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Dive Salaries?

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OK--I've been trying to find out some info about diving, did a search for this site, and I keep getting kicked to a lo-fi page where I have NO idea where to start looking for the thread.

What I am wanting to know is, What are the average salaries that a PADI instructor makes? I am tired of teaching (have been for 5 years now) and my wife is really wanting to settle down finally and put down some roots. We have a new baby girl which has caused me to really rethink the future. We can no longer go on scraping by month to month. I know I would love to settle near a beach (not necessarilly in Thailand, but I want to do my cert. course there). Although I have talked with many dive shops, I can never seem to get a solid answer as to the general salaries.

I don't want a specific number, I just want to know do you make a decent enough salary to raise a family on (better or same as teaching?). Entry-level? What about in 5 years time? Is there much upward mobility, career-wise?

ANY info would be much appreciated! (I did try google, but the sites that actually have salaries listed are members only).

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the reason that no one will give you a straight answer is that if they did you wouldn't bother spending thousands of dollars getting qualified as the wages are LOW

the problem in the asian countries in general is that there is the "backpacker" contingent that will work for next to <deleted> all as its to fund their traveling not as a career.

Realistically your earning potential will be something between 30k and 100k baht a month depending on both your dive qualifications and also the languages that you can teach in.

most inst's i know average round about the 45 to 50 k a month. Its not very much money but then again the cost of living is less here and unless you spend a fortune on the "nightlife" side of things you can live well on that amount.

Career wise there is no real upward progression in most dive shops, thats just not how they work. The best that most people hope for is to go from freelance to employed or at least being in the "pool" of inst's that get the bulk of the work with the rest "overflow" going to the freelance staff that they have

as you are a customer and how dive centres make their money from student level all the way to inst level they will all tell you the tales of wonderful salaries etc. When you actually try and nail them down thought it all becomes a bit vague.

It is a great lifestyle though and perfectly achievable with a bit of work and some $$$$$


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With teaching there is some chance of getting a work permit and working in Thailand legally. Don't think there are many dive instructors with work permits due to the seasonality of the work. If stability, a career path and an environment to raise a family are your prime motivators you may want to cast your net a bit wider.

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Forget it. You'll spend lots and lots of money and time before you get qualified to work as a dive master/instructor. You'll spend all this time on one month visas, and even when you start work you'll be years and years away from getting a work permit from a dive shop, unless you set one yourself.

Then there are low seasons - what are you going to do about that?

Forget it, this kind of career is not suitable for raising a family.

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Thanks all for your advice! I also got this reply from another website:

Re: Diving salaries info, please

I was a Diving instructor on Kho Samui for 2.5 yrs and I gave it up to teach here in BKK for MORE money, the diving game here in Thailand is seasonal so there are ups and downs but on the whole it's a great life for a single man/woman but useless for a married couple. My wife worked in the centre with me and at the end I was the manager but still didn't earn any where near what I earn here.

Most diving centres wont give out work permits because of the amount of paper work involved, it seems talking to other instructors during my time there (3yrs ago) the average money earned (very very few give salaries, maybe if you are very experienced) was about 20,000 per month on a good month, now by what you stated


Originally Posted by ssparks111

but I want to do my cert. course there

this might be your problem, as to earn decent money the shops like experienced instructors and being newly certified you seem to get the leftover courses, however a few of the bigger centres keep their candidates on to give them some experience. So you maybe better to ask before you sign up. I am sorry if this is a bit negative but I came here nearly 6 years ago with the dream of making money doing what I most enjoy and although I had a fantastic 2.5 years diving nearly every day it just didn't pay enough.

Pretty much settles that question!!

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With teaching there is some chance of getting a work permit and working in Thailand legally. Don't think there are many dive instructors with work permits due to the seasonality of the work. If stability, a career path and an environment to raise a family are your prime motivators you may want to cast your net a bit wider.

what?? think you will find that as a dive instructor has recognised professional credentials it is easier to get a work permit than it is for someone with a TEFL certificate.

And you are basing this opinion on what?? On the islands such as Phi Phi and Tao ect then yes, veru few inst's have work permits. Phuket on the other hand not having one is the exception rather than the rule.

When you go for an interview pretty much the 1sy question they ask is "have you got a wp?" if the answer is no then you get told to come back and see them when you do.

Thanks all for your advice! I also got this reply from another website:

Re: Diving salaries info, please

I was a Diving instructor on Kho Samui for 2.5 yrs and I gave it up to teach here in BKK for MORE money, the diving game here in Thailand is seasonal so there are ups and downs but on the whole it's a great life for a single man/woman but useless for a married couple. My wife worked in the centre with me and at the end I was the manager but still didn't earn any where near what I earn here.

Most diving centres wont give out work permits because of the amount of paper work involved, it seems talking to other instructors during my time there (3yrs ago) the average money earned (very very few give salaries, maybe if you are very experienced) was about 20,000 per month on a good month, now by what you stated

sorry, but thats absolut <deleted>. A dive master gets 15 k a month just for leading dives, no instruction. A good month for someone in the "pool" would be rolling from 4 day course to 4 day course with 4 to 8 students - 2500 commision per student - do the maths.


Originally Posted by ssparks111

but I want to do my cert. course there

this might be your problem, as to earn decent money the shops like experienced instructors and being newly certified you seem to get the leftover courses, however a few of the bigger centres keep their candidates on to give them some experience. So you maybe better to ask before you sign up. I am sorry if this is a bit negative but I came here nearly 6 years ago with the dream of making money doing what I most enjoy and although I had a fantastic 2.5 years diving nearly every day it just didn't pay enough.

Pretty much settles that question!!

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You'll spend all this time on one month visas

why? cos he the OP couldn't be bothered to get a non b im ed visa that gives the same 90 days as a business visa?

start work you'll be years and years away from getting a work permit from a dive shop, unless you set one yourself.

You mean have your own company issue you with a WP the way that the bulk of instructors do, and plenty of other business' as well

Then there are low seasons - what are you going to do about that?

Perhaps work in a place that has year round diving? Or even work hard for 8 months and relax for 4

Forget it, this kind of career is not suitable for raising a family.

Really? Thats funny cos I have a LOT more quality time for my family now than I ever did back in the UK doing "real" work

Granted my salary has taken a massive drop but then the cost of living os less, the quality of life is better, dont get stressed and I am doing a job that I actually enjoy a lot

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Geez smartcrosse----just when I think I finally found the answer, you now have got me thinking again! I really wanted to dive for a living, for the exact same reasons you mentioned in your last post. If it were just myself, then I could take the drop in salary (actually, according to your numbers, I'd be making more diving than I am making now!). But I have two other people depending on me, so I have to be more cautious.

You seem to be very well informed. Do you mind if I PM you from time to time, if I have more questions?

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