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Jatuporn and Nattawut arrested


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While I do not support what the Red Shirts or UDD stand for, and especially not these two, I cannot condone arresting them for visiting a park,

This junta is getting seriously out of control. Their tactics today remind me of the Gestapo, KGB and Stasi and thier illegal and underhanded repression of their citizens.

Thailand sinks lower and lower every day.

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The junta has just played into the hands of the UDD. They want world attention on this corruption case and they got it with this simple stunt. Now the world will be watching what the junta going to do and should there be any mishaps, condemnation will flood in. It makes the UDD looks like democracy activists while the junta is looking very much like a repressive regime.

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While I do not support what the Red Shirts or UDD stand for, and especially not these two, I cannot condone arresting them for visiting a park,

This junta is getting seriously out of control. Their tactics today remind me of the Gestapo, KGB and Stasi and thier illegal and underhanded repression of their citizens.

Thailand sinks lower and lower every day.

I agree. Their case going back to 2010 should have been settled now. And any previous breaches of bail should have been dealt with.

I guess they thought they were out to agitate and stirr the shit up. Crime prevention? If the have evidence then produce it, it not then the shouldn't have been arrested.

Looks like both sides are getting their hackles up. This threat of seizing some of Yingluck's assets must be rattling someone.

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The junta has just played into the hands of the UDD. They want world attention on this corruption case and they got it with this simple stunt. Now the world will be watching what the junta going to do and should there be any mishaps, condemnation will flood in. It makes the UDD looks like democracy activists while the junta is looking very much like a repressive regime.

Eric, you really think, given all that's going on in Europe, the Middle East, and the China seas, the RoW gives a toss about Thailand?

The ones interested know full well that neither side are democracy activists and that these two are very lucky to avoided prison so far.

O k so pro-Shin dictatorship journalists might right it up, with the usual ignoring of reality but how many people outside Thailand bother to read it or take any notice if they do?

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The junta has just played into the hands of the UDD. They want world attention on this corruption case and they got it with this simple stunt. Now the world will be watching what the junta going to do and should there be any mishaps, condemnation will flood in. It makes the UDD looks like democracy activists while the junta is looking very much like a repressive regime.

Well perhaps staking out the housing estate they were staying at the night before was a touch outre and now there's reports that Prawit is hanging Udomdej out to dry by saying that he can think for himself about resigning whilst ACM Prajin, junta member, has spoken out against the arrests saying that it is better to talk. Meanwhile Pravit Rojanaphruk who has been detained twice by the junta for having a dangerous mind has been getting follow up chats from the military officer who arranged his last "attitude adjustment" - apparently part of their "after detention service".

What's not to like about the Junta and it's velvet glove approach to democracy?

Edited by thelonius
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Please lock them away.

Yes, absolutely, but for proper convictions for proper criminal charges, in a proper court of law. Not for vague charges of convenience under S44 or LM stuff at a military court. Make it clear and definite for things that will still be understood and still stand scrutiny in 5 or 10 years time. Otherwise the martyr syndrome which is inevitable, will just be all that stronger.

The pair are under bail for terrorism charge since 2010 !

...and that has exactly what to do, with them, visiting a park?

That's almost six years, I suppose they are going to be under bail for the rest of their lives then.

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As much as I despise the individuals concerned, please tell me what they have actually done wrong. Before the anti-red shirt mob start making lists, I mean now, as in today. What have they done wrong by attempting to visit the supposed park? Misuse of section 116 of the Penal Code perhaps.

Easy to see what they have done wrong if you read the OP.

The Nacc was also on it's way to the park, and someone was afraid that Jatuporn and Nattawut would spill the beans about who was involved in the corruption.

May be they will also die from a strange dissease in the next few days.

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The junta has just played into the hands of the UDD. They want world attention on this corruption case and they got it with this simple stunt. Now the world will be watching what the junta going to do and should there be any mishaps, condemnation will flood in. It makes the UDD looks like democracy activists while the junta is looking very much like a repressive regime.

Eric, you really think, given all that's going on in Europe, the Middle East, and the China seas, the RoW gives a toss about Thailand?

The ones interested know full well that neither side are democracy activists and that these two are very lucky to avoided prison so far.

O k so pro-Shin dictatorship journalists might right it up, with the usual ignoring of reality but how many people outside Thailand bother to read it or take any notice if they do?

Most people in Thailand don't bother to read it either.....

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As much as I despise the individuals concerned, please tell me what they have actually done wrong. Before the anti-red shirt mob start making lists, I mean now, as in today. What have they done wrong by attempting to visit the supposed park? Misuse of section 116 of the Penal Code perhaps.

