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I'm curious to try this out.

Whether it's helpful for weight control or not, it sounds harmless, and actually even health promoting.


Bottom line: When taken before meals, glucomannan may lead to modest weight loss in overweight individuals, mainly by creating a feeling of fullness and reducing energy intake.


I think I've seen the dried shirataki noodles here but that wouldn't be practical to use before meals. So a supplement would be needed. I don't think I've seen that in Thailand. Any info on whether it's sold here?

In case you're wondering, yes, I still take garcinia cambogia and it's still just as effective as ever in limiting my appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods.

But I like the idea of alternating the GC with other things that might be helpful.

To add, I would continue to suggest that people with weight issues consider trying garcinia cambogia for a reasonable test period. It is useless for many but I'm sure there are others out there who have lost a significant percentage of body weight and kept it off for years with the help of GC. GC is no miracle (none exists), but for some it helps make it EASIER to do the right things necessary to achieve a good level of success, as I have.

Anyone who has a significant history of obesity, if they are in the sadly VERY SMALL minority of people achieving long term success with controlling it, needs to be vigilant about maintenance for the rest of their lives. It is similar to alcoholism that way. There is no final cure while you're still alive. The risk of regaining weight is ALWAYS there and always much higher than for people who have never had the problem.


You portray it like it is out of our own control which is not the fact.

There is no risk of regaining weight. There is a risk that we overeat again. For example when we have personal problems, etc.



That's exactly the kind of info I am seeking here.

Have you actually seen it somewhere here?


There might be gut bacteria benefit to this stuff as while.

Every little bit helps.

As far as "effective" nobody is claiming this is any kind of miracle for anyone.


I've seen it for sale mostly in small pharmacies around the country.

A couple of years ago I was taking a version that included some natural cactus ingredient. It worked very well. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find it since.

Just be careful to reduce your food intake when you stop taking them or the weight piles back on.



Not a problem.

Have been on GC for years now but I think it's a good idea to take a break from anything sometimes because the body tends to adjust too much to stuff you do all the time.

Of course for weight control, people need to look at both portion sizes and also WHAT the food is, whatever the portion.

It's the rare person that is eating too much broccoli.


Conclusions. Glucomannan supplements administered over 8 weeks were well tolerated but did not promote weight loss or significantly alter body composition, hunger/fullness, or lipid and glucose parameters. This trial is registered with [/size]NCT00613600.[/size]

Another dream pill bites the dust ...

The only thing that goes slimmer, is the wallet!


Sources on amazon (US) indicate getting a one month supply for about 200 baht. Not sure it's worth 800 baht to me as the GC works so well for me for about 150 baht a month. Will look around here to see if the place I found was trying a ripoff.

It was kind of funny what happened at the first small pharmacy I tried. There was a cranky shirtless old man who knew what the Slimcab was but registered a bit of disgust when I asked for it. He didn't have it but pointed out Garcinia Cambogia, which he did have, instead.


I don't know anything about this product but Apple Cider Vinegar is cheap and is also known to reduce waist circumference and it has other health benefits too so why not give that a go.


I know JT cant read this so its his loss. This is sold under the name jaa buk and i have tried it.

It was indeed around 200 bt, did not do much for me.

What seem to do a lot for me cravings wise is really not taking any drinks other then water, soda ](the kind they drink wisky with) and tea.


I know JT cant read this so its his loss. This is sold under the name jaa buk and i have tried it.

It was indeed around 200 bt, did not do much for me.

What seem to do a lot for me cravings wise is really not taking any drinks other then water, soda ](the kind they drink wisky with) and tea.

drinking a lot water, or green tea (selfmade without sugar) helps a lot on eating less and drinking less beer in the evening.

Seems when I am dehydrated I confuse that with hunger....


I know JT cant read this so its his loss. This is sold under the name jaa buk and i have tried it.

It was indeed around 200 bt, did not do much for me.

What seem to do a lot for me cravings wise is really not taking any drinks other then water, soda ](the kind they drink wisky with) and tea.

drinking a lot water, or green tea (selfmade without sugar) helps a lot on eating less and drinking less beer in the evening.

Seems when I am dehydrated I confuse that with hunger....

i drink loads of hot self made green tea. But there is a difference between sometimes a sugary drink and never. For me really banning it works better as taking it once in a while.

I know JT cant read this so its his loss. This is sold under the name jaa buk and i have tried it.

It was indeed around 200 bt, did not do much for me.

What seem to do a lot for me cravings wise is really not taking any drinks other then water, soda ](the kind they drink wisky with) and tea.

drinking a lot water, or green tea (selfmade without sugar) helps a lot on eating less and drinking less beer in the evening.

