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Students pose new challenge at army park


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Students pose new challenge at army park



Plan an event at the corruption plagued site today despite threat of arrest from govt

BANGKOK: -- A STUDENT group remains intent on travelling to Rajabhakti Park today as part of a campaign to look into alleged corruption during construction of the site - despite a warning from the government that its members will face legal action if they break the law.

The Democracy Studies Group, led by Sirawith Seritiwat, has called the trip "Taking a train to Rajabhakti Park to throw light on graft techniques''.

Government spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd said officials would not stop the students going to the park because they had the liberty to travel anywhere.

They would face legal action only if they did something like disturb the peace, he said.

"Thais can judge what the intention of these political event organisers is - and they are fed up with people who instigate political upheaval," he said.

"These people should not tamper with the place that Thais built with faith and loyalty for the monarchy by doing anything with malicious intent."

The spokesman called on anyone who has information for the investigation into corruption allegations at the park to forward it to the Defence Ministry or anti-graft agencies.

The students will meet today at the Thon Buri train station and travel to Lang Suan in Chumphon province.

They plan to arrive at Suanson Pradipan about noon and be at Rajabhakti Park in Prachuap Khiri Khan at about 1pm.

At Rajabhakti Park they will read a statement about their investigation in the project. They will then travel to Suanson Pradipan, where they will hold a seminar.

On Saturday Sirawith confirmed on his Facebook page his willingness to head to Rajabhakti Park despite claiming soldiers threatened him by summoning his mother for questioning about the planned trip to the park.

He said he was also undeterred by reports he would face legal action.

He said a soldier wanted to know how his mother could she let him do this and why didn't she stop him. The soldier also warned he would be charged, the student said. "Even if I'm arrested or die, the event [the trip to the park] would continue. Hope to see you all [there] on December 7," he posted on Facebook yesterday.

Former education minister Chaturon Chaisang posted on his Facebook page that the move to intimidate and restrict people's rights and liberty to check corruption did not only adversely affect intimidated people, but the feelings of people nationwide.

"The more barricades that are set up to prevent corruption checks at Rajabhakti Park, the more people wonder if the project has something to hide,'' he wrote. "The park was built so that the public could pay their homage and it is a place of worship but what is happening is only people who do not harbour doubts about corruption allegations in the park construction are allowed to go in.''

Meanwhile United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship core leader Nattawut Saikua denied that his fight to protect his rights and privacy was aimed at gaining a political advantage through media sentiment.

He said the government stepped up checks on him after he told the media he would go to Rajabhakti Park to check on the corruption allegations.

Nattawut and fellow UDD leader Jatuporn Prompan were detained by security officials for several hours last week after their announcement. They were released after signing a contract stating they would not repeat the action.

The UDD leaders claimed plainclothes and uniformed officials followed Nattawut for 24 hours and followed his wife when she dropped their kids at school. "This is not a political battle but it is a struggle of a father whose children were intimidated at school,'' he said.

Meanwhile ,Sansern denied reports the Prime Minister would reshuffle his Cabinet and invite Assistant Army Chief General Kampanart Ruddit to join it.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Students-pose-new-challenge-at-army-park-30274436.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-07

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The students will only face legal action if they break the law which will be very easy for the govt to allege and prove.

This public park was built under dubious circumstances using suspect financing and such allegations are never welcome by those in authority.

When will it be necessary to apply to the govt for permission to visit and sign a declaration that it's only for tourist purposes, honestly, accepting that if the visitor does or says something the govt doesn't like they are liable for AA at the very least ?

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The criticism of the students for drawing attention to the corruption is a bit like blaming the victim. Surely it is almost the ultimate form of LM to engage in corruption in a project designed to honour the monarchy and would'nt the military want a full and open investigation? They could'nt be scared of where any such investigation might lead because the "good people" who saved the country last year could not possibly be involved...the money trail must lead to the wicked red shirts.