Easy to see what they have done wrong if you read the OP.

The Nacc was also on it's way to the park, and someone was afraid that Jatuporn and Nattawut would spill the beans about who was involved in the corruption.

May be they will also die from a strange dissease in the next few days.

Thailand couldn't be so lucky......

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As much as I despise the individuals concerned, please tell me what they have actually done wrong. Before the anti-red shirt mob start making lists, I mean now, as in today. What have they done wrong by attempting to visit the supposed park? Misuse of section 116 of the Penal Code perhaps.

Easy to see what they have done wrong if you read the OP.

The Nacc was also on it's way to the park, and someone was afraid that Jatuporn and Nattawut would spill the beans about who was involved in the corruption.

May be they will also die from a strange dissease in the next few days.

Thailand couldn't be so lucky......

Oh, I see an army fanboy.

Everyone should be exposed for corruption, except a select few?

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The junta has just played into the hands of the UDD. They want world attention on this corruption case and they got it with this simple stunt. Now the world will be watching what the junta going to do and should there be any mishaps, condemnation will flood in. It makes the UDD looks like democracy activists while the junta is looking very much like a repressive regime.

I seriously doubt that the majority of the world (read 90+%) could care less about either group in this case, and UDD has never been regarded as potential poster children examples for anything other than making complete, utter fools of themselves as well as those who associate with them and those they associate with / follow.

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As much as I despise the individuals concerned, please tell me what they have actually done wrong. Before the anti-red shirt mob start making lists, I mean now, as in today. What have they done wrong by attempting to visit the supposed park? Misuse of section 116 of the Penal Code perhaps.

Easy to see what they have done wrong if you read the OP.

The Nacc was also on it's way to the park, and someone was afraid that Jatuporn and Nattawut would spill the beans about who was involved in the corruption.

May be they will also die from a strange dissease in the next few days.

Thailand couldn't be so lucky......

Oh, I see an army fanboy.

Everyone should be exposed for corruption, except a select few?

fighting corruption is the Army's big lie last gasp...

But they're messing up that "story" too...


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admittedly I haven't been following the press info on the park investigation fully, but my thoughts on it from what I have read are,,, before I went to bed this morning (different time zone) according to some reports these two were going to the park to conduct their own investigation,,, when I wake up I now read that they were arrested for going to the park for a holiday,,, methinks they've most likely been arrested for plotting to disrupt an ongoing investigation, as I thought I read before that the authorities were instructed to reinvestigate the case,,

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The junta has been looking for any excuse to arrest the red shirt leaders and now they have finally done it. They have no charges, but that's OK because the junta is in charge and they make the laws to suit whatever they want.

Reconciliation is a joke. This is not how you reconcile a country by trumping up charges to arrest the opposition. Every day this country gets worse and worse. I am very sad for Thailand.

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The deeply knowledgeable folks on here, who "fully understand the nuances of Thai politics" and who laud these arrests whilst making ridicule of those arrested, are themselves part of the problem.

There ain't no reconciliation going on, that's for sure.

Give it another couple of years and "respect my vote" man will be back on the streets again by the million.

Ever noticed how each successive period of violence is larger and more violent than the previous ??

Those on here exulting these illegal detentions are fools who fail to realise what a serious backwards step this is.

There are still 14 million disenfranchised voters out there who have seen the government they elected forcibly removed from office.

I am sure they will all be "delighted" with recent events...

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Going to a park is a very serious offence, on a par with fb comments, 30 years (death sentence) at least, what do these people think this country is, the land of the free?

Where is the information that they have been arrested just for visiting that park?

I believe there are a lot o reasons why they should be in jail.

Criminals usually are not arrested for being somewhere

but because of an arrest warrant regarding some action before the arrest..

Edited by sweatalot
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The deeply knowledgeable folks on here, who "fully understand the nuances of Thai politics" and who laud these arrests whilst making ridicule of those arrested, are themselves part of the problem.

There ain't no reconciliation going on, that's for sure.

Give it another couple of years and "respect my vote" man will be back on the streets again by the million.

Ever noticed how each successive period of violence is larger and more violent than the previous ??

Those on here exulting these illegal detentions are fools who fail to realise what a serious backwards step this is.

There are still 14 million disenfranchised voters out there who have seen the government they elected forcibly removed from office.

I am sure they will all be "delighted" with recent events...

So you can predict the future? No pun intended. The man on the street doesn't care one bit about what's going on as too the tourists visiting Thailand now. This is just party politics under a military government, no one gives a rats ase but those in power.

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