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Running Windows 10

I have 4gb of RAM, 3292MB usable.

After start up I load Mozilla, and then start GMail, ThaiVisa news, and generally one other such ash local newspaper. After about 20 minutes, I start to get the little round circle running where my mouse pointer should be. After a while everything appears normal but then the little round circle starts again.
I generally have to shut down and restart.


And you are sure that the circling mouse pointer (wait cursor) is caused by out of memory/swapping?

I still use Win7 and not sure whether it works similar in Win10:

After startup of the system, start Task Manager. Option "always on top" view and open the "Performance" tab.

What does it say after startup?

How does memory consumption develop?

After about 20 minutes

OK, memory leak sounds plausible.

Now you have to find the culprit ("Process" tab, show all processes, sort by memory consumption.

Firefox is a big eater, but should be stable over time.

Currently it eats 450 MB with only two tabs open on my PC.


Bad sectors on the hard drive?

About the last thing I would suspect.

Should end with some fatal message and why after 20 min?

If you search for "Win 10 high memory usage" or the like you will find some hints that incompatible drivers are often the cause.

Harder to find and fix.

Have you upgraded to Win 10 from a former system?

Good luck sad.png

A tool named "SlimDriversFree" has proofed useful for me to get my drivers up-to-date which is a good idea in most cases.



Now, with mozilla with 3 tabs open..

In Use 2.2GB 982 available and slowly decreasing.

Will try: "Process" tab, show all processes, sort by memory consumption.


I would look at Mozilla Firefox as the probable culprit. Firefox often starts to crap out when memory usage goes above 2 GB, people have been complaining about this for years. It can slow everything down.

If you close the firefox process in the task manager your computer will probably continue operating normally. Restarting it will allow it to auto open the pages you were using.

Are you using the 64 bit version of firefox ?


I would look at Mozilla Firefox as the probable culprit. Firefox often starts to crap out when memory usage goes above 2 GB, people have been complaining about this for years. It can slow everything down.

If you close the firefox process in the task manager your computer will probably continue operating normally. Restarting it will allow it to auto open the pages you were using.

Are you using the 64 bit version of firefox ?

On start up I show 1.6/32GB

On start of Mozilla.. 1/9/3.2GB Mozilla using 155.6MB Memory

On adding 3 tabs 60 mMozilla.. 1.8/3.2GB... Mozilla using 53mMB Memory

Using 32Bit Windows 10


That seems to rule out Mozilla. I'd try the same with Chrome and see if there's any difference.

In the following I have 14 separate pages open in Firefox, none of them in tabs - all separate windows.

Chrome has 2 pages open, both in tabs in a single window.


Firefox memory usage : 1.7 GB

Chrome usage : 1.2 GB

When Firefox hits 2.2+ GB the problems start for me which is kind of surprising as I have 32 GB of RAM in my computer.


Not running 10 but saw a pc that was today grind to a stop on startup.

Was a win service that preloaded typical software into memory for faster use. Good in theory until it becomes the issue.

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