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Top 10 Crazy Donald Trump Moments

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Trump is the Driver of the Circus Car and the Head Performer at the 3-Ring Circus.

He's a total embarrassment for the USA.

Absolutely without any class, dignity, or purpose.

He's yet to give an idea, strategy, plan, or policy about education, infrastructure, banking regulations, et al.

Each day, religiously -- he gets a full report of where he's been mentioned in the news.

His sole message each day is to remind everyone he's rich, he's leading in the polls (for now) and then says

anything -- anything -- to capture the headlines.

He's a "reality show" without anything real.

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Trump is the Driver of the Circus Car and the Head Performer at the 3-Ring Circus.

He's a total embarrassment for the USA.

Absolutely without any class, dignity, or purpose.

He's yet to give an idea, strategy, plan, or policy about education, infrastructure, banking regulations, et al.

Each day, religiously -- he gets a full report of where he's been mentioned in the news.

His sole message each day is to remind everyone he's rich, he's leading in the polls (for now) and then says

anything -- anything -- to capture the headlines.

He's a "reality show" without anything real.

The biggest embarrasment is that failure of everything she touches Hillary Clinton. If general Patraeus, a true hero can get canned for far less , how does she get such special treatment? She should be removed from the race and treated the same as the general. The bunch of "establishment" politicians that have been in charge of the U S for decades have made a hash of it. Especially under Obama. Now that is a real embarrasment.

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I guess you don't read much.


1. Repeatedly and systematically -- gave his Mistress/Journalist "Friend With Benefits -- top secret, classified information, with key dates and names and counter-espionage data, outing those that fought under his command.

2. He lied about it to Congress.

Tell me again the comparison with HClinton? I'm confused.

After 7 -- or 8, who can remember -- Republican-led Full Throttle Witch Hunts -- they continuously find nothing. Nothing.

The 9/11 horrific event had TWO (2) - 1-2 Congressional Hearings.

Guess how many there were for the Kennedy Assassination?

Yet -- The Repubs (I am registered Repub) can not find a thing -- anything -- a scrap, a nibble, a note. Nothing.

They got nothing on Hillary.

But -- feel free to bring up Lewinsky in you want. That's all you got for now.

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I guess you don't read much.


1. Repeatedly and systematically -- gave his Mistress/Journalist "Friend With Benefits -- top secret, classified information, with key dates and names and counter-espionage data, outing those that fought under his command.

2. He lied about it to Congress.

Tell me again the comparison with HClinton? I'm confused.

After 7 -- or 8, who can remember -- Republican-led Full Throttle Witch Hunts -- they continuously find nothing. Nothing.

The 9/11 horrific event had TWO (2) - 1-2 Congressional Hearings.

Guess how many there were for the Kennedy Assassination?

Yet -- The Repubs (I am registered Repub) can not find a thing -- anything -- a scrap, a nibble, a note. Nothing.

They got nothing on Hillary.

But -- feel free to bring up Lewinsky in you want. That's all you got for now.

I am so pleased you think her, her husband and Obama have done so much for the nation. Just another rusted on liberal . No use trying to debate people who's bitterness and smug responses is all they have.

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I really hope he will be the next President the USA deserves him.............clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Unfortunately... if we get him, you'll most likely feel a piece of him too ;-)

For sure the Dutch will be screaming for the USA to rescue them the next time they get invaded and occupied no matter who the President is.cheesy.gifcoffee1.gif

Edited by morpho
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I find it so funny that people so far removed from the sham that is the 2 party system actually want to argue over retarded theater. Trump, Clinton, Bush, whoever, it is all just a soap opera. The international banking cartel controls the show in the USA.

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It should be against the odds in a true democracy for three members of the same family to run for president and the wife of a former president a proven liar's wife also to run .If you want to play money politics Trumps my man !

He's different. Most of what he says is tongue in cheek headline grabs and it works. The latest anti Muslim statement will divide the US and this forum. One thing is that he's a trader, has his own money and is not a career politician in the pockets of banks or interest groups and that is refreshing even if you hate his rhetoric.

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does he have an O-ring implanted in his lips? He is continually pouting while talking and I can't concentrate on what he is actually saying,...no big loss there, I guess.

When he speaks his mouth looks like a butthole with teeth.

When all this is over, he'll live on as a disgrace to his country, like Joe McCarthy. On the other hand he is throwing the GOP into turmoil, which is ok with me. I hope he goes third party.

Edited by bendejo
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I watched that video, and honestly, nothing he said comes close to the dishonest and deceptive statements of previous presidential candidates from all political parties. Some people want to call him an idiot. Well, who's the idiot if he has been able to garner free publicity? He has been given hours upon hours of prime time coverage that other candidates have to pay for.

Yes, he has made some questionable statements, however that doesn't make him a racist. He says what he is thinking, and I consider that to be honest. Perhaps uninformed and narrow minded, but this is a man who is highly intelligent and learns quickly. He will change positions once he is the presidential candidate. All candidates do.

However, to all his detractors here at TVF, I have one question for you: Would you trust a candidate who has to beg for money from large donors and Super Pacs, or someone who is self reliant or appeals to a large base of supporters? When you take money from people like the Koch brothers, you owe them big time. There are only two candidates who are financially independent; Bernie Saunders who has millions of small donors and Donald Trump who has not asked for financial support. Jeb Bush is beholding to big superpacs as are Cruz and Rubio. Even Clinton has to play nice with her super Pacs.

You think about it. Only 2 people cannot be bought, bullied or bribed. Saunders and Trump.

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Except ... You Conveniently Forgot To Mention:

+ He's raised over $3 Million and is using every cent.

+ He's illegally using corporate "assets" and his corporate attorney has sent letters on behalf of his campaign. That's Illegal.

+ He's entirely endebted to Wall Street. Don't for a second believe otherwise.

+ He has the smallest (by far) ground force in the first 3 states. He spends little money.

+ Most believe he is doing this for his ego. He's shown no "serious" interest in real issues.

For his "so-called" freedom of Super Pacs, etc.

+ He continually shows he has absolutely no knowledge of governmental management.

+ He has absolutely no "world political view".

+ He refuses to discuss issues like education, infrastructure, banking regulations (he'll never touch this one) and many other things.

He only - ONLY -- talks about Immigration and GUNS and REFUGEES.

In Texas -- we say: "All Hat. No Saddle."

He'll never win. But he'll help Hillary.

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does he have an O-ring implanted in his lips? He is continually pouting while talking and I can't concentrate on what he is actually saying,...no big loss there, I guess.

When he speaks his mouth looks like a butthole with teeth.

When all this is over, he'll live on as a disgrace to his country, like Joe McCarthy. On the other hand he is throwing the GOP into turmoil, which is ok with me. I hope he goes third party.

So you've seen a lot of buttholes? Perhaps, you think Barney Frank is more fit for the job?

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hilarious...looks like the lefties are getting pretty nervous. I've just been wondering where all the charges of racism by former tenants of Trump are. I know people that have been in more trouble for housing discrimination, and they only owned three units.

Stand by your man....





Edited by bangmai
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