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The criticism of the students for drawing attention to the corruption is a bit like blaming the victim. Surely it is almost the ultimate form of LM to engage in corruption in a project designed to honour the monarchy and would'nt the military want a full and open investigation? They could'nt be scared of where any such investigation might lead because the "good people" who saved the country last year could not possibly be involved...the money trail must lead to the wicked red shirts.

Good point. If I was a Thai in opposition to the junta I would take this case to court as an LM case if evidence of corruption is unearthed.

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"Thais can judge what the intention of these political event organisers is - and they are fed up with people who instigate political upheaval," he said.

"These people should not tamper with the place that Thais built with faith and loyalty for the monarchy by doing anything with malicious intent."

Lashing out at those who question you. You can just smell the fear. With students like these, Thailand may have hope after all.

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Thailand's military does everything BUT protect the country's true interests. Pathetic really.

The militarys only goal is to protect their own interest, always has been and always will.

The status quo will prevail! meaning sub total military and police, although the cards may be reshuffled wai2.gif

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"These people should not tamper with the place that Thais built with faith and loyalty for the monarchy by doing anything with malicious intent."

Lets rearrange this sentence;

These people with faith and loyalty for the monarchy should not tamper with the place that [some] Thais built with malicious intent

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"Thais can judge what the intention of these political event organisers is - and they are fed up with people who instigate political upheaval," he said.

Oh, quite the contrary. The Thai people are tired of this government suppressing the people's freedom of expression and assembly. The are tired of "attitude adjustments", harassment and intimidation.

Edited by oneday
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The criticism of the students for drawing attention to the corruption is a bit like blaming the victim. Surely it is almost the ultimate form of LM to engage in corruption in a project designed to honour the monarchy and would'nt the military want a full and open investigation? They could'nt be scared of where any such investigation might lead because the "good people" who saved the country last year could not possibly be involved...the money trail must lead to the wicked red shirts.

Good point. If I was a Thai in opposition to the junta I would take this case to court as an LM case if evidence of corruption is unearthed.

And if you did so you would rapidly find yourself confined to a military " hospital" with a "rare blood disorder".

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The criticism of the students for drawing attention to the corruption is a bit like blaming the victim. Surely it is almost the ultimate form of LM to engage in corruption in a project designed to honour the monarchy and would'nt the military want a full and open investigation? They could'nt be scared of where any such investigation might lead because the "good people" who saved the country last year could not possibly be involved...the money trail must lead to the wicked red shirts.

Good point. If I was a Thai in opposition to the junta I would take this case to court as an LM case if evidence of corruption is unearthed.
And if you did so you would rapidly find yourself confined to a military " hospital" with a "rare blood disorder".

Worryingly enough that could very well be true.

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"Thais can judge what the intention of these political event organisers is - and they are fed up with people who instigate political upheaval," he said.

"These people should not tamper with the place that Thais built with faith and loyalty for the monarchy by doing anything with malicious intent."

Lashing out at those who question you. You can just smell the fear. With students like these, Thailand may have hope after all.

Indeed. In other news Sansern described them as people 'with dirty minds' and 'having foul intentions'. Don't sit on the fence Sansern, tell us what you really think. I believe the military are the ones now running scared. Hopefully.

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The criticism of the students for drawing attention to the corruption is a bit like blaming the victim. Surely it is almost the ultimate form of LM to engage in corruption in a project designed to honour the monarchy and would'nt the military want a full and open investigation? They could'nt be scared of where any such investigation might lead because the "good people" who saved the country last year could not possibly be involved...the money trail must lead to the wicked red shirts.

Good point. If I was a Thai in opposition to the junta I would take this case to court as an LM case if evidence of corruption is unearthed.

And if you did so you would rapidly find yourself confined to a military " hospital" with a "rare blood disorder".

Very possibly. However too many more of these and Lilliput will be deemed the pariah state it's fast becoming.

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Government spokesman Maj Gen Sanserm:

"Thais can judge what the intention of these political event organisers is - and they are fed up with people who instigate political upheaval,"

In other words: Only Thais can judge Thais, and only the ones who are inline with the government are fit to judge.

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These dinosaurs are caught in a new world of great communications that has the potential to bring them down or more likely to cause them to show that ultimately they can only maintain their way by using deadly force.

All credit to those who are needling them over this case of corruption, keep up the pressure.

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Thailand's military does everything BUT protect the country's true interests. Pathetic really.

The militarys only goal is to protect their own interest, always has been and always will.

Which isn't different than any civilian government I have seen in Thailand

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Thailand's military does everything BUT protect the country's true interests. Pathetic really.

The militarys only goal is to protect their own interest, always has been and always will.

Which isn't different than any civilian government I have seen in Thailand

True, but at least they were elected, not imposed.

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Thailand's military does everything BUT protect the country's true interests. Pathetic really.

The militarys only goal is to protect their own interest, always has been and always will.

Which isn't different than any civilian government I have seen in Thailand

True, but at least they were elected, not imposed.

We can only hope that these students grow up to be fair and honest. Hassling your mom to control you is pretty low and shows more fear than leadership.

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Updated: Political persecution of Sirawith Seritiwat and his family

Public Statement of the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR)

As Mr. Sirawith Seritiwat, a student leader, has announced the plan to make an excursion to the Rajabhakti Park plagued with scandalous corruptions and to organize some activities there on 7 December 2015, since 5 December, the Thai military officers have tried to approach him asking him to cancel the event and invite him for a meeting. The student leader has declined the invitation to meet and simply turned his communication devices off. Being unable to reach out to him, the military officers have gone to meet his mother at her home instead asking her to convince her son to call off the event. They even threatened her that by not following their order, the family could not blame them for any ‘consequences’. Of late on 6 December, his mother was contacted by the military officers again and was asked to meet with them in a military barrack this afternoon.

The Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) has found the behavior of the military officers a gross infringement on rights and liberties of people and unlawful. The Order of the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) no. 3/2558 simply authorizes the Peace and Order Maintenance officers to summon a person to report themselves or to give information on matters particularly concerning any culpabilities related to the offence against the monarchy, national security, and the law concerning firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, and the equivalent of firearms, or any offence related to the violation of either the order or announcement of the NCPO or the order of the Head of the NCPO, only.


Edited by Morakot
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Updated: Political persecution of Sirawith Seritiwat and his family

Public Statement of the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR)

As Mr. Sirawith Seritiwat, a student leader, has announced the plan to make an excursion to the Rajabhakti Park plagued with scandalous corruptions and to organize some activities there on 7 December 2015, since 5 December, the Thai military officers have tried to approach him asking him to cancel the event and invite him for a meeting. The student leader has declined the invitation to meet and simply turned his communication devices off. Being unable to reach out to him, the military officers have gone to meet his mother at her home instead asking her to convince her son to call off the event. They even threatened her that by not following their order, the family could not blame them for any ‘consequences’. Of late on 6 December, his mother was contacted by the military officers again and was asked to meet with them in a military barrack this afternoon.

The Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) has found the behavior of the military officers a gross infringement on rights and liberties of people and unlawful. The Order of the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) no. 3/2558 simply authorizes the Peace and Order Maintenance officers to summon a person to report themselves or to give information on matters particularly concerning any culpabilities related to the offence against the monarchy, national security, and the law concerning firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, and the equivalent of firearms, or any offence related to the violation of either the order or announcement of the NCPO or the order of the Head of the NCPO, only.


Bullies plain and simple

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"Thais can judge what the intention of these political event organisers is - and they are fed up with people who instigate political upheaval," he said.


a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
So nice that this functionary is the spokesperson for all Thais.
Edited by Benmart
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Thailand's military does everything BUT protect the country's true interests. Pathetic really.

The militarys only goal is to protect their own interest, always has been and always will.

Which isn't different than any civilian government I have seen in Thailand

True, but at least they were elected, not imposed.

That makes it worse. They lied to get elected, lied once they were elected, lied when the got kicked out and still lie. Totally betrayed those who voted for them for their own interests.

The Military don't have to lie - they have the guns, tanks, Article 44 and can do and say anything they like - challenge them at your own risk.

Which is worse the hypocrite who betrays your trust or the one who is open about not caring about your trust?

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