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Texas sues US to block resettlement of 6 Syrian refugees


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The wife of Farook the California jihadi was presumably given an extensive background check when she applied for her fiance visa. She got through clean as a whistle. The background check apparently means nothing. Why take a chance on letting these people in?

The terrorists are going to get in no matter what you do to refugees.

They'll get in by stealthly psychological means by radicalisation of people already in (as in your example) and they'll get in as tourists and students. Refugees are the least of your worries. At least refugees are screened, whereas tourists are not. Nor are the sneaks that go to Mexico and cross over quietly from there.

Oh, okay. Why bother with any checks at all, then. Let them all in. It doesn't make any difference by your logic.

My post is based in reasoning and the reality of experience. It is based in the practicality and pragmatism of everyday life across the board. It is based in fact, logic, reasoning. Empiricism. It presents the issue in balance and perspective.

It thereby critiques absolutism. My post concomitantly points out the inherent flaw of being absolutist in respect of this issue.

Thanks for that AJD.

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Texas is now 2 wins and the state just got its first loss in federal courts on immigration.

This came in six hours ago.

Judge Blocks Another Request in Texas to Deny Syrian Refugees

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A U.S. federal court judge dismissed a request by Texas shortly after it was filed on Wednesday seeking a restraining order to block the imminent entry into the state of nine Syrian refugees, saying the evidence presented was "largely speculative hearsay."

"The (Texas) Commission has failed to show by competent evidence that any terrorists actually have infiltrated the refugee program, much less that these particular refugees are terrorists intent on causing harm," U.S District Judge David Godbey said in his decision.

The results of this case could determine whether the governors of more than 30 states will be able to go through with plans to bar the local resettlement of Syrian refugees.


Texas last week had to withdraw its first filing with the federal district court, so this is the second such filing.

Texas last week withdrew the first filing three hours after US Department of Justice filed a brief with the federal court saying only the federal government can set immigration policy, that the states have no standing or authority to make their own immigration policy.

Texas did not want to try to directly challenge this specific point in the federal courts, so it withdrew its filing last week. Texas rewrote its filing to the the present denied filing that is now rejected on the basis of (imagined and concocted) terrorism. The Texas attorney general needs to figure out whether he is coming or going on this because he just met himself on the way back.

The president's immigration executive action of November last year that was stopped by cherry picked federal judges in Texas and in New Orleans is now before SCOTUS for a decision expected by the end of June. In that case, the 26 Republican controlled states led by Texas got a filing extension from SCOTUS of eight days instead of their requested extension of 30 days. SCOTUS is not going to delay a ruling on this one either.

Edited by Publicus
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