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Activist and royalist monk demands apology from US ambassador


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True Buddhist demand that Issara be defrocked and shot immediately!

I'm a Buddhist and agree should be defrocked and forced to earn a living. But we say no to shooting this wolf in sheep's clothing. May this jerk find his Buddha nature, buried deep though it may be....

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I always thought a Buddhist has to be quick to forgive and move on. Specially a Monk.

"Demanding" an apology is kind of against Buddhism ....

Which just goes to prove that this weasel of an excuse for a monk is a complete fraud

provoking violence and hatred during the run up to the coup,

defrauding money from poor people who he has brainwashed into believing that the slop he makes and passes of as medicine will cure them,

I am sure people could fill a book with the bullshit this sad excuse for a monk has got up to,

and now has the audacity to protest and demand that a US ambassador be removed from his post for having the balls to speak his mind and tell it how it is,

with egits like him supposedly guiding people in the buddhist way is it any wonder the country is in the state it is.

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True Buddhist demand that Issara be defrocked and shot immediately!

wouldn't happen in a million years. He has too many naive followers and the sangha council doesn't want to piss off the lay followers.

He's smart in that he knows how to snag naive believers, but is making himself stupid all the more by doing so.

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I always thought a Buddhist has to be quick to forgive and move on. Specially a Monk.

"Demanding" an apology is kind of against Buddhism ....

Which just goes to prove that this weasel of an excuse for a monk is a complete fraud

provoking violence and hatred during the run up to the coup,

defrauding money from poor people who he has brainwashed into believing that the slop he makes and passes of as medicine will cure them,

I am sure people could fill a book with the bullshit this sad excuse for a monk has got up to,

and now has the audacity to protest and demand that a US ambassador be removed from his post for having the balls to speak his mind and tell it how it is,

with egits like him supposedly guiding people in the buddhist way is it any wonder the country is in the state it is.

it goes both ways. He is as much of a problem as the laypeople who follow him.

The dhamma examinations given yearly would have so much more benefit if no cheating and 'helping' weren't allowed.

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Issara should concentrate on divine things and go for prayers. Or give back his monk status. Or is he attracted by politics because of filled pockets....? I remember there was another collegue of him with his own plane and a villa in America and France.....A challenge for him ??

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I always thought a Buddhist has to be quick to forgive and move on. Specially a Monk.

"Demanding" an apology is kind of against Buddhism ....

Which just goes to prove that this weasel of an excuse for a monk is a complete fraud

provoking violence and hatred during the run up to the coup,

defrauding money from poor people who he has brainwashed into believing that the slop he makes and passes of as medicine will cure them,

I am sure people could fill a book with the bullshit this sad excuse for a monk has got up to,

and now has the audacity to protest and demand that a US ambassador be removed from his post for having the balls to speak his mind and tell it how it is,

with egits like him supposedly guiding people in the buddhist way is it any wonder the country is in the state it is.

Well. To be fair, this country isn't strictly Buddhist. Is it.

Edited by dageurreotype
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He urged community leaders, unionists in all provinces to come out and rally in front of city halls or US and foreign consulates in their provinces to protest .....

Defacto a call to strife.
Wonder why the military government here do not respond,
or is the assembly ban been lifted?
He calling publicly on the breach of the law and to unrest.

Edited by tomacht8
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Yet just another embarrassment to the current regime. For all the talk coming from government house about "improving the image of the nation" and taking a hardline against those who "incite unrest," their inaction against this agitator speaks volumes about their raison d'etre as well as their motives behind Article 44, the increase in LM112 arrests (and deaths under dubious circumstances), press censorship and other increasingly draconian measures.

But as most know, its one set of rules for us and another set of rules for them.

The funny (or sad) thing is they think they are actually fooling people. The current govt reminds me of a toddler that plays hide and seek for the first time: they will close or cover their eyes and believe they are hiding because if they cannot see you, you must not be able to see them. Some studies (some out of Cambridge I believe) have attributed this to the phase in development where infants and toddlers are the center of their own cognitive universes. I.e. everything revolves around their perception of their surroundings and other possible perceptions are either non-existent, peripheral or irrelevant to their perception.

So all can rest easy knowing that 3 year olds hold the future of a nation firmly within their grasp for the foreseeable future.

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I always thought a Buddhist has to be quick to forgive and move on. Specially a Monk.

"Demanding" an apology is kind of against Buddhism ....

But it is a good opportunity to further his "Al Sharpton persona" and show his favorite son status with the junta by calling with impunity for gatherings of more than five persons.

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However he urged that all protests must be held peacefully and within the boundary of laws.

Should be no problem for anyone.. But I think protests of no more than 5 people will be hard to organize and maintain. It is the law right no more than 5 people in a gathering?

It is the law indeed, but the law under Junta government doesn't count for yellows......

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