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Sure Mate.Well i drove my bike at night it was away from the normal spots there was a police check point down a dark road.I was stopped i looked to nervous and was asked fot my passport i gave it to them they noticed the overstay i was put in jail brought to court a few days later paid fine.A immigration officer brought me straight to airport i didnt spend anytime at idc.I do not know what the standard protocol is but i paid a fee to have process quickened up. Yeah they probaly rode me on that but hey.No red stamps no blacklist threaths got the naughty overstay stamp and in handwritting they wrote the fine i paid and also wrote that this case is already finished.Immigration were fairly decent to me i was apologetic and well behaved.Not as bad as a experience as i thought it would be but definetly not something i would want to go through again and i will never overstay again for sure.Basically my nerves gave the game away which made them ask for my passport.Cheers

Had the same experience but on a 9 month over stay but was a bit lucky the police took me back to my house and I handed over 10k and they left I decided to move house and get the overstay sorted just as well because I was informed that they returned to the house prob for some more money. Yes it was a silly thing to do but I had fun

Well, I have been a couple of weeks locked up at IDC, and know the drill you guys avoided. So you were both very lucky, trust me.

The thing that I personally dislike about attitude like yours, is the fact that you both had the money to renew your stay, but chose not to do so.

It`s a completely different thing to be overstaying because you are in a tight spot moneywise, for whatever reason. Those of us who have been in this category, were also punished very harsh, being locked up at the IDC until funds were available for a ticket home.

I have no problem with people overstaying if there is a sensible reason for it, but those of us who actually have the funds, should avoid it. The number of people just ignoring the rules in Thailand could be the reason for these new banning rules awaiting.

As elviajero wrote, this may mean that some people will be separated from their loved ones in the future.

Edited by thaibreaker
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From March they are going to be banned and separated from loved ones because too many guys like you have come here, had a good time, and taken the piss out of Thailand and it's visa system. So people and lives will be affected in the long term.

The new rules aren't confirmed yet. If they do happen no one knows if the authorities decision has anything to do with 'guys like the OP' overstaying, that's speculation.

There could be a multitude of other reasons like the current government being right-leaning, having made statements before about disliking foreign influences, or terrorism, or the number of illegal workers, to criminals (actual serious crime that, like drug dealing).

It's unfair to blame individuals like OP and typical of the anti-expat mentality amongst many expats here - they seem to have insecurities about themselves and therefore are wary and critical of others. There's no unity amongst expats here at all, many can't stand to even make eye contact when they pass by another foreigner. Why is that? Anyway I digress.

Would be nice if one day a future government decided one day to make visa extensions here easier (e.g. done within the country) and clarify exactly how long non-married under 50s who don't work for Thai employers can stay in the country. That would probably drastically reduce the number of overstayers. Of course we can't lobby for that as we have no real unity.

Of course the overstay bans are because of guys like you and the OP. What do overstaying bans have to do with xenophobia, terrorism, illegal workers or criminals! It's a simple situation. More and more people are overstaying and so the IB want to increase the penalties to try an curb the problem!

I'm not anti-expat but I can still be critical of others. It's people like you that have the problem. As soon as someone opposes your view, or condemns law breaking, you label them as insecure blah blah bah.

The bans may not be officially confirmed yet and obviously can't be until it gets the final stamp of approval, but overstay bans are coming.

As far as the under 50's are concerned they have options. But if you think that Thailand has any interest in providing under 50's with long term stays other than to those that can pay, IMO, the country will freeze over first. If anything they are looking to slow the growth in long term stayers and not add more.

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