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What Is An Acceptable Gift?


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We would like to give a gift in show of our appreciation for the team that manage our Apartment block also our Agent who lets our apartment for us when we come back to Thailand.

What would be appreciated by Thais?

The gift for the management team which includes the office workers, maintenance men, security guards, tut tut driver and the cleaner has to be something that they can share.

The gift for our female agent can be more individual.

We would like to bring something from Australia - last time we brought a large box of chocolates to share but we are not sure that Thai's actually like or appreciate chocolates, we are happy to keep giving chocolates but don't want to wast our money if they don't like them and another gift would be more appreciated.

We prefer not to give money.

Any suggestions?

Any must not gives?


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This is Thailand and if you prefer not to give money, I would guess whatever else you bring won`t be very much appreciated. Sorry, just being realistic.

You could try giving them some bottles of Johny Walker whiskey, gold label, stuff they can`t normally afford to buy here. The big bottles that is, not the half hearted sizes.

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We thought gift would be better but as some of you have suggested money would be more appreciated how much is acceptable obviously we don't want to set expectations too high for future visits.

How much would be acceptable for The Agent


Staff at the condominium - how would you split this out - would you give those in the office more than say the security staff and the cleaners?


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Maybe take them all out to a reasonably priced 'all you can eat' buffet.

If you give individual gifts, it might provoke a bit of jealousy in regards to how much was spent on each gift.

If it is not possible to get them all there for the same sitting, due to work commitments, organise two seperate times and dates. Then they can choose which one is better suited to themselves.

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This is Thailand and if you prefer not to give money, I would guess whatever else you bring won`t be very much appreciated. Sorry, just being realistic.

You could try giving them some bottles of Johny Walker whiskey, gold label, stuff they can`t normally afford to buy here. The big bottles that is, not the half hearted sizes.

You got to be another fragile farang !

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We thought gift would be better but as some of you have suggested money would be more appreciated how much is acceptable obviously we don't want to set expectations too high for future visits.

How much would be acceptable for The Agent


Staff at the condominium - how would you split this out - would you give those in the office more than say the security staff and the cleaners?


How much have you budgeted to buy the gifts and for how many people? The people you intend giving the gifts to, which ones do you consider as the more important and give priority to? The highest on your list you give the most to.

Giving has to come from the heart and what we give is a display on how much we value these people. Don`t believe the old saying, it`s the thought that counts. If you are only allowing a small expense for presents to give to several people, then better not give anything at all and consider it as a bad idea to start with.

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If they can't eat it or wear it, they don't want it!

And flowers are rarely appreciated

We thought gift would be better but as some of you have suggested money would be more appreciated how much is acceptable obviously we don't want to set expectations too high for future visits.

How much would be acceptable for The Agent


Staff at the condominium - how would you split this out - would you give those in the office more than say the security staff and the cleaners?


How much have you budgeted to buy the gifts and for how many people? The people you intend giving the gifts to, which ones do you consider as the more important and give priority to? The highest on your list you give the most to.

Giving has to come from the heart and what we give is a display on how much we value these people. Don`t believe the old saying, it`s the thought that counts. If you are only allowing a small expense for presents to give to several people, then better not give anything at all and consider it as a bad idea to start with.

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This is Thailand and if you prefer not to give money, I would guess whatever else you bring won`t be very much appreciated. Sorry, just being realistic.

You could try giving them some bottles of Johny Walker whiskey, gold label, stuff they can`t normally afford to buy here. The big bottles that is, not the half hearted sizes.

The security people at my condo are very happy with a bottle of Hong Thong. Bear in mind imported whisky could taste strange to many Thais.

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Fresh grapes, from Australia, especially green ones.

Buy a kilo or so, put them in a zip glad bag, wrap them in a towel and put them in your checked luggage.

It is easy for grapes to be shared amongst quite a few people.

Was a success for me.

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When I lived in Australia the Thai people that visited us always took back a lots of Chocolates and a box of the nice seedless green Grapes and box of Cherries, you have to buy at the market or would to expensive. ,, if it was me I would not give them anything they are just doing their job, but I am a stingy old coot.

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