refusing to turn on the meter or a whole long list of other things that they shouldn't be doing. Then the farang turn around and smoke in public places, try to save 50 baht by going to departures at the airport to grab a cab, etc.

Goose - gander? Pot - kettle?

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We now have some virtuous ministers that are against alcohol in public. We are back to Thaksin era of no selling of alcohol during school hours at all outlets in the kingdom.

Tourists will not put up with those prohibitions rules and will simply go elsewhere on their next trip.

Why not clean up Thailand which is now becoming a very expensive unhealthy garbage dump, look at the color of the sidewalk compare to Singapore and every step is hazardous.

Wine is now more expensive here than in europe

A third world country, charging first world prices!

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Smoking is a deeply offensive and unpleasant habit that needs to be curtailed in the strictest possible way. Why would you inflict that vile smell of second hand smoke on other people? What if someone vomited in your face? Would you be offended? If you really have to hasten the end to an already short life by smoking - do it in your room.

I don't inflict my habit on anyone. I normally ask people if they object to me smoking in certain places.

However, in establishments like bars, where it is permitted and ashtrays provided, nobody normally objects, and I do not blow it in anyone's face.

As for walking on the street, my passive smoke is overpowered by car emissions probably to a ratio of millions to one.

Smoking in bars in Thailand is illegal.

Yes, I know it's rarely enforced. But it is definitely illegal.

Before anyone comments about being able to get away with it or something, keep in mind how many times you've seen people on this and other forums commenting about how those nasty, evil, vicious Thai are always charging extra or cutting lines or refusing to turn on the meter or a whole long list of other things that they shouldn't be doing. Then the farang turn around and smoke in public places, try to save 50 baht by going to departures at the airport to grab a cab, etc.

Goose - gander? Pot - kettle?

Advertising alcohol in bars is also illegal, beer coolers, beer mats, everything that promotes the 'demon drink'.

The bar is the owner's livelihood, and if he adhered to all the Draconian laws enforced upon him, he would end up penniless.

If a bar enforces the smoking law, I am quite happy to take my custom elsewhere.

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Sadly, ... Thailand seems to be discouraging people that respect Thai Culture and Customs, come to eat Tahi food and meet Thai people, .... namely Farang from Europe, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and prefering to entice people that come here because it is easy for them to come ... they do not respect Thai culture and Customs and do not even like Thai food or people, ... namely Russians and Chinese, ...

I am sure your numbers of tourists is up, but I also bet your revenue is down as these people tend to patronize their own hotels, restaurants and tour companies and spend very little in Thai owned businesses.

Walking Street in Pattaya is world famous and also infamous. I was there a few months ago and sat watching people walking by, .... in 15 minutes, I saw thousands of Chinese, all in guided groups, gawking and snapping photos then moving on, ...not one baht was left in Walking street, .... there are more Arabs and indians and even Black Africans than farang now. In the same 15 minutes, I saw 5 yes five Farang walk by

I have lived here more than 10 years and have never seen any bars other than Thai in Walking Street, ..no Korean girls, Japanese girls, Aussie girls, Europeans or American, ... but now there are at least 7 bars with Russians, .. yet you will never see a Russian in Isaan or Northern Thailand, ..only in the beach resort towns.

But there are many Farang living in nearly every village in Thailand, and helping support a Thai family, ... but we are out of favor now!!

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Finally, I will feel comfortable to visit many of the tourist locations that I have avoided because of smoking and alcohol abuse. Thailand can become more like Singapore and that will make it a healthier and safer country.

Maybe people like to live here because it is NOT like Singapore!

Who do you think you are to decide what is healthier?

And safer in what way?

What world do you live in?

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No alcohol or smoking at tourist sites ?

That'll really have visitors rolling in !

Does this include beaches, markets and bars ???

What Bars it is time to close them for good. I see to many Tourist do things in Bars that aren't thing they will do home.

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I might be mistaken, but it didn't say in the article that alcohol at restaurants or so would be band. It says tourist sites. Doesn't that mean like parks, natural reserves, temples, etc? I can't see why that would be such a bad thing.

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No alcohol or smoking at tourist sites ?

That'll really have visitors rolling in !

Does this include beaches, markets and bars ???

Since when have markets and bars been tourist sites ?

What is the problem with not drinking or smoking at Ayyutaya, or Sukhothai for instance?

Are tourists at St Pauls cathedral, or the Louvre, or the Colliseum walking around with a beer in hand ? Why should they be able to do it here ? And yes, I have seen farangs walking around Ayyutaya holding a can of Chang

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No alcohol or smoking at tourist sites ?

That'll really have visitors rolling in !

Don't 90 per cent of Chinese tourists and 60 per cent of Russian tourists want to chainsmoke???

Surely this will hurt their target markets....

Edited by bangon04
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If I may add, banning drinking and smoking around tourist sites might be a good idea considering a lot of families travel with kids. Also, I'm assuming by tourist sites they are referring to temples, places like nong nooch gardens and NOT Walking street or Koh Larn.

It will be difficult to determine what is a tourist site or not in any case!

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Hmmmm........ all those tourists.....

If they knew what long time expats know after being here for so long and seeing so much over the years ....I wonder if they would be so easily convinced and or so eager to come to Thailand.....Yes?...No?.....Maybe?

Just saying.


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Good job the General told them to do this or otherwise surely they would not know what to do and just be sitting on their hands...........lets hear it, three cheers for the General.......................when do we have to start calling him Father?

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Finally, I will feel comfortable to visit many of the tourist locations that I have avoided because of smoking and alcohol abuse. Thailand can become more like Singapore and that will make it a healthier and safer country.

Maybe people like to live here because it is NOT like Singapore!

Who do you think you are to decide what is healthier?

And safer in what way?

What world do you live in?

or they cant afford Singapore is more likely, however I much prefer Singapores sanity

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ดื่มสุราและสูบบุหรี่ไทยในท้องถิ่นเพียงแสดงบัตรประจำตัวประชาชนตามความต้องการ (Use Google Translate to reveal real message).

This is a Non Drinking and Smoking Area. Fine 10,000 THB

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