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Clinton vows hundreds of billions for infrastructure, jobs


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Ah, but all you tax and spend liberals, one big question hangs over your spread the wealth program.

What do you do with the politicians that are spending all that money? Do they become cell mates along with the evil bankers?

Fiscal year 2015 has generated the most tax revenue in the history of the US and we are still going to have half a trillion $ deficit.

It's all fine and good to give all those low wage earners a vacation on the beach, new cars, clothing allowance, surf and turf for dinner each night and a condo on Fifth Avenue...but how to pay for it?

An easy way to do this is to liquidate all rich people. If the government were to step in and take over the net worth of the 41 richest Americans, they would have $1.003 Trillion to spend on all those less wealthy.

However, the monster must be fed so let's take that $1.003 Trillion and use it to fund the federal government in all its glory. That very same $1.003 Trillion taken from the 41 wealthiest of Americans would fund the government for a grand total of 93 days.

Then what are you going to do the remainder of this year and next year?

And in the end those less wealthy individuals that got used to those resorts on the beach due to your largesse are back down to living on cucumber sandwiches and water.

The problem isn't a lack of revenue, the problem is a lack of political will on the part of both parties and every politician to cut expenses.

Bigger and bigger government is not the solution, it is the problem.

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