Seems when I am dehydrated I confuse that with hunger....

i drink loads of hot self made green tea. But there is a difference between sometimes a sugary drink and never. For me really banning it works better as taking it once in a while.

Try ice cold green tea....with or without a bit lemon.....a welcome variation.

I often don't drink all the day, because every 2 min something stressful is happening, most of time something than make me loose money if I don't pay attention.....Very bad habit and I work on it.

The good thing on that stress is, I not only forget to drink I also forget to eat and if it is 7-8 PM, after a stressful day and you must cook your food (so than 9 PM), you won't overeat, simply because of being tired and the stomach isn't ready to take such a huge amount of food (healthy food isn't that dense in energy).

Of course if I wouldn't work and my hobby is reviewing restaurants than I guess I would need a magic pill.....


I would buy a magic pill too, I don't have anything against them. But until that time i do stuff on my own. I have tried many supplements and commented on many. The ones that work usually have side effects (not for everyone). But in the end they don't have that much effect also, we are talking a few %. Its better to make lifestyle changes that works a lot better.

H90, I cannot work when I am hungry I will be thinking of food not my work. We are all different in how hunger affects us. Right now on a holiday i am losing fat, because I try to do upwards of 3 hours of swimming and walking a day (5 hours max). Plus I try to eat the right foods (did eat a pizza once and 2 ice creams so far) other then that mainly healthy food (salads, musli, meats, eggs) This works quite well for me as on holidays I am not sitting behind a computer thinking of food I can go hungry and get my mind away from it. though in previous years it was harder but I stayed on weight. Now with some small changes I loose weight So it is all possible if you want to make changes. Sure I could gorge myself on the foods (and sure I want to at times) but this is just more important.

Its just a matter of choices, mommysboy said addiction but even addictions can be beat. But its harder I get it. I just don't subscribe to being a slave to genetics (within limits because there are differences for sure but we an all improve on our-self and we dont need to be overweight). But you can't change if you have a 4 pack, 6 pack or 8 pack and where your body deposits fat. But that is a different thing from being really overweight.

I am pretty sure like others that if you take a few overweight people put them in a holiday camp where the meals are prepared for them at a certain caloric value and no extra food and let them exercise you can get people to lose weight. The problem is when they come back many will not change their old habits and have the weight back on in no time because there are no lifestyle changes.

I even heard of diabetic persons that refuse to cut their carbs and damage their health, some people just don't want to change. They feel that they are entitled to their unhealthy diet and that medical science should find a way for it.


you can't work when the blood sugar level goes too low that is obvious. But I don't mean work in the sense of sitting on the computer and thinking. I mean stress. If you have someone pulling 1000 Baht out of your pocket every minute until you react and afterwards the next is doing the same, you'll still feel your hunger but you'll push the thought away busy fighting for your financial survival laugh.png .

That is what I do in the production facepalm.gif.

Somehow I learned to ignore the hunger. I don't know how and when this happened. I can sit raving hungry with already pain in the stomach and slightly clouded thinking and being still too lazy to walk upstairs to fry the pork. + I am bored of all the time eating the same kind of pork but eating a burger or ice cream would not even come into my mind.

I don't eat any quick food outside anymore. Zero and without exception. If I have to go into Bangkok in the morning and come back in the evening I didn't eat 24 hours (I don't eat breakfast). Of course I am hungry, but there is no food for me to eat that makes the hunger less of a problem.

I guess somehow this is already a kind of eating disorder but as long as it keeps me slim I don't see it as a real problem.


you can't work when the blood sugar level goes too low that is obvious. But I don't mean work in the sense of sitting on the computer and thinking. I mean stress. If you have someone pulling 1000 Baht out of your pocket every minute until you react and afterwards the next is doing the same, you'll still feel your hunger but you'll push the thought away busy fighting for your financial survival laugh.png .

That is what I do in the production facepalm.gif.

Somehow I learned to ignore the hunger. I don't know how and when this happened. I can sit raving hungry with already pain in the stomach and slightly clouded thinking and being still too lazy to walk upstairs to fry the pork. + I am bored of all the time eating the same kind of pork but eating a burger or ice cream would not even come into my mind.

I don't eat any quick food outside anymore. Zero and without exception. If I have to go into Bangkok in the morning and come back in the evening I didn't eat 24 hours (I don't eat breakfast). Of course I am hungry, but there is no food for me to eat that makes the hunger less of a problem.

I guess somehow this is already a kind of eating disorder but as long as it keeps me slim I don't see it as a real problem.

Its an advantage if you want to stay lean, but a disadvantage if you want to build muscle. I can ignore hunger too, but not when I am working. It will distract me too much and my work will suffer. So I don't ignore it.